
Friday, December 20, 2013

Anthology Giveaway!

Tor has contacted me for a very good giveaway! 3 of this years anthologies! Yes! You can win all 3!!

The books:
21st Century Science Fiction
Publisher: Tor Books
Twenty-First Century Science Fiction is an enormous anthology of short stories—close to 250,000 words—edited by two of the most prestigious and award-winning editors in the SF field and featuring recent stories from some of science fiction’s greatest up-and-coming authors. 
David Hartwell and Patrick Nielsen Hayden have long been recognized as two of the most skilled and trusted arbiters of the field, but Twenty-First Century Science Fiction presents fans’ first opportunities to see what their considerable talents come up with together, and also to get a unique perspective on what’s coming next in the science fiction field. 
The anthology includes authors ranging from bestselling and established favorites to incandescent new talents including Paolo Bacigalupi, Cory Doctorow, Catherynne M. Valente, John Scalzi, Jo Walton, Charles Stross, Elizabeth Bear, and Peter Watts, and the stories selected include winners and nominees of all of the science fiction field’s major awards.

One of Publishers Weekly's Best Science Fiction Books of 2013
Year's Best SF 18
Publisher: Tor Books
Once again, the finest short-form SF offerings of the year have been collected in a single volume.

With Year’s Best SF 18, acclaimed, award-winning editor and anthologist David G. Hartwell demonstrates the amazing depth and power of contemporary speculative fiction, showcasing astonishing short stories from some of science fiction's most respected names as well as exciting new writers to watch. In this anthology, prepare to travel light years from the ordinary into a tomorrow at once breathtaking, frightening, and possible with some of the greatest tales of wonder published in 2012.
Dangerous Women
edited by George R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois
Publisher: Tor Books
The Dangerous Women anthology contains following stories:- Introduction by Gardner Dozois- “Some Desperado” by Joe Abercrombie - A Red Country story- “My Heart is Either Broken” by Megan Abbott- “Nora’s Song” by Cecelia Holland- “The Hands That Are Not There” by Melinda Snodgrass- “Bombshells” by Jim Butcher - A Harry Dresden story- “Raisa Stepanova” by Carrie Vaughn- “Wrestling Jesus” by Joe R. Lansdale- “Neighbors” by Megan Lindholm- “I Know How to Pick ’Em” by Lawrence Block- “Shadows For Silence in the Forests of Hell” by Brandon Sanderson- “A Queen in Exile” by Sharon Kay Penman- “The Girl in the Mirror” by Lev Grossman - A Magicians story- “Second Arabesque, Very Slowly” by Nancy Kress- “City Lazarus” by Diana Rowland- “Virgins” by Diana Gabaldon - An Outlander story- “Hell Hath No Fury” by Sherilynn Kenyon- “Pronouncing Doom” by S.M. Stirling - An Emberverse story- “Name the Beast” by Sam Sykes- “Caretakers” by Pat Cadigan- “Lies My Mother Told Me” by Caroline Spector - A Wild Cards story

- “The Princess and the Queen” by George R.R. Martin - A Song of Ice and Fire story

I can see everyone's eyes go wide at several of these authors especially George R. R. Martin, Diana Gabaldon, Jim Butcher, Carrie Vaughn, John Scalzi, and Cory Doctorow.
Interested? Well, then fill out the rafflecopter form below. US/Can only. The giveaway will be open until the 28th.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. All 3 anthologies sound awesome. I'm looking forward to reading them. Thanks for sharing :)
    Happy Holidays,

  2. Not a big fan of the anthology or this genre but my husband would love 21st Century Science Fiction whereas I'd lean more towards Dangerous Women.

  3. Some NICE-looking anthologies there, girl. *wolf whistle*

  4. Wow, those are definitely some impressive names up there Melissa! The Dangerous Women one look particularly interesting, I'm a big fan of Diana Galbadon and Sherrilynn Kenyon!

  5. I'm with Jenny on the last one looking impressive but I saw some great names on that first anthology. Valente wrote the Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland Books. I'm not real familiar with the genre, but I'm getting more interested in it.

    Great giveaway! I love anthologies!


  6. I cannot wait to read The Dangerous Women anthology, I've read snippets already and seems to be fantastic. Love most of the authors in it! <3

  7. So excited to see a female-centric SF book! There's not enough of that out there!

  8. Oh wow! Cool giveaway! I would love to win this and try out all these authors! Thanks for the chance!

  9. These sound good and what a cool giveaway. I love anthologies because I get a chance to try new authors.

  10. Anthologies ROCK! Thanks for the giveaway! =D

  11. i love book that have up to 3 book inseries

  12. I have a tendency to not often pick up anthologies, but it's nice to get samples of some authors I've been considering. Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Anthologies are my weakness, so would love to win these!

  14. I think all of these anthologies sound wonderful and since I love reading them, it would be awesome to win. :D

  15. Glad to see there's an anthology of the 21st Century already. Just think of the great collection there will be by the year 2100. Thanks.

  16. These look so awesome.
    Great giveaway!

  17. I love reading anthologies as I find they are a fantastic way to introduce yourself to authors that you might not have chosen to read yourself. I have discovered several authors, who are now favourites, by reading anthologies but one stands out more that the rest and that is George R.R. Martin who I discovered after reading the Legends (I and II). This is a great giveaway by the way and I love your blog!

  18. They look like some interesting stories.

  19. These anthologies look awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!


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