
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Third Grave Dead Ahead

Meme hosted by Melissa My World in Words and Pages. It's about books that are already on the shelves and are waiting to be read. Go to her website to join in!

My submission this week:

Third Grave Dead Ahead
by Darynda Jones
Narration: Lorelei King
Series: Charley Davidson #3
Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Published: Jan. 31, 12
Paranormal private eye. Grim reaper extraordinaire. Whatever. Charley Davidson is back in Darynda Jones' Third Grave Dead Ahead! And she’s drinking copious amounts of caffeine to stay awake because, every time she closes her eyes, she sees him: Reyes Farrow, the part human, part supermodel son of Satan. Yes, she did imprison him for all eternity, but come on. How is she supposed to solve a missing persons case, deal with an ego-driven doctor, calm her curmudgeonly dad, and take on a motorcycle gang hellbent on murder when the devil’s son just won’t give up?
Love this series but I'm behind on it. I won the next one that I need and it is in audio! Love Lorelei's narration in the previous two so I know I'll love this one. 

Hands off Reyes, but you can tell me if you have any other hotties on your tbr? :)

Btw, don't forget to goto AimeeKay's Blog for a blog post by me and a giveaway sponsored by AimeeKay! :D I think it will be up later today...
Where's me parrot and rum???


  1. I've behind on this series as well - as in I haven't even started yet!!

    1. Oh! You will love this series. I think you will enjoy the humor!

  2. I love this series! I think I skipped over this one (or was it book 4) & need to go back and read it/them.

  3. Love this series! It's definitely a series that can pick me up when I feel extra crappy. Book 3 is my favorite book for far. You have to catch up because Reyes just gets hotter as books go along!

    1. Oh sweet! It makes sense that Reyes would be "hot" considering... LOL

  4. I've seen this series around and I tempted to buy them.

  5. Ahhhh! I'm so far behind in this series Melissa! I've read book one and that's it and I really need to get caught up. REYES! *gets ready to take you down in a fight for him*

    1. Ha ha! I'm ahead of you (okay, only one book, but still...)! So therefore I've had more Reyes than you! :P *neener neener*

  6. what? you haven't read this one? you fenitely need to! I can't wait for book 6!

  7. I have heard a lot about this series too and want to read soon

  8. I haven't read any of these but I really want too! It sounds like a series that I WOULD ADORE.

  9. There could be several hotties on my tbr right now, but none of them come close to Reyes! Read this noooooooow! No, you're right, listen to it. Lorelei rocks!

  10. Reyes *swoons* My latest book boyfriend is Rowdy Yates from Getting Rowdy by Lori Foster and I will share him with you October 2nd.

  11. I absolutely LOVE this series! I am caught up to the one that is out now. I might fight you for Reyes! I love Charley!! Funny especially when she hasn't had enough sleep!

  12. I have only read the first one but I really liked it! I think it would be one that is great on audio though!

  13. Haha, ok I'll keep my hands of Reyes, but he is in my TBR pile too. :-) But I don't have him on audio! I need to get this series on audio, I think it would be so much fun! Hope you enjoy it :-)

  14. Oh drat. I have the first book and soooooo need to get to this series!

  15. I've only read the first one. I love the covers and the humor but just haven't' gotten around to reading the others yet.

  16. I still want to start this series. I was hoping to get to it this fall. We'll see. I can't keep ahead of everything that I want to read. Hence, this is a great meme.
    -Dilettantish Reader


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