
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Blog Tour: Night Unbound by Dianne Duvall


Thank you for joining me today! I’m thrilled to be here, celebrating the release of NIGHT UNBOUND, the fifth book in my Immortal Guardians paranormal romance series. I’m so excited! If this is your first time hearing about it, it features a mysterious and very powerful winged immortal named Zach who has been declared a traitor by the leader of the Immortal Guardians. Lisette has always been loyal to her illustrious leader. But, when Zach begins to invade her dreams—his large, muscled body riddled with brutal wounds, the attraction she has always felt for him blossoms into so much more, driving her to risk everything to be with him as they endeavor to discover who the Immortal Guardians real enemy is.

To give you a glimpse of what you’ll find between the pages of NIGHT UNBOUND, I thought I would share with you my top ten favorite quotes from it:

“I’ll blush as soon as the desire to decapitate you has passed.”

~ Lisette 


Melanie muttered something indecipherable.  “Do you want me to sedate him?”

“I’d be happy to knock the bastard out for you,” Bastien offered courteously.  “No drug necessary.”

“Honey, you’ve said that like ten times since he woke up.  You’re not helping.”

~ Melanie and Bastien 


“I think you’re going to have to call in the big guns.”

“I told you, Seth doesn’t like him.  If he—”

 “Not Seth.  Seth isn’t the big guns.  Seth is the f***ing hydrogen bomb.”

~ Ethan and Lisette


She grinned.  “You can’t love that I kick ass, then try to keep me from kicking it.”

“Why the hell not?” he grumbled.

~ Lisette and Zach


“I’m a little squeamish around needles.”

She stared at him.  “Seriously?”


“You slice and dice and decapitate vampires every night.”

“And you’ll notice that I don’t try to sew them back together again afterward.” 

~ Ethan and Lisette


“I did NOT need to see that,” Richart said.  “I mean I REALLY did not need to see that.  Jenna, honey, grab one of my daggers and poke out both my eyes.”

~ Richart 


 “Okay,” Ethan said, breath coming in gasps.  “I’m not going to lie to you.  That is the freakiest sh** I’ve ever seen.”  He looked from one vampire to the other, his blood-splattered face stunned.  “And I’ve seen some freaky sh**.”

~ Ethan


“NOW what’s wrong.  You’re scowling again.”

“I don’t know,” Zach said, puzzled.  “For a moment I just felt this peculiar . . . I don’t know . . . NON-murderous connection to you or something.”

“It’s called kinship, asshole.”


~ Seth and Zach


“For so many decades it seemed as though I were sleepwalking, just going through the motions.  Then Zach came along and . . . woke me up.  He made me FEEL again.  And I haven’t felt anything but guilt and weariness for so long.” 

~ Lisette


“How you tempt me.”

~ Zach

Author Bio:New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Dianne Duvall earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of St. Thomas, where she studied fiction writing, playwriting, and poetry writing. Darkness Dawns, the first book in her Immortal Guardians paranormal romance series, was nominated for the RT Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Vampire Romance by RT Book Reviews and for Best Paranormal Romance - Vampire by The Romance Reviews. It was also deemed a Top Pick by The Romance Reviews and a Best Book by Long and Short Reviews. Night Reigns, the second book in the series, was nominated for Best Best Book of 2011 - Paranormal Romance by The Romance Reviews and declared an “utterly addictive” Top Pick by RT Book Reviews. Phantom Shadows, the third book in the series, has been declared a Top Pick by both The Romance Reviews and Night Owl Reviews. Her Immortal Guardians novella In Still Darkness was released in the Predatory anthology on May 7, 2013, and has received many fabulous reviews. Darkness Rises, the fourth book in the series, hit the USA Today Bestseller list, has been nominated for the RT Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Vampire Romance by RT Book Reviews and was deemed a Night Owl Reviews Top Pick.

Dianne has also completed two not-yet-published paranormal romance novels that are prequels to Darkness Dawns. A Sorceress of His Own is a medieval romance with paranormal elements that won awards in the Lone Star, Where the Magic Begins, Southern Heat, Picture This, Book of Your Heart and Suzannah national writing competitions. Rendezvous With Yesterday is a time travel romance and won second place in the Picture This writing contest.

In addition to writing romance, Dianne has completed a one-act play (comedy) and teamed up with an award-wining screenwriter to write a spec script for a new situation comedy. Several of her poems have also been published in anthologies.

When she isn’t writing, Dianne is very active in the independent film industry and once even appeared on screen as a machete-weilding maniac not unlike the vampires she so loves to create in her novels.

