
Friday, December 5, 2014

AimeeKay Review: Glorious Layered Desserts by Glory Albin

139 p.
Publisher: Cedar Fort
Published: 3/11/14
Source: from publisher for review
These desserts are not to be 'trifled' with! Dessert genius and popular blogger Glory Albin shows how to combine delicious essential recipes into layered masterpieces. You'll love the Summer Berry Trifle, Pumpkin Mousse Parfait, Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake and each of the 60+ delicious recipes and ideas! In addition to her creative desserts, Glory also shares her unique tips and tricks, the best equipment and ingredients to use, and dozens of time-saving options. Whether you need a quick and easy recipe or an impressive dessert for a special occasion, Glorious Layered Desserts has the perfect treat for you!
AimeeKay's Thoughts:

I have to say there were things I loved about Glorious Layered Desserts, but there were also things that I didn't.

So let's start with the things I liked:

This book is a gorgeous hardback book. The pictures are also beautiful. Plus each recipe has its own picture, which I really loved since this isn't always the case with cookbooks. So you know what each desert is supposed to look like.

I also liked that the recipes gave you substitutions that you could use. For example you could swap out homemade fruit sauces for canned pie filling. While you can usually do this with most recipes, they don't always say so in other cookbooks. It's nice to know that you can without risking ruining a recipe.

Things that I wasn't so keen on:

Quite a few of the recipes require you to use other recipes from the book, such as the homemade fruit sauce. While you can substitute canned pie filling, if you want to follow the recipe exactly from the book it can be a pain to have to use two separate recipes for a dessert.

Also to make the recipes look as beautiful as they do in the pictures you need to make sure you have the special classes or jars that are used in the book. While the book does show you where you can find them it is one more thing you need to purchase if you don't already own them. Which can make these desserts into a real project or worse, if you're not prepared ahead of time.

Despite the things I didn't like about the book, the things I did like far outweighed them. As the holidays are soon to be upon us, I definitely plan on adding some of these beautiful desserts to the menu. Yes, they will require some extra work. Yes, I'll also have to purchase the glassware. But the gorgeous desserts will be worth it. I'm giving this one 4 out of 5 stars. 


  1. #1 just told me that he's already writing off December exercise / eating wise, so that cover is doing 0 for my willpower. LOL I'm not very good in the kitchen during meal time, however I can bake, this is a maybe.

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

  2. I suck at baking and anything really that involved me and the kitchen, haha!

  3. Thanks for reviewing this! I personally don't fret the exact jars, but I get what you mean. I do like that it gives you substitutions. Brilly review!

    1. I don't usually fret the jars either. But the recipes are meant to look a certain way when they're finished. Without the right kind of containers it just looks off.

  4. I don't like when I have to buy a ton of things but I'm okay with using whatever is around if it'll work. Of course I had to read this when I was HUNGRY. Looks delicious! I could eat the book!

  5. it sounds yummy! and you're right I prefer to have a picture as well.

  6. I'd be more than happy to eat any of said desserts but, as I'm lazy, I probably won't be making them.

  7. Oh my gosh. Nope. I cannot stand when they make you flip around for all the bits and pieces. I got a cook book for review earlier this year and it did that. (was the first time I'd seen it). Some of the recipes would have you flipping to 4 different spots. smh Thank you for that warning!

  8. The desserts on the cover look so tasty! It's a shame you have to flip around and buy special glassware, but it looks like it will be worth it!

  9. I loved the look of layered desserts, but as you said you need special glasses and jars. My grandmother use to do them and I was always in awe.


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