
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tell Me Something Tuesday: One Genre or Many?

Tell Me Something Tuesday, a meme started by CambriaHebert, but now hosted on Rainy Day Ramblings. It is a chance to get to know your fellow bloggers by sharing fun stuff, discussions and more. Grab the question and post your answer on your blog and link up at Rainy Day Ramblings! Have fun!

This weeks question:
Do you stick predominately with one genre or do you read numerous genres?

Well, I think that is obvious. I read lots of things. In fact before I had my blog I used to love to get 3 different books in decidedly 3 different genres and read them at the same time. What was weird is that I would ALWAYS find a theme running through the books. Don't know why, but I could pick out a theme. Perhaps I'm just weird like that... :D

So what about you? Do you read in other genres or do you stick to the same one. Also, have you ever tried reading multi genre books at the same time? Did you find a theme running through them? 


  1. I could not even imagine just reading in one genre, the horror

  2. I once spent more than a year reading only urban fantasy. Let me tell you, my brain vey nearly fell out of my head. I get stuck like that sometimes. The last time, it was MM romances, but I managed to get over that in a month.

    1. Also, you'd let a wookie sit on me?! Some friend you are! :D

    2. Oh I've been needing more UF... hm...

      Yes, a wookie! Think about it... they are warm and fuzzy and can sing you a song of his people with that melodic voice... ;D So you better stay well! :D

  3. Only read one specific genre? *frowns and shakes head with incredulity* I do have two main themes--paranormal or ALIENS. But I read contemporary when the mood strikes as well, and I couldn't live without occasional re-reads of favorite classics.

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    1. I tend to do paranormal, but sometimes a good contemp or mystery or cozy or sci-fi or fantasy or... well, you get my drift. :D

  4. Why would anyone want to limit themselves to one genre reading when there are so many amazing books out there? I read books from most genres, it makes for a happy reading life and I just cannot imagine just reading one genre.

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

    1. Me neither, but I do know people who stick to just one genre. Can't fault someone who knows what they like though! :)

  5. So what your saying is that your a theme reader? LOL I read every dang thing and love it :)

    1. Na... just find odd themes within the different books I read together. Or I'm just odd... :)

  6. you are a theme reader..gads I need more coffee

  7. I feel like I read lots of different things, but I think you could put most of them under the supernatural heading. I think there are a large number of sub genres though, so I just never seem to tire of books with paranormal goings on!

    1. Jenny, you read a LOT more YA contemp than I do, and a lot more NA contemp. I see you as eclectic as well.

  8. Whilst I never have more than one book on the go as you know I'm an eclectic reader.

    1. Yep, seems to be the theme of the day! I'm not alone! LOL

  9. It depends, sometimes I get stuck on a genre and all I want to read is something similar to that particular book. But most often I have more than one book going and I don't coordinate those. :)

    1. I've done that, but usually I tire of that quickly and just want to read something else in between.

  10. I usually have more than one book going at the same time, and sometimes they are in various genres. In general though, I love all sorts of genres. I like contemporary novels a lot, at any age level, but I do like mysteries and thrillers...some fantasy/paranormal...urban fantasy...etc.

    1. Oh I think it is more fun (and less confusing) to do different genres at one time. Right now I just do one at a time so I don't mistakenly mixed them up in my reviews. :)

  11. I am usually reading more than one book at a time, and they're usually at least two YA books of different genres and an adult book. I don't ever try for a theme but sometimes they just kind of happen naturally I guess. One thing is for sure, I have book ADD. :-)

  12. I stick to what I know I will like. I have on occasion go outside the genre but always find myself going back to YA. I have discover a few gems I adore but it's not very often.

    1. Still, there is so much within YA that I've seen you read! :)

  13. If I read a brilliant book then I want moooore and I go on a genre bender. That puts me in a reading slump though so I've been trying really hard to avoid that.

    Now I try to skip around genres so I don't get burned out.

    1. I've done that and yep, got into a reading slump. Doesn't seem to burn out quickly when you do skip around!

  14. It's only going to sit on her if she doesn't take care of herself. :D

    Hm... I've been burned a bit too, but it seems that I've had more hits than misses... lately. *knocks on wooden head*

  15. I read a lot of genres I confess, I don't like to stay with only one but it's also true that I read one more than the other, like UF lol as you know it.

  16. Your spider sense must kick in to pick books in different genre with a common theme :) It rarely happens to me. Otherwise I do read few books at a time and usually they are all different genres. It's the best way not to burn yourself out :)

  17. I agree with the others and don't know why anyone would limit themselves. I like to read more than one book at a time, so find it easier if they're all different genres. I sometimes go on a genre-bender, but it doesn't last long as I'll get bored and want something different.

  18. I switch up my genres with pretty much each book I read. I don't always read more than one book at a time, but lately I have been more often and it's usually of a different genre. That's interesting that you could fine a theme though!

  19. I stick to age groups as opposed to genres. And I almost always have several books going on at once unless there is that one special one that is demanding all of my attention. I love those no matter the genre. I think I tend to read towards the trends in publishing. Maybe, because that's what I request on NetGalley :)

  20. I read different genres, and I enjoy it. Like you I tend to read 3 books at a time, all different heh

  21. I read several genres and hope to branch out into more (like high fantasy, etc.) I couldn't imagine only reading one genre!


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