
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Sweet Venom

Meme hosted by Melissa My World in Words and Pages. It's about books that are already on the shelves and are waiting to be read. Go to her website to join in!
My submission this week:

Sweet Venom
Medusa Girls #1
by Tera Lynn Childs
Publisher: Katherine Tegan Books

Grace just moved to San Francisco and is excited to start over at a new school. The change is full of fresh possibilities, but it’s also a tiny bit scary. It gets scarier when a minotaur walks in the door. And even more shocking when a girl who looks just like her shows up to fight the monster.

Gretchen is tired of monsters pulling her out into the wee hours, especially on a school night, but what can she do? Sending the minotaur back to his bleak home is just another notch on her combat belt. She never expected to run into this girl who could be her double, though.

Greer has her life pretty well put together, thank you very much. But that all tilts sideways when two girls who look eerily like her appear on her doorstep and claim they're triplets, supernatural descendants of some hideous creature from Greek myth, destined to spend their lives hunting monsters.

These three teenage descendants of Medusa, the once-beautiful gorgon maligned by myth, must reunite and embrace their fates in this unique paranormal world where monsters lurk in plain sight.

Got this one when it was free but have been wanting to dive into it for a while now.

Any books you wanted for a while, got free and then have it sitting on the shelf? Not to be specific or anything... ;)


  1. I enjoyed this first one but I haven't read any of the rest of them (there are 3 now I think?).

  2. I have this one too and have been eyeing for a bit to pick up

  3. I really enjoyed this one Melissa! I'm such a big fan of Greek mythology though, I just devour anything that has some form of mythology in it:) I still need to read the final book, I was a touch disappointed in book 2 (it felt very middle book), but I do want to know what happens!

    1. Oh I know! I love mythology as well. Why I wanted it. Sorry about the 2nd book, but hopefully the third will make up for it.

  4. I totally need to catch up on this series!

  5. I started this one but didn't finish it. I got tired of the typical 'mean girl bullies' you get in YA novels. Hope you'll have a better experience with it!

    1. I don't like the mean girl thing, but hopefully the mythology will help me through it.

  6. Oh I was curious about this one too

  7. I have not tried this series, but love the cover. I enjoy mythology and so this is on my wishlist..what I need now is more time!

  8. Ooo, I have this one too! I got it free as well. Hope you get to it and enjoy.

  9. I wanted to read this one when it first came out, too, but sadly I haven't gotten to it!

  10. I started this one after it was free and had to stop for other books that were coming out, but I really want to go back to it because I was enjoying it. I need to make a solid week just devoted to finishing books I've started. :-)

  11. I might have this one but strangely enough I haven't really had an urge to read it. Weird.


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