
Monday, December 16, 2013

Craft review: Simple Sewing: 30 Fast and Easy Projects for Beginners by Katie Lewis

Craft: Sewing
Publisher: Cedar Fort, Inc.
Available Now
Source: From publisher for review
Unleash your creativity and become the successful do-it-yourself sewer you've always wanted to be! Using the tips, techniques, and 30 assorted sewing projects in this guide, you'll be able to create custom household items and gifts in no time. From baby bibs and tote bags to Christmas decorations and children's toys, every project in this book will build your sewing skills while adding a tasteful handmade touch to your home.

My thoughts:
This book is really a good beginner book if you haven't sewn before. I will add that it is a good book if you have. I really enjoyed the simple projects in this book. Yes, I could have probably figured them out on my own, but you have all the dimensions for the projects here and you don't have to figure them out! Oh and this would also be an excellent book to teach someone how to sew.

I took a couple of projects from this book and added my own bit to them. I think anyone with a bit of sewing knowledge could do the same. It makes it more fun. :)


Now this project was a simple eye mask. I had to adjust the length of the elastic and added 1" (it was 15" but 16" felt better). I just filled the mask with the lavender before the final sewing. Now to refresh the scent the person only has to gently crush it.

Now with this project she just made the inside part with flannel. I didn't have flannel, but decided to make these so the outer portion could be washable. I was thinking that it being in the pocket, it could get quite dirty so I made a "pillow cover" so the inside part can be easily slipped in and out. You don't have to do this much, but it was fun coming up with a way to change it. You just warm these up in the microwave for a minute before you stick them in your pocket. (Go Broncos!)

I give this book 4 stars. It was a great jumping off place for someone like me who likes to fool around with simple projects. It's also great for those just starting to sew. I don't have any great skills (I have aunts who blow me away with their skill) but I do enjoy sewing for enjoyment and crafts. Plus, these are going to make good stocking stuffers. :)


  1. I so do not sew....or craft, I kind of suck at it ;D

  2. I used to sew a lot - back when I had time - but I should probably pick it back up to make some of them useful items. Thanks for sharing this book, Melissa!(:

    1. This is a very simple book but I did enjoy making things a bit different than she showed. :)

  3. Those are some good projects for a beginner! Definitely the sign of a good book.

  4. Neat, this might be fun to a teen too, since they have moved past glue and glitter projects.

  5. Very cool! I love doing DIY projects around the house.

  6. I can sew about as well as I can cook Melissa, which is to say not very well at all:) For all that I'm artsy, I'm not crafty in the least, and sewing takes a patience I lack. Love those handwarmers though! GO BRONCOS!

    1. Eh... not too much. I do hate cutting everything out though. :)

  7. A friend gave me her sewing machine and it still sits all lonely where I put it two years ago lol

    I'm a gluer!

    1. LOL! Well, you might like this one. Just substitute sewing parts for the iron glue strips. ;)

  8. Are you kidding me?! This is like, THE perfect book for me! I couldn't sew a button on to save my life. I'm basically an idiot in that area. Mostly I just throw things into the endless pit that is my closet and then i go out and buy new ones.

  9. I can do basic sewing but I really need to learn more. One of these days, I need to sit down with a good book like this. Those little gifts look great!

  10. I suck at crafting, but it is so much fun, I just need to learn how to do it properly. This sounds like an awesome way to start! I love your eye mask, I would love to make one!

  11. Oh this sounds like it has some good ideas in it. I love the eye mask and I wouldn't know the first thing about making handwarmers so I love the idea. I sat beneath my mom while she sewed our clothes when I was little and learned from her and then at school. I can't wait to see the patterns.

  12. This might be a gift for my mom. She does TONS of sawing. Thank you. :D

  13. I'm horrible at sewing. I went through a crafty stage when having my kids but no matter how much I tried I just never did very well.
    I have an eye mask that I bought at the street market with lavender in it and I use it ALL the time. The handwarmers are a great idea! My sister likes to sew, I think she might like this book. :)


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