
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Book Boyfriend

Yes, I know... I haven't done this in an age. Time to change that.

First, I'd like to revisit a book boyfriend I actually revisited before:
Oh yes... you know it's coming... I'm staking my claim again on Owen. Oh Owen! You sure showed us how swoon worthy you are in this book. You accept Gin for who she is and love her without doubt or reservation. Darn it! ;) Stop doing that! You are MINE!

So... you know it's coming... I've featured him as Owen before (posts) and I'm going to do so again.

MY Owen is played by Jason Momoa. Ah so let's get to the man candy, shall we?

Since there are several scenes in this book on the beach, I think I'll go for those type of images:
Must be talking to Bria...
Can't forget this beach look...
Oh Owen... I'd love a vacay with you at the beach! ;D
Don't forget there is a giveaway of this book currently going on HERE

My second man candy here and newest addition to the man harem is Talivar from:

Oh this fallen prince is one of the few fae who know what it is like to see beyond the beauty. To see someone for who they are and not just who they present themselves to be. Now, he has been described several times as a scruffy Legolas. So for these, imagine a bit of beard scruff as well as an eye patch. However, I still felt that Legolas would fit the bill for Talivar nicely. So, here is a sweet, heartbroken, loving Talivar played, of course, by Legolas/Orlando Bloom. He really does have an elfan name, doesn't he?

I actually see him with darker hair.. but this will do for now. ;)
Sorry, I couldn't find a shirtless version. Darn Legolas never took his shirt off. I think we need to complain. :D

So, who is new in your man harem this week?


  1. hehe you can have Owen---Finn is mine!

    I am going to have to read Allison Pang though I doubt I will picture O.B.---this is one time I will let you keep a man in your harem LOL (Cause you know that a) I will turn him to a brunette and b) he will most likely resemble one of my hunky loves) :)

    1. Deal on the Owen part! ;D

      Now, I really have turned him into a brunette in my head but I know which hunky love you mean. Hm... na, I'll keep OB just make him scruffier and darker in my head. RAWR. :D

  2. AAAh I totally agree with you it would be perfect for Talivar! Good choice!

  3. Oh my JASON! YUM!

  4. Why did Legolas have to be so darn conservative?! LOL

    So, that's Owen? *pounces* No wonder you are staking your claim again! But I should warn you, that still isn't enough to keep me away. I'm obsessed with Jason Momoa and if Owen looks like him, then I have to be all over that! :)

    1. Hey... back off girlie! I may not be the one to worry about. Wait until you see what Gin does for a living... ;D

  5. Can we share custody of Owen?? You gotta make time for the rest of your man harem right?!?!

    1. Hey!... I ALWAYS have time for ALL of the man harem. LOL

  6. Um yum? I need a beach vacation now.

  7. Oh Melissa, the things I would do to Jason Momoa as Owen. Not appropriate for public commenting, that's for sure:) *dies* He needs to be in more movies/tv shows so I can stare at him. Yum.

    1. Heh... like we all don't know what is going on in your head... ;) Probably because it is going on in ours. :D

  8. "Darn Legolas never took his shirt off." LOL, I guess I didn't care too much about Legolas. I was more concerned about Aragorn and was too jealous of Arwen (she totally didn't deserve him!)

  9. Can I have a part share in Owen please? I love the Elemental Assasin series so I don't know why I haven't staked my claim on Owen before now!

  10. I wholeheartedly approve of your choice of man candy. *sigh* LOL

  11. Two very yummy picks! I can't believe that is Orlando Bloom. Wonder if bleaching my hair would change my whole look???


    1. Ah, but I do think Talivar had dark hair. :) Still... Orlando fits well enough. :D

  12. Lol, yes yes I might have seen Legolas too ;)

  13. *ahem* I find it extremely difficult to comment on Book Boyfriend posts... because I'm so extremely inappropriate! The first thing that came to mind about Jason Momoa involved my tongue and... well nevermind!

    1. Psh! Go ahead... I'll just mark yours as NSFW or kidlets under 21. ;D

  14. Oh my heart thump of the beach photo! LOL! Hottie aler!

  15. I have the strangest urge to go to the beach now...hmmm. Jason Momoa is definitely one of my favs! I haven't read any Allison Pang books, but I will definitely start after that wonderful description of Talivar. I am with you on protesting about the lack of shirtless Legolas!

    1. Oh you'll enjoy Talivar! WHY isn't there a shirtless Legolas???

  16. You picked Owen as your BBF? That’s a surprise : )

    But you could not have placed two more different men than Jason Mamoa and Legolas. But I have no problem with either....or both....

  17. Holy Faery Farts, Melissa! The first time I saw Legolas on the big screen, I'm sure my jaw dropped and some unsightly drool dribbled out! I swear, I'd never seen a more beautiful man in my life!!! Orlando's gorgeous but decked out as Legolas? He's freakin' irresistable---sorry, had to wipe the drool off my laptop!

    I don't mind sharing that Legolas consumed a lot of my... ahem ... thoughts! I think he's the reason I became The Book Faery LOL

    You always make the bestest choices, my Chica! Thanks for the eye candy!

  18. Oh man! Or should I say... Oh MEN!! :D Love these picks this week. And both from books (series) I need to get reading. :) Thank you!

  19. Any character that resembles Jason is someone I am interested in checking out. Thanks for the fabulous pics and sharing Owen and Talivar with us.

  20. Double eye candy? Soooo sweet. You're my hero!


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