
Monday, September 16, 2013

The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle #2) by Maggie Stiefvater

Series: The Raven Cycle #2
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Published: Sept. 17, 13
Source: NetGalley and Publisher for review
Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing for Ronan, Gansey, Blue, and Adam will be the same. Ronan, for one, is falling more and more deeply into his dreams, and his dreams are intruding more and more into waking life. Meanwhile, some very sinister people are looking for some of the same pieces of the Cabeswater puzzle that Gansey is after...
My thoughts:
 I have to say that I enjoyed this one much more than the first. It seemed a lot more cohesive to me and it actually featured Ronan more than the rest of the boys. I was thrilled since even though I didn't warm to him in the first book, he did interest me. You knew his attitude was masking a lot underneath and in this book shows some of his soft underbelly. Not too much, he is still enough of an enigma for those worried he would be too exposed. Still the bad boy of the bunch.

We also have the introduction to the grey man who comes in and stirs trouble. I was skeptical at first about the introduction of this character, but as time went on, he really seemed to fit in with the bunch. I ended up really enjoying this character and seeing where he will take us.

I give this book 4 stars. I think it is better than the first book and I am really wanting the next. I need it now since we were given a bit of a twist in the end. Yes, I did curse the ending. :D


  1. great! if this one is better than the first one maybet the third will be even better! I hope so!

  2. Yay, I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Melissa! I liked it a lot more than the first novel too, so I'm really wondering how Stiefvater is going to follow this up as it's just brilliant! Great review!(:

  3. I put this one to the side because I couldn't remember the first one. Now that I've had a recap, I'm going to pick this one back up and try again. I can't be left out of the fun, especially if it's better than the first!

  4. Glad this one was even better than the first. I have had my eye on this series for a while

  5. Glad to hear you enjoyed the book. Many others are saying that this book is better. I will have to give it a try. Although, I did like the first book already. I'm curious to see why this book is much more appealing.

    1. I think you will love this one but not much romance... yet. :)

  6. I think the gray man was very well integrated by the end - that storyline definitely surprised me!

    1. I was surprised at how well he was integrated. I can't wait for the next one.

  7. I'm of course super curious about this one after the ending of book one, and Ronan was one of the characters I found most interesting in The Raven Boys, so I'm excited we get so much time with him in this book. Glad to know you liked this better than the first, I have high hopes for it, though I'm dreading the twist at the end a bit:)

    1. I know! I thought he was the most interesting as well. :) I know you like him because of the bad boy bit... ;)

  8. You already know my sad story about this one, but I was curious how you'll like book 2. Good to know this one works much better for you. I'll get to this series before the year ends, I hope.

  9. Your cursed the ending? LOL I am glad this came together better than the first for you, and that renews my interest in reading about the boys!

  10. I'm glad you liked this one more than the first! I am determined to pick up the first book ASAP!

  11. Sounds good - I still need to read the first, but I've been hearing the sequel is great!

  12. I listened to the audio for the first one so I have the audio for this one two. Ronan was not that interesting to me in the audio version. Will Patton does the narration and he uses a nasty scratchy kind of snarl whenever Ronan speaks. I hope to God that is not how this whole book sounds! Yes, my idea of Ronan may have been colored a bit by the voice used. I'll have to see. I would like to know more of the relationship between him and his brother and what actually happened to their father.

    I am so glad you enjoyed this one! I'm seeing good things about it so fingers crossed but I don't like the sound of a cliffie ending. I wish they'd outlaw those!

  13. So glad to see this review. I preordered this one and it should be on my my kindle once I get the kids in bed tonight.

  14. I liked the first book a lot, but wasn't thrilled, so it's comforting to me that you liked this one more. And like you, I find Ronan very intriguing. My copy just arrived, I'll be reading it soon.
    Great review.

  15. Yes, I agree, this book is much better than the first one (though admittedly, I did really like the first one). I always curse Stiefvater endings, so this was no surprise. But I want the next one! :-) Awesome review!

  16. This was definitely better than book 1! I am dying for book #3 ;)
    -Scott Reads It


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