
Friday, March 21, 2014

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (Speak of the Devil #3) by Patricia Eimer

Series: Speak of the Devil #3
Available Now
Publisher: Entangled Edge
Source: From blog tour for review
Not Even Death Keeps a Good Demoness Down 
There’s never an end to the crazy when you’re demon spawn. Not that Faith Bettincourt’s complaining. She’s been patching things up with her angelic on-again off-again boyfriend, Matt, and her best-friend-turned-sister-in-law is soon giving birth to the Anti-Christ Part Deux. Oh, and Faith is saving kids from Death in her pediatric unit one soul at a time. Life is good. 
Until Faith accidentally runs over the Angel of Death and is forced to take his place. Now she’s taking lives instead of saving them. Which is kind of a problem when you’re a nurse. As if that weren’t bad enough, she is suddenly thrust into the worst scenario of them all--Matt’s ex Brenda is back, and she’s brought the Apocalypse with her. 
Faith’s not about to give up the world...or her man. But when the chips are down, what’s a demoness supposed to do? Besides take matters into her own hands, of course.
My thoughts:
I've enjoyed this series from book one. I love a good tongue in cheek kind of book and this one doesn't disappoint. The humor is good but there is also a UF element to the whole series. This is also a series I would read in order. The events in the other books lead up to what happens in this book. Yes, I repeat (and don't faint) I read these in order and I suggest you do the same. :D

The last book sort of killed me with the ending (in a good way) so I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book. The angst isn't pulled out too long for us to find out what we want to know and before we can get too comfortable the Faith finds herself in a bind. Not too unusual for our gal, but this one could affect her loved ones as well... um.. okay, well, that isn't too unusual either... ;) Well, before they can find a solution for the first crisis... the Archangel Michael tricks Faith and starts the Apocalypse. Now that isn't as big of a jump as I just made it sound, but I didn't want to give too much away in what happens. *evil laugh* hey, totally appropriate here... :D

I give this book 3 1/2 stars. This one doesn't fell quite as tight as the other two, but still very enjoyable nonetheless. I hope there is more adventure in store for Faith and her celestial family. I would pick up another book in this series in a heartbeat (or wingbeat?).

Bloggy note: Book 1 and book 3 are currently $.99! Get them at your fave ebook store!


  1. I do like humor in my UF (not every one but, you know, enough) and this sounds like a series I need to check out. Even though this one wasn't quite as good as the others, yay for an enjoyable story. That's all we really want, right?

  2. Ooo yay for books being on sale! Thanks for the heads up:) Glad you're still enjoying this series as a whole even if this one wasn't necessarily your favorite Melissa. I love books that make me laugh even when the overall subject matter is more serious. Fantastic review!

  3. Loving the cover, I think it suits the book you describe perfectly in that it screams 'tongue in cheek humour'.

  4. I've never heard of this series. Was I living under a rock or something? Apparently. :) I do love the tongue-in-cheek kind of thing and I think I would like Faith. I'll have to check this series out. I'm always on the lookout for more UF books to read.

    1. It is like it makes fun of itself in a good way. I think you'd like it... and Faith. :)

  5. I've never heard of this series before but that title sure is intriguing. I'm glad you enjoyed it overall :)

  6. *shakes fist* at you. Did you HAVE to mention the .99 thing??? That's just mean. I'm so weak.

  7. Humor is always welcome :) Not a fan of the cover but you had me snagging book one :P

  8. I grabbed the first book not too long ago, I think due to seeing one of your previous posts. I'm ALWAYS a fan off humor.

  9. Sorry it wasn't as tight but good to hear it killed you in the good way.

  10. I also really like this series but you're right it's a little behind the others. It was really good though and I'm curious for more!

  11. I think I grabbed the first one awhile back. I think I might enjoy this series, it sounds like one I would mostly enjoy!

  12. Glad to see that you enjoyed the book from start to finished. Lovely review!

  13. Nice review Melissa, and you are reading in order! Gasp!

  14. Oh this does sound like a great fun read. :) A series I need to look into. :)


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