
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dark Frost (Mythos Academy #3) by Jennifer Estep

I’ve seen so many freaky things since I started attending Mythos Academy last fall. I know I’m supposed to be a fearless warrior, but most of the time, I feel like I’m just waiting for the next Bad, Bad Thing to happen. Like someone trying to kill me—again. 
Everyone at Mythos Academy knows me as Gwen Frost, the Gypsy girl who uses her psychometry magic to find lost objects—and who just may be dating Logan Quinn, the hottest guy in school. But I’m also the girl the Reapers of Chaos want dead in the worst way. The Reapers are the baddest of the bad, the people who murdered my mom. So why do they have it in for me? 
It turns out my mom hid a powerful artifact called the Helheim Dagger before she died. Now, the Reapers will do anything to get it back. They think I know where the dagger is hidden, but this is one thing I can’t use my magic to find. All I do know is that the Reapers are coming for me—and I’m in for the fight of my life.
I usually try to post the Mythos Academy series books on the day of  publication, but I just couldn't wait to dive into this book. I'm so glad I did. I devoured it quickly. For those that haven't started these books, I will try to be as non-spoilery (it's a word... I just made it up!) as possible.

Okay, let me start off by saying that Logan, Gwen's love interest, and I have had a difficult relationship. There were times I just loved him and times I wanted to seriously kick that Spartan's arse. Oh and in this book our relationship seemed to be going the same way. Usually it's only one swoon and one arse kicking... in this one, it was several. However, I will say that Logan did win me over in the end and I swooned a lot. :) Too bad he's not at least 21... well, outside my mind. ;D

Gwen is still my fave gypsy. Her adventure captured me and I have to say this was my fave so far. I really loved the way her character grew in this book. In fact, with what she had to handle I thought she did it with more grace than most adults. I really enjoyed that.

Now to the part where I curse Ms. Estep for tearing out my heart and stomping on it. Let me just say a character we briefly got to know in the last book we get a little more of in this one. Then my heart gets ripped out and I had to have a kleenex or two on hand. Oh I do hate to cry, but I also wanted more. *shakes fist* Darn you Jennifer Estep! I wanted more! ;)

I give this book 5 stars. I really enjoyed this episode in Gwen's adventure. No cliffie, but you will be salivating for the next morsel. I know I am! *wipes chin* Also, can I have a fenrir wolf? *gets glares from dogs in the room* What? ;D

This book is to be published on May 29th! Preorder your copy at Amazon, B&N or the Book Depository. Do eet! ;) Also, come back on June 1st for a Q&A with Jennifer Estep and a giveaway of the book!
I received this ARC from the author and no compensation for my review was given.


  1. "There were times I just loved him and times I wanted to seriously kick that Spartan's arse." Hmm - I don't know if you should stick with a guy that gives you such extreme reactions :)

    This book had you going for the kleenex? Oh-oh, I think I might have to try this one as I do love to cry over novels. Sick, I know.

  2. YAY! Logan is so HOT! I'm glad that you read this book. I'm totally in love with this series!

  3. YES! Love this series and Jennifer Estep so much! I love (or love to hate - I'm looking at you Donovan) all her characters, I never have any trouble getting attached to them:) I want a Fenrir wolf too, I think we could use them to keep our man harems in line ;-)

  4. Oh no! Your poor heart when the evil author ripped it out. Oh those authors can be so gloriously mean

  5. wow I can't wait to receive my book now! 5, now I'm sure I'll love it as well.

  6. I loved this book as well - my favourite of the series so far! I knew you would be sobbing at that point...and I'm not convinced your puppy is much different from a Fenir Wolf! :-)

  7. Wait a minute, if you get a fenrir wolf, then I want one too! *gets same glare from Ozzie* Dooood, how do our dogs know how to glare at us?

    I love your Jennifer Estep fangirling. I need to jump on that band wagon. Why am I so far behind on life?


    I haven't read book 1 and 2 (I do own them) and now you say this is a 5---gosh darn it I might have to do some shuffling. I don't shuffle well this could be interesting LOL

  9. I feel like we are tag teaming. I am reading book 2 right now and 3 is up next and we both just reviewed Of Poseidon and then I have Dark Kiss. I like this series a lot. I am wondering now the whole Logan thing will play out. I love Daphne and the band geek.

  10. *whimper, whimper* :''( See that long face? That is me crying because I still have not started, let alone got my lazy but to the store to get the first book! I'm bad. I just can't read fast enough! All these books and authors. Bad me!

  11. I have not finished the second book yet! Ack! Didn't read your review so I didn't get any spoilers. Things weren't too happy at the point I was in the story, I don't think. I'll probably have to start over, darn! I'll definitely be back for the giveaway!


  12. I've really liked the first two books, and am looking forward to Dark Frost, but, gah! You're cursing Jennifer for something that happens to a character?! Am I going to end up throwing this book at a wall?!

  13. Great review! This is one of the very few YA series I read and love. Can't wait!

  14. High praise indeed even if your heart was trodden on.

  15. 5 STARS! WHAT?!? From you that is like a million in my books! I was pretty on the fence about reading this (I was kinda ODing on boarding school books when I first encountered this), but you've convinced me!

  16. One of my favorite parts of this book was the plot!! Jennifer Estep does a really great job of weaving an amazing story..with new characters and lots of intrigue! I was on the edge of my seat reading this book..not knowing what would happen next. I really liked that this book was action packed and didn't spend a whole lot of time explaining different mythologies and details, and instead really showed what was going on. The action and fight scenes in this book were awesome! I really liked reading also about the development of Gwen's powers as well.

    I also really liked the progression of the main character Gwen! Of course she's still her sarcastic, determined self, but she really becomes a strong person. I really liked seeing her growth as a character and I can't wait to see what happens in the next book!! I also loved the development of her relationship with Logan!! The romance in this book definitely heats up..and I really like how Jennifer Estep incorporated it into Dark Frost! It was the perfect amount.


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