
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Slightly Early Review: Icons (Icons #1) by Margaret Stohl

(slightly early...)

Your heart beats only with their permission. 
Everything changed on The Day. The day the windows shattered. The day the power stopped. The day Dol's family dropped dead. The day Earth lost a war it didn't know it was fighting. 
Since then, Dol has lived a simple life in the countryside -- safe from the shadow of the Icon and its terrifying power. Hiding from the one truth she can't avoid. 
She's different. She survived. Why? 
When Dol and her best friend, Ro, are captured and taken to the Embassy, off the coast of the sprawling metropolis once known as the City of Angels, they find only more questions. While Ro and fellow hostage Tima rage against their captors, Dol finds herself drawn to Lucas, the Ambassador's privileged son. But the four teens are more alike than they might think, and the timing of their meeting isn't a coincidence. It's a conspiracy. 
Within the Icon's reach, Dol, Ro, Tima, and Lucas discover that their uncontrollable emotions -- which they've always thought to be their greatest weaknesses -- may actually be their greatest strengths. 
Bestselling author Margaret Stohl delivers the first book in a heart-pounding series set in a haunting new world where four teens must piece together the mysteries of their pasts -- in order to save the future.
This was an interesting mix of genre. It was primarily dystopian but with a sci-fi flair. It's also written in a way you get hints of the immediate future but was also supposed to throw you off of any conclusions. I enjoyed the world, but I admit the parts ment to throw me actually helped me piece together what was coming as well as what was going on. So when the curtain was finally pulled back I was not surprised. However, I was entertained throughout the book.

One of my biggest pet peeves lately with the YA genre have been with the now tired cliché of the love triangle. Although the romance here is slight, it still presents itself with a triangle developing. In fact, this triangle develops, falls apart and then develops again. This was probably my least favorite part of the book. 

My second complaint was with the other characters of the book. We mostly seem to get Dolly (which makes sense because we follow her) and Lucas. I was actually VERY interested in Tima and wanted to know more about her. I would have also liked Ro to be fleshed out a bit more. He was a bit too one dimensional and I suspect he could surprise us with greater depth. However, this being book one in this series it wasn't a huge complaint. I'm willing to let the others unfold for me as the story is being told. 

In the end I give this book 3 1/2 stars. I recommend the book for those that enjoy a YA dystopian adventure. The book kept me interested and entertained and I do want to know if they will win in the end. Yep, I do want that next book. :)
I received this ARC from Little, Brown Books and no compensation for my review was given.


  1. DAMNIT!! THERE'S A TRIANGLE OF DOOM?!?! WHY???? *falls to floor in dramatic heap*

    I still really want to read this one but I'm highly disappointed by the Triangle of Doom. That's going to automatically lower my rating. I just hate them so darned much!

  2. A love triangle. Thought I want to read this book the love triangle makes me back away. Not sure if I can handle all of that right now. I need something set in stone rather then the whole back and forth thing.

    1. There really isn't much in the romance dept in this book, but a promise for romance. Nothing set in stone in this one.

  3. Intrigued by this. Great review, I'm surprised you only gave it 3 1/2.

    1. It was good, but I think the characters (secondary) could have been more fleshed out and that almost triangle. :P

  4. I'm starting to really love dystopian books. I have n't read a lot in this genre, but I like the sound of this one. Well, except for the love triangle. Do we really need a love triangle in books? I don't. Anyway, I think I will give this book a try. :)

    1. At least it was an almost triangle... you'll see what I mean. :D It is entertaining!

  5. One of my biggest pet peeves lately with the YA genre have been with the now tired cliché of the love triangle.

    I dislike them terribly. I mean to the point where I am starting to not pick up books if I know they have one.

    1. I haven't gotten there yet, but I am tired of the triangle thing. :P

  6. Uh-oh, a love triangle? I am definitely steering clear of this one. YA Dystopian hasn't been worked so well for me these days, so I'd probably find too many flaws with this one. Thanks for the honest review, Melissa! :)

  7. I think this book isn't for me. I can't handle even one more love triangle.

  8. I like the sound of the world and writing of the parts to throw you off. Not so hot on the love triangle thing. But sounds good. :)

  9. well, yours is the best of the reviews I've read so far on this book. Most people seem to think there are a lot of plot holes and the characters are lacking. I need to read the preview chapters,

  10. Surprisingly I don't think I have seen any reviews for this one yet. I did have high expectations though, so this may keep that in check. It's really too bad about that love triangle though!

  11. This one is new to me, I love a good dystopian, and will keep this on my list. I am still undecided, with the size of my TBR pile..i need fives!

  12. I still want to pick this up, the hints of the triangle doesn't bother me so much, but sorry it got to you

  13. Ugh, I don't think I can deal with yet another ove triangle, but then, to be entirely honest, I'm a bit tired of dystopias altogether. It takes a lot to make me read one. I don't think this is for me, but I'm glad you had fun reading it.

  14. I was so excited to read this because I like the Caster's Chronicles but I a cannot handle a love triangle especially when it is a bad one. I am not reading great reviews on this one so I will likely have to pass. Hey I like the new May banner reminds me of a saying this dentist I used to work for would yell out every May 1st....Hooray Hooray it is the first of May outdoor screwing begins today! Ha ha! Now you know I am pure evil :)

  15. I'm reading this very soon. So bummed to hear about the dreaded triangle, but I'm still motivated enough to give it a go. :-) Great review, and love the new header!


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