
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Turned (The Belladonna Agency #1) by Virna DePaul and Top Off Tuesday!

Series: The Belladonna Agency #1
Published: April 1, 14
Publisher: Bantam
Source: From NetGalley and publisher for review
Welcome to a mesmerizing world where vampires hide among humans. This centuries-old species has its own rules, code of conduct, and taboos. Only the FBI knows that vampires exist—and although the Bureau agrees to keep their secret, it also plots to give humans the upper hand. 
Turning mortals into vampires is forbidden. 
But there are creatures who refuse to play by the rules. 
Ever since he was turned, FBI special agent Ty Duncan has had one mission: bring rogue vampires to justice. As a recruiter for Belladonna, a shadow agency formed to keep vampires in check, Ty must tap Ana Martin, a troubled ex–gang member and one of the few mortals who can infiltrate places that his kind and the law cannot. From their first encounter, Ty fights a hunger to make Ana his own. 
When Ty claims to have information about Ana’s missing sister, Ana has no choice but to trust this captivating stranger who awakens her deepest desires. But as she and Ty climb the heights of pleasure and passion, an enemy is conspiring to destroy them both.
Can Ana help Ty find his humanity in a love that could heal them both, or will their passion lead them into a darkness impossible to escape?
My thoughts:
 A new PNR vampire series and it sounded fun. It was an easy quick read with lots of hot smexy scenes. In this book we have Ana and Ty. Ana has a past she has tried to outrun and Ty's past lead him to where he is today... a vampire working for the FBI unit called Belladonna. Both are tortured by their past and past wrongs. Both are lonely and find themselves drawn to each other in ways that surprise both of them.

My biggest problems with the book really stem from not knowing much about the Belladonna program. We do get quite a bit of insight, but so much of it is still left in the dark. However, I do feel this is intentional and more will be revealed as the series progresses. The other problem I had was with Ty. It seemed that his hormones overtook him at every corner to the point you wondered how he got anything done. It actually seemed to hamper me with my connection with him until at one point he showed true vulnerability to Ana. It seemed genuine and I felt that they belonged to each other after that. However, we kept getting the hot/cold attitude from him which confused Ana as well as me. Also, another vampire was thrown in the end and I wanted to know more. He left the book before I could ask him anything. Darn it! What is going on there?

Despite my problems with this book, I think it gave you what you are looking for in a PNR. Hot couple and a bit of a problem to solve with a bit of action. I give the book 3 stars and I would love to see where this vampire world takes us. I really want to know more about those darn disappearing vamps!

Bloggy note:
I'm also submitting this book as my Top Off Tuesday submission. Thought it was perfect for today! :D
"Every once in awhile there are covers that just make you say Oh My! Sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad, and sometimes it is head scratching. The point of Top Off Tuesday is to show you the ones with their Tops Off! Seriously y’all hunting out Top Off Tuesday covers is one of my favorite pastimes and you should join the fun!" ~from the Geeky Blogger

I have been enjoying this meme on Felicia's The Geeky Blogger's blog and have finally found some time to join in. The other players are Amanda from On a Book Bender, Christi from Smitten with Reading. Button made by Missie at The Unread Reader


  1. Sounds good to me, and also awesome as a top off Tuesday

  2. Ty definitely seems a bit frustrating...but that's good it got better!

    1. He wasn't too bad, but a little frustrating. Most of these alpha males are in these books. :)

  3. Thank goodness, a series I'm not particularly interested in so my wish list won't be growing any more today.

  4. "It seemed that his hormones overtook him at every corner to the point you wondered how he got anything done." LMAO! Yeah, how does he solve those FBI cases anyway? Sounds like a fun read but I'll be on the lookout to see how book 2 fairs before picking it up.

    1. I'm curious about #2. :) Those hormones. :D Maybe they were worse because they were vampy. LOL

  5. Hmm, maybe not getting much info in this book you will get some in the next book. I'm liking the cover!

    1. I hope so! I think if not, eventually it will be revealed. :)

  6. I get the feeling that this might be on of those series that gets better as it goes. One that starts out good but not great, but the more time we spend in the world the more we'll come to love it and those who inhabit it. The hot/cold thing always drives me crazy, but other than that I really like the sound of this Melissa!

    1. I'm thinking the same thing! And yea... hot/cold was crazy! :)

  7. Definitely a good ToT addition! Despite some hiccups along the way, this does sound like a fun start to a new PNR series. Maybe those bumps will smooth out as it progresses.

  8. I'm not always a fan of PNR, I tend to prefer UF, but if there's a good world and less sex then I'm always willing to give it a try. I'm not sure this one would be for me though.

  9. I thought you would like this one. Hope you enjoy!

  10. I'm not sure if the romance would work for me, but that cover is certainly something - hotttt! ;)

  11. Well I can handle the err heat, but the lack of world building scares me. I do love secret forces and all that though. This will be one I watch :)

  12. Glad it was enjoyable even if there wasn't enough world building

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. hahahaha! :) I think the idea of Top Off Tuesday is awesome! That is so much fun. Admittedly, not my type of book, but we've all seen the covers… Love this idea!

  15. Great review, but I am not sure this is a series for me. Where lust overrules sense and action, I become irritated.

  16. Nice submission for a Top off Tuesday, even though I am a day late and a dollar short :) I will be interested to see if the next book answers some of your lingering questions.

  17. Loving the new banner! :D
    And the novel sounds pretty good too. I'm a little worried about the hero's hormone "problem" though *hehe*. :)

  18. This is an excellent top off tuesday! It's a shame that you didn't get answers from the vamps that just disappear, I hate when that happens and you feel like something's unresolved. I'm a bit off pnr lately, but I'll keep this in mind for the next time I'm in the mood. Great review!

  19. I'll say it's an Oh My! Both inside and out!! I do hope you get the answers you are looking for in the next book!! I am glad you enjoyed it enough to keep going!

  20. I understand the little problems, I would have loved to learn about the program as well and it's quite disturbing to have these kinds of feelings from the character...

  21. lol - lead by his hormones, huh? I haven't read very much PRN, but have been wanting to. I think I'll wait until the 2nd book comes around before jumping into this series, though.

  22. As soon as I saw the cover I thought of Top off Tuesday. :D Great pick and nice new read.

  23. Two birds, one stone, I like it ;) Though I may keep it to staring at the pretty cover until a few more books are out for the series. Ty doesn't sound like a great character, and while I appreciate that the author didn't info dump in this first installment, it doesn't sound like she gave nearly enough information either---happy mediums people ;) But yeah, GLORIOUS cover.

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

  24. oh no worry you were left kind of in the dark for some parts of this book, probably would have made it so much better!

    sorry for delay in comments, march has been... harsh!


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