
Friday, October 24, 2014

Chasing Power by Sarah Beth Durst

368 p.
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Published: 10/14/14
Source: From NetGalley and author for review
Lies, secrets, and magic — three things that define Kayla's life. 
Sixteen-year-old Kayla plans to spend her summer hanging out on the beach in Santa Barbara and stealing whatever she wants, whenever she wants it. Born with the ability to move things with her mind — things like credit cards, diamond rings, and buttons on cash registers — she has become a master shoplifter. She steals to build up a safety net, enough money for her and her mom to be able to flee if her dad finds them again. Well, that, and the thrill of using her secret talents. 
But her summer plans change when she's caught stealing by a boy named Daniel — a boy who needs her help and is willing to blackmail her to get it. Daniel has a talent of his own. He can teleport, appearing anywhere in the world in an instant, but he lies as easily as he travels. Together, they embark on a quest to find and steal an ancient incantation, written on three indestructible stones and hidden millennia ago, all to rescue Daniel's kidnapped mother. But Kayla has no idea that this rescue mission will lead back to her own family — and to betrayals that she may not be able to forgive... or survive.

My thoughts:
The book starts off with a girl that has a telekinetic power and her best friend hanging out and abusing her power by stealing. Her secret is not just her power but the fact that her father wants to kill her. So when she meets Daniel she sets out on an adventure she didn't expect, finds out what she really wants in life and meets the challenge of whatever is thrown at her.

Sara Beth Durst usually gives us some great standalones in the YA genre. Usually you have series and a standalone is rare so I think that is one reason her books stand out for me. The other is the fact that I really end up enthralled with her stories. I enjoy her writing so I was excited to get this book. I was not let down.

I did enjoy the characters of Kayla and Daniel but who really shined was Kayla's best friend, Selena. She is the girl you want to befriend. She is loyal, snarky, smart, and witty. She stole the show and I think that is my biggest complaint... not enough Selena. Kayla and Daniel did have their moments as well. Kayla has incredible growth into maturity within this story and Daniel learns to finally listen. There is romance, but no insta-love.

I give this book 4 stars. I really enjoyed the adventure as well as these characters. One other complaint is that while I do like the cover in it's simplicity, it does not fit at all with the book. So, don't look for clues there. :) I recommend this book to those that love a good YA adventure filled with magic.


  1. I love finding great secondary characters like that. Always hope they'll some day get their stories told :)

    1. I know! I think that is why I do love novellas that some authors write. I'm still pretty satisfied here though. :)

  2. I can't look at this cover and not think of City Of Ember. I actually thought it was part of that series for the longest time. But this story (and a standalone!!) sounds pretty darned good. I'm going to have to check it out.

    1. Don't judge it by the cover! LOL It really has nothing to do with the book. :-/

  3. I really liked this book, I have to admit, I, too, am clueless to the cover!
    Great review, Melissa, glad you liked it, too!

    1. I'm glad you also enjoyed it. I'm also curious as to what is up with that cover. :)

  4. Ooo, glad you enjoyed this one, Melissa! I've been debating picking it up, though I adore that cover. Great review.

  5. I just read a DNF review of this so I am happy to see your positive review. I think this one sounds interesting. I would be wiling to give it a whirl.

    1. Well, not every book is for everyone! :) I did enjoy this one. :)

  6. I've seen mixed reviews for this one, but I loved reading Vessel. After reading your review, I think I'll check it out. Have a great weekend, Melissa!

  7. I'd so do that. Just go around jacking stuff with my powers. lol. This sounds good. I've read another book by this author and really liked it.

  8. This is new to me Melissa, and I love the sound of the story. Powers would be cool!

  9. I just read a DNF of this one :) So I get to compare

  10. you're right, we don't easily find standalone books but it's nice to have one like that, knowing that you'll have a whole story. thanks for the review!

  11. Ahh if I can find a standalone book believe me I will read it because they are like unicorns...RARE and probably EXISTINCT! lol--I will be keeping an eye open for this one Melissa!

  12. Durst is an author I barely read, though I know so many looove her, so I definitely need to pick this one up since it sounds fantastic. Wonderful review, Melissa! :)

  13. Hate the cover, but your review makes me want to read the book. Thanks Melissa.

  14. I have been seeing lots of reviews for this book. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  15. I have actually been struggling on this one myself, but I am going to give it another shot.


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