
Monday, April 15, 2013

Blood Winter (Horngate Witches #4) by Diana Pharaoh Francis

Max always does her job, no matter how brutal and bloody. That’s how it’s been ever since she was enslaved by a witch, turned into a supernatural warrior, and assigned to protect the coven of Horngate. But her job just got harder.... 
Waves of wild magic have returned much of the world to a time when fairy tales were real and danger now lurks behind every tree and bush. As winter descends and food, heat, and water are harder to come by, many have turned to Benjamin Sterling for protection. Leader of the Earth’s Last Stand cult, Sterling claims to be the Hand of God, but his power and charisma secretly come from a dark and terrible source. With devout followers eager to do his sadistic bidding, he has his eyes on Horngate and its magical inhabitants. To save those she loves, Max will knowingly walk into a trap. But when the cult strips Max’s soul bare for all to see, will even Alexander—her lover and her strength—remain? And if she were to lose him, what does it matter if she gains the whole world....
I have to say that this was another great addition to the Horngate Witch series. I'm also heartbroken to hear the rumor that this may be the last one. NO! I'm hoping that it is only a rumor since this book didn't feel like an end of the series type of book. It's not a cliffie book. It is complete, but threads left open with one of them I really need a resolution. NEEDS! Nope, not an ending at all... *sigh*


Within this book we are dealing with what seems like a zealot witch with a lot of power running a deadly cult. Looks in this world are rarely what they seem and it is the case in this story as well. Again, Max is faced with insurmountable odds and only her wit and snark pull her out. I also love that the blades are getting snark rubbed off on them. It's fun to see them tease each other and it brings a smile to my face.

My biggest criticism comes from the romance in this book. Granted it is a UF series and so there is going to be very little romance. However, Max and Alexander both have quite a bit of angst in this book and sometimes you just wanted to kick drop both of them so they can get it together. In the end it is resolved, but I'm not telling you which way it went. All I will say is it made sense. :D

I give this book 4 stars. I really enjoyed my time here and if I don't get another book I will be VERY disappointed. I need Max to go and demand another story of hers be told. Trust me, they wouldn't say no to her. :)
I received this book from Pocket Books and no compensation for my review was given.

Bloggy note:

I will be giving away the first 3 books by this author on the 24th. So mark your calendars and stop by for a chance. Yea, I'm mailing them so it will be US only. Still love ya international peeps! 
My reviews of the books:


  1. I just hate it when a series I love just ends abruptly. It happened more times that I can count. But I haven't even started this one and I should be ashamed of myself. It sounds perfect for me.

    1. It wasn't abrupt, but the series still had more to tell. :( I'm just hoping it's a rumor.

  2. I totally have to read this series, though I'll be sad if it ends with lots of loose ends. And kick those characters so they get movin' on the romance!

    1. It wasn't a ton, but more to tell. It did have some, but not much. Still, didn't bother me since it was UF. :)

  3. Sorry the romance wasn't up to par but Max and the action sounds great.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. Well, it was UF so I didn't expect much anyway, but what was there was a bit frustrating. It did make sense. :)

  4. I hope this isn't the last book in this series for you Amanda! It's always disappointing to reach the end of a series you really enjoy, especially if there's potential for more:) Too bad on all the angst in this one, but I'm glad the relationship at least gets resolved before the end!

    1. Hey don't be changing my name. ;) I do think you would enjoy this series.

  5. Not knowing whether another book is to follow or not is so frustrating.

    Loving this cover, Max looks like such a kick-ass heroine.

  6. Hmm, another blog where I seem to have magically disappeared from Google Friends Connect - I wonder what's going on.

  7. I hope you'll have another book, I really need to try this series. I think we have it in French too.

  8. I haven't heard of this series sounds like another UF I need to check out. I hope the rumors are wrong and there is more too. I would hate for the series to end open ended. I will be watching for the giveaway :)

    1. I know! Need more of this series. It wasn't too open ended... just those threads. :)

  9. I must read this series! I have the first three books and you rave about it so much...must find more time in the day for reading! :-)

  10. Oh noooo! I hope it doesn't end without giving you a solid conclusion. I HATE when that happens

  11. Another UF series to add to my pile! This sounds amazing, but it sucks that this might be the end and you don't feel like it's a series ending sort of story. Even if the series does abruptly end, it sounds pretty fab so far, so I'll still probably give it a read. Thanks for your lovely review! :-)

  12. I want to get this series. And... I see my chance will come. :) Thank you!

  13. Oh, I'll have to watch for that giveaway! This sounds like a great series!
    It made me think of one of my most favorite UF series EVER that ended on a major cliffhanger and then the author disappeared. I was actually in contact with her and got some spoilers for the next book (luckily) but not enough for a conclusion and now her email doesn't work and her website hasn't been updated. It's KILLING me! And that was a few years ago!

  14. I haven't read any of these, but sounds like a nice series. I want to check out more UF and I love a book with some snark!! ;-)


  15. Totally coming back for the giveaway! I hate it when series end, especially when you like it.

  16. Okay, I knew I wasn't crazy! I just read the review for the first book and remember thinking I liked the sound of it. Then all of the sudden I'm at book 4. I forgot how much you like to read out of order! Oh, I hope the author get to continue the series! It definitely sounds good!!


  17. I really want to read this series thanks to your great reviews.

  18. I haven't read these but they sound good.


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