Night Unbound
Series: Immortal Guardians #5
432 p.
Publisher: Zebra
Published: 9/2/14
Source: From blog tour for review
For centuries, Lisette d'Alençon has been a warrior against the dark. She fights alongside her brothers and comrades. But when the dreams start coming, she can't bear to confess them to the Immortal Guardians' command. Dreams of a dark-haired man with soft eyes and brutal wounds, a man her heart aches for--and a man she knows has been declared a traitor.
Zach is an exile, a loner. He won't defend himself against false accusations or grovel to those who should have faith in him. But he'll damn sure defend the woman who kept him sane against a plague of super-vamps that seems to have appeared from nowhere. The Guardians will blame him, and that will make Lisette suspect, too. With life, death and eternity on the line, who can they really trust?
My thoughts:
We get Zach and Lisette's romance in this story. Oh I was so curious about them since we got hints in the previous books and knew it was inevitable. There was no way these two would not end up together. So despite Seth's decree, Lisette helps Zach become more human than he ever thought possible. Quite a feat for an Immortal Guardian. :) I love Zach's transformation from stoic to romantic.

While you probably can read this series out of order for the character's romances, I think that the series is best read in order. That way you get some of the nuances of the characters and the full story arc that has been going through this series. Oh and we get a new character that I can't wait to meet more fully.

Oh I don't want to say too much because I know I would then say too much! I love this series and recommend it highly! I especially think that those that like PNR with some UF thrown in will really enjoy this series and world. I give this book in the series 4 1/2 stars. I can't wait for the next book and eagerly await the next book in the series. I also can't wait for David and Seth's romance! :)

PS... don't you just love those quotes she gave? :D

1st Prize – 1 Winner
$25 Amazon Gift Card
2nd Prize – 2 Winners
Autographed copy of DARKNESS RISES, tote bag, and swag
3rd Prize – 3 Winners
Autographed paperback of winner’s choice from backlist + Immortal Guardians Swag Pack
4th Prize – 5 Winners
Immortal Guardians Swag Pack
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. All of these quotes are hilarious! I don't usually read paranormal romance if I can avoid it. Nothing against it, it's just not my genre. But a good sense of humor is impossible to resist.

  2. It sounds like a nice book! And I love all the quotes, it's so fun! thanks for the post!

    1. I think you would really like this one Melliane!

    2. Thanks for joining us! I'm glad you like the quotes. :-)

  3. I used a credit on this one yesterday. I love this series on audio :)

    1. I know! You have me curious to try it on audio.

    2. Hi, Felicia! I hope you'll enjoy Zach and Lisette's story! I confess I just started listening to it myself. I'm always curious to see how the characters sound when I'm not slaughtering their assorted accents, reading it aloud as I edit. :-D

  4. Replies
    1. You so need to read this! I love all these characters.

    2. Hi, Karen! Those particular quotes are taken from two of my favorite scenes. There's another quote from the same scene as #1 that ALWAYS makes me laugh, but I thought it too naughty to post. :-)

  5. I have this series on my tbr list. Glad it's still going strong with Book 5. My favorite quote from this list is 8. :)

  6. I can get on board with this series. I love a good cross between PR and UF.

  7. AHHHHHHH! LOVE IT SO MUCH! My favorite quote is Seth and Zach. I love Seth something fierce and I can't wait to get to spend more time with Zach in this book. One of my favorite series!!!!

    1. Yay! You'll see quite a bit more of Seth in this ones than you have in the past. ;-) I hope you'll enjoy it!

  8. Awwwwww, nr 9 breaks me. If someone said that to me I'd totally fall in love

    1. I admit I'm very glad Lisette found Zach. I really wanted her to have a HEA like her brothers. :-)

  9. OKAY! TWIST MY ARM! I love those quotes and your review. I'm sold.

  10. Thank you for hosting Dianne today, so glad you enjoyed NIGHT UNBOUND!

    1. Yes, thank you, Melissa, for the lovely post and for the wonderful, wonderful review! I'm so thrilled that you liked NIGHT UNBOUND!!

    2. Of course I love it! I can't wait for the next installment. :)

  11. Ohh now i'm really interested in picking this one up! It wasn't on my radar at all! AND i love the qoutes, especially the first one. I totally want to use that one one day!

    1. LOL! If you liked that one, there's another quote in that scene I think you'll love. :-)

  12. Bahahaha, I LOVE that first quote! It's awesome, and really has me interested to get my hands on the book. I'm not a huge fan of the cover though. Great post, Melissa!

  13. Ahh sounds good! I've not tried her yet but definitely wanting to. Thanks for the heads up on this one!

  14. Haha I love these quotes, especially the dagger one. Melissa your review has me so excited to read this, I'm tempted to skip ahead but I'll be a good girl and go in order. :-)

  15. heh, quote about blushing after urge to decapitate passes. My kind of humor

  16. Melissa, I loved this! As you know I jumped into the series with the previous book and I love Unbound even more. Your review hits a lot of things I adored. My review posts next Monday.

  17. Great quotes. Thanks for the chance.

  18. Love the quotes! My favs btwn Seth and Zack & Lizette and Ethan about Seth being the Hydrogen bomb. LOL I love this book! I'm on Chapter 11 and I love getting to know Seth more! Omg the secrets wow! And Zach...well I can't wait to see him in further books. Butting heads with Seth. Becoming buds with the I.G Black-sheep Bastien. Fun times!!

  19. Awesome giveaway. congrats on your release.. Im dying to know your favorite cocktail.

  20. Congrats on the new release. Sounds like a great one!


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