
Friday, January 17, 2014

Witch Fall (Witch Song #3) by Amber Argyle

Series: Witch Song #3
Publisher: Starling
Available Now
Source: eARC from author for review
With the magic of their songs, the Witches control the seasons, the storms, even the sea. Secure in their supremacy, they have forgotten the unmatched destructiveness of mankind. For the world has begun to covet their power, seeing them as weapons to be controlled instead of rulers worthy of obeisance.

Born of witches but raised among their enemy, Lilette searches for a way to heal the rift between mankind and the witches. But it may be too late to save either. For if there is one thing Lilette has come to know for certain, it’s that all things fall.
My thoughts:
 Yes, I have read this series in order... and guess what? You don't have to do that with this book. You could start here and then go to book 1 in this series. Why? Because it is a prequel. I didn't even realize that until about half way through the book. It had been a while since I had visited this world so that is why it took me so long. I was happy that it does take place in the past. It answers a lot of questions I had about the "time before". Also, if you are with me and have read these in order, I caution you... you will then want to go back to the first book and read them again.

I really enjoyed my time in this world and was quickly swept away by the characters. As frustrating as some of the parts of Lilette's life could be, I didn't find her annoying and rooted for her every step of the way. I only had one quibble with the plot. There were a few twists in the end which I enjoyed but one I just didn't believe. For the sake of not spoiling things, I will not say what that twist was, but it didn't go with the personality of one character. It didn't ring true. However, it also didn't spoil my time in the world and I didn't hate that twist. I actually liked it despite not believing it. It helped the rest of the book flow smoother... oddly enough. :)

I give this book 4 stars. I really enjoyed this prequel and recommend it to those that like YA fantasy or even a good witchy story.


  1. I am glad I picked up book one this really sounds like a solid series. .you have added 3 books to my tbr pile this week

  2. Ohh, it's interesting that this third book is a prequel. I like reading books in order, though, so I'll probably pick this up from Book 1, but it's good to know the entire series isn't following the same timeline. Great review, as always, Melissa!(:

    1. It threw me when I realized it, but I was glad it was a prequel.

  3. I like when prequels fill in some blanks. It makes it worthwhile to read!

  4. Oh my goodness what an amazing cover. Not too keen on the idea of prequels though as Mary above says I suppose they can have a part to play in filling in any blanks.

    1. Oh this one is enjoyable and it really does fill in those blanks.

  5. Glad you are able to be swept away by this world and its characters

  6. I still can not read books out of order. It's an OCD thing. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. You know you want to try to read out of order, just once... :)

  7. So what you're saying is, I should read this book first? Encouraging people to read out of order Melissa, tsk tsk ;-) I like the idea of starting with this one since it's a prequel, so I'm adding it to the list. Also, that cover is gorgeous:)

    1. Who me??? 0:-)

      You can read the first book first or this one... it really is up to you.. :D

  8. I always think it is interesting when an author throws a prequel in the middle of a series, what is up with that anyway? Glad to see you read this in order for once!

  9. I had no idea this was a prequel! I just got the first book so I think I'll read that one first just to make sure I like this series, but I can't wait to read this one too, it sounds wonderful. The cover is gorgeous too!

  10. It really is a stand alone. And I wrote the series so they circled into each other. That way, you could start with this one or the first one. :)

  11. oh you're really into the series. I just love the new cover of this book, I don't think I saw it elsewhere and I know I really really need to start book1!

  12. I definitely love witchy books so I'm going to have to read this series, now. So I should start with the book from yesterday and this one and then go back to book one? Sounds good.
    I'll give it a shot!

    1. I really think it's funny that you read this series in order yet you are recommending not to!!!

  13. I've been seeing this around and I can't wait to read it! Great review :)

  14. Lovely review, I will add this to my wishlist.


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