
Friday, August 10, 2012

Shadows Before the Sun (Charlie Madigan #4) by Kelly Gay

The electrifying sequel to the acclaimed urban fantasies The Better Part of Darkness, The Darkest Edge of Dawn, and The Hour of Dust and Ashes! 
After filling out mountains of paperwork, Detective Charlie Madigan sets out for a death-defying trip into heavenly Elysia to rescue her partner Hank and bring the siren home. Of course, she doesn’t expect to leave behind an all out siren revolution or return home to find that jinn crime boss, Grigori Tennin, has begun a massive search for the divine being, Ahkneri. Tennin’s tactics set off a chain reaction that puts Charlie in the crosshairs of the shadowy creature known as Death and awakens Ahkneri from her long sleep. And when Vengeance rises, Atlanta will never be the same.
 Leaving this world after The Hour of Dust and Ashes I was totally bereft. I needed to know what happened right after. I needed this book! Oh so when the publisher asked me to review this book... I admit... *hangs head in shame* I squeed myself. Then I impatiently awaited this book. What? Don't you camp out at the mailbox when you know a coveted book is to arrive? I know you do... *looks at everyone suspiciously*

OMG. Can I say it again? OMG! This book was everything I waited for and more. Yes, my favorite UF mother is back (I mean that literally... her daughter is so adorable and smart). My fave characters were back as well. Oh and the conclusion to what happened at the end of The Hour of Dust and Ashes totally fulfilled me (don't worry, I'm not going to spoil anything for those that have yet to dive into this series). There are also other parts that were left open through the series that also had a conclusion. I was a bit surprised and pleased about that. Oh yea... this book answered a lot of questions and posed at least a couple more. No cliffies, just curiosity and open threads to pick up the story in the next book.

Hm... but what more can I say without spoilage? I still want a hellhound. Brim was not in any of the action this time, but *lowers voice so pups don't hear* I still want one. I still think a Brim like hellpup would fit nicely into my menagerie. :) I guess I can also state what I don't like about this book. *deep breath* I don't like that I had to wait this long for the book. I don't like I have to wait more for the next. Yep, that's about all my greedy little heart wants. I want them all NOW! ;)

I give this book 5 stars. It was the story I was anticipating. It was more. I want HANK! I want Brim. Oh, sorry, didn't mean to whine. It's just... if you like UF... you need this series. Go pick them up NOW! Either that or you will be slobbered on by a hellhound. No one wants that. :D
I received this book from Pocket Books and no compensation for my review was given.


  1. Wow, ok I'll read it asap. O have it but so many books to read, I hope I can do it soon, mainly now I read your review lol. If you love it, I'm sure it will be the same for me. Thank you!

  2. I haven't heard of this series but I'm in. I'll give it a go.

  3. oh, you really adored this book, didn't you? it does sounds very good & that girl looks bad-ass. :)

  4. "I admit... *hangs head in shame* I squeed myself."

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *falls down dead* I love you Melissa, you are hilarious. Any book that can make you, ahem, squee yourself is clearly a book I need to read. And, I'm super excited that I won't experience the tortuous wait from book 3 to book 4 because I'm just going to buy them all at once:)

  5. What a funny review. You quit eyeing everyone so supiciously! Ok another UF series to add to my list!

  6. Sweet! I have seen other raving reviews around. Adding this to my ever growing tbr!

  7. Haha glad you enjoyed it!!!! All have to check out this "UF mother" of yours ;)

  8. omg I want it!!! I am soooooooooooo jealous right now

  9. okay, okay - I knpw I need to read this series! The Better Part of Darkness is still staring at me from the top of teh TBR pile...once I've read a few review books! :-)

  10. Okay, I'll admit, I skimmed the review. :) I'm reading it now, and can't wait to get through it! :D Eeep! And I'm feeling Hank needs all the love we can give him right now. :D

  11. Great review, I have this series on my wishlist. Next bookdepository discount, it will be mine!


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