
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Top Off Tuesday!

I have been enjoying this meme on Felicia's The Geeky Blogger's blog and have finally found some time to join in. I'm trying to do this meme alternating between Tell Me Something Tuesday. The other players are Amanda from On a Book Bender, Christi from Smitten with Reading. Button made by Missie at The Unread Reader

This weeks submission:

The Claimed
by Caridad PiƱeiro
Victoria Johnson loves her life. She's her own boss in a quaint beachside town, and has great friends who keep her grounded. If only they knew who she really is: an heiress to an ancient race who possesses astonishing superhuman powers. It's Victoria's duty to restore her clan of Light Hunters to their former glory by choosing the perfect mate. In Christopher Sombrosa, she just may have found him. Strong, smart, and successful, Christopher exudes a powerful energy. Their connection is sensual, irresistible-and forbidden.

A member of the Shadow Hunter clan, Christopher has defied his own father to lead his people away from affliction and violence. Yet he cannot ignore his duty to carry on his ancient bloodline. Stunningly beautiful and brimming with an erotic life force, Victoria is everything Christopher ever hoped for in a mate . . . but as a Light Hunter, she's his mortal enemy. Together, they could unite their warring tribes. But murderous factions on both sides don't want peace-and they'll stop at nothing to keep light and darkness apart forever...
I enjoyed this second book in the Sin Hunter series (my review). And although I did like the first book cover, it just wasn't ToT material. It's quite an interesting world going on here. Oh and the cover is nice and sunny. :D

So what is your ToT this week?


  1. All this gold does wonders for his abs, not that he needed help in the first place. I'm not the biggest fan of PNR, but even I can't resist those abs. :)

  2. Oh YUM!!!!! Hot damn! I'm going to have to search for the first book so I can get all caught up with these sexy men!

  3. I read & enjoyed the first book in this series when it first came out. I just picked up this one last weekend. Looking forward to finally getting to it.

  4. I'll have to check out series! I like the cover all bright and sexy!

  5. Love the choice, Melissa. So muscley and mmm. ;)

  6. Sexy book for sure and this guy is so damn HOT!!

  7. I recently got this book, but haven't had the chance to read it yet. I'm not normally a yellow fan, but it totally works for this cover... the well-muscled man certainly doesn't hurt... Book Savvy Babes

  8. Well hello there sexy, sunny chest! I'm Jenny. Don't let Melissa talk you into her harem, I think you'll be happier in mine. If I must, I can be talked into sharing, but let's just try things out one on one for now. *takes hand and leads away toward Jenny's Harem of Awesome*

  9. This is a very nice cover all around. I'm not talking about just the abs, either.

  10. Now that is a nice chest... Felicia's dude needed a little chest hair he looked too smooth, your dude is just right!

  11. I definitely like some sun to go with my man.

  12. This sounds like a really interesting concept for the world!

  13. The sun blocked the nip? How can the sun do that to me! I am now crying over sun-blocked nippage :)

  14. YUMMMMMY! My likey the the cover.

  15. I am so bummed that I missed ToT, but I'm just going to pretend it's still Tuesday, cause shirtless guys. Nuff said.

    This book sounds awesome, very Romeo & Juliet (but sexier, obvs). That synopsis combined with this smoking hot cover is kind of irresistible. Great pick! :-)


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