
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Giveaway: The Time Roads by Beth Bernobich and Heart of Stone by Debra Mullins

How would you like to win a couple of books? Tor has allowed me to giveaway 2 books to one lucky winner. I have both of these on my review pile and should be able to get to them by next month.

The Time Roads
by Beth Bernobich
Genre: Fantasy, Steampunk
304 p.
Publisher: Tor Books
The Anglian Dependencies are a dusty backwater filled with resentful colonial subjects, Europe is a disjointed mess, and many look to Éire for stability and peace. In a series of braided stories, Beth Bernobich has created a tale about the brilliant Éireann scientists who have already bent the laws of nature for Man’s benefit. And who now are striving to conquer the nature of time.

The Golden Octopus: Áine Lasairíona Devereaux, the young Queen of Éire, balances Court politics while pursing the Crown's goals of furthering scientific discovery. When those discoveries lead to the death and madness of those she loves, Áine must choose between her heart and her duty to her kingdom.

A Flight of Numbers Fantastique Strange: Síomón Madóc is desperately trying to discover who is killing the brightest of Éire's mathematicians. The key to saving lives lies in the future...and Síomón must figure out a way to get there.

Ars Memoriae: Éireann spymaster Aidrean Ó Deághaidh goes to the kingdom of Montenegro to investigate rumors of great unrest. But Ó Deághaidh is tormented by visions of a different timeline and suspects that someone in his own government is playing a double game...

Heart of Stone
By Debra Mullins
Series: Truth Seers #2
Genre: Fantasy, PNR
320 p.
Publisher: Tor Books
Darius Montana is a Seer. With his gift of empathy, he can see into the hearts of others, both human and Atlantean. When his family comes into possession of one of the legendary power stones of Atlantis, Darius is sent to find the Stone Singer.
Faith Karaluros is the last Stone Singer. Manipulated all her life for her rare ability, she is widowed after her husband tried to steal her power for the Mendukati, an extremist group that hunts Seers. Faith wants nothing more than to stay out of this war when Darius comes to find her—just in time to rescue her from being kidnapped.

Faith goes with Darius, determined to do the job and be on her way with the money that can set her up where no one can find her again. She didn't count on the Mendukati sending a hit man after her. Darius swears he can protect her, but when she discovers he is one of the rare Atlanteans whose powers work on their own kind, can she trust him to keep his word, or is she being used again?
 To enter just fill out the rafflecopter form below. US/CAN snail mail addys only.
Good Luck!


  1. I've been looking for a new Steampunk novel to try, and I like the blurb for The Time Roads, so I'm entering this giveaway for sure. Heart of Stone has been getting good buzz in the blogopshere, so this chance is win/win. Thanks!

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads.

  2. Ooh loving the look of The Time Roads though the plot of Heart Of Stone appeals to me more.

  3. Ooo the steampunk looks awesome I have Heart of Stone but need to check out book one.

  4. I love steampunk :) Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Mary DeBorde
    I just love steampunk - and The Time Roads sounds wicked! Plus that cover is pretty neat, too :)

  6. I love steampunk too! I also love the aspect of the braided stories--sounds interesting :)

  7. These both sound so great! I love that in the Time Roads there are several stories connected. I like short stories. Seems it's all I have the attention span for anymore! And Atlantis stories are always a favorite with me. Can't wait to read these two. Some time, lol! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  8. These both sound awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Confession, I have read The Time Roads and love it. But I am entering anyway because I would love it on my shelf for quick reread potential.

  10. Steam punk genre and seer thats all I need to get me interested in any books. Thank you for the giveaway. One more thing steam punk books have awesome illustration.


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