
Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Pack by LM Preston Cover Reveal!

The Pack (Book 1) Cover Reveal for New Edition. The Pack-Retribution (Book 2) available for review via, comes out in print this September, 2012 and the publisher updated the cover of The Pack to match.

The Pack

Shamira is considered an outcast by most, but little do they know that she is on a mission. Kids on Mars are disappearing, but Shamira decides to use the criminals most unlikely weapons against them the very kids of which they have captured. In order to succeed, she is forced to trust another, something she is afraid to do. However, Valens, her connection to the underworld of her enemy, proves to be a useful ally. Time is slipping, and so is her control on the power that resides within her. But in order to save her brother's life, she is willing to risk it all.

Praise for THE PACK

-  I was most impressed by the author's world building abilities. Mars felt real right from the beginning. I gave it to one of my sons to read. lHe did tell me that "the fighting moves were interesting" and he thought "her sword and weapons were cool.".~By Kristien Howell

- A treasure for scifi readers ~ Midwest Reviews

- This sci-fi for YA jets along, full of action and humor and pathos and even a bit of romance. ~Darby Karchut


            “Well, I guess you can take care of yourself,” Valens said.  “I’m impressed.” He came up behind Shamira while she bent down and removed the truth tick from Lenny’s neck.  She crushed the tick in her hands and placed it in a pouch on her belt.  
            “What do you want?” she asked sharply while she walked past him to Lenny’s flunky.
            “I want what you want—answers.  I’ve been tracking this guy for weeks, trying to find out about my younger sister, who was taken over a month ago,” he said.  She could tell from his voice that he was confident and sincere.  He was also a bit older, and Shamira noticed the newness in the deepness of his voice, as if he was still getting used to his grownup man-voice.
            “Where are your parents?  Why aren’t they doing this for you?” she asked.  Then, she pulled off the hook knives that held the metal web in place, and the victim fell loudly to the ground with a cold thud. “If your sister has gone missing, why aren’t your parents doing something about it instead of just you?”
            “I’m pretty sure they’re dead.  My dad was a member of the Security Force Elite on Sector One.  One day when I came home, I found my mom cut down dead in our living room.  My father and sister were nowhere to be found.  I know he would have killed anyone who harmed either of them.  He and my sister were just gone,” he said and walked cautiously toward her.
            “Back up.  I don’t like people close, so keep your distance.” She squeezed the metal ball, and the web retracted back inside.  Squeezing it locked, she slid it into the pocket of her belt. “Well, look, I have to go.  Just… just stay away from me, okay?” Shamira turned away from him and ran at top speed to her motorcycle.

Barnes & Noble:

Books A Million:


LM Preston

The author is giving away one ebook with the new cover! Just comment below and make sure you leave an addy so I can get a hold of you. The giveaway ends on the 11th.
Good Luck!


  1. thanks for sharing, really like this cover!

  2. Hmm nice cover, and the blurb sounds good! Thanks for the info!

  3. I like the cover! The girl looks like Jennifer Lopez. Fierce! :)

  4. I love the cover - this is the style that will make me pick up a book and look at it and read more about it. Thank you for sharing today. I am definitely wanting to read The Pack and my kindle is hungry for it to join the library LOL

  5. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. Please enter me in contest.I am a follower and email subscriber.

  6. I love the cover! Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  7. Aww thanks for saying you love my awesome cover artist work!

  8. Where can I get a truth tick? Sounds like something very useful :)

  9. Awesome cover!

    bwithbite at gmail dot com

  10. Oh I do love this picture! That cover is great with her and the sword. :) Thank you!

  11. I love the cover art! The synopsis sounds very interesting. I'd love to win and read it! My email is

  12. Well I missed this one. Kick butt cover. I love books with strong female leads and I don't think this will disappoint! Thanks for the giveaway! :)


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