
Saturday, January 28, 2012

On My Wishlist...

meme hosted by Book Chick City

The Drowning Girl by Caitlin R Kiernan
TBP: March 6, 2012

India Morgan Phelps-Imp to her friends-is schizophrenic. Struggling with her perceptions of reality, Imp must uncover the truth about her encounters with creatures out of myth-or from something far, far stranger...

I am so thinking there is more to this and there is supposed to be paranormal elements to the story.

The Kingdom (Graveyard Queen #2) by Amanda Stevens
TBP: March 27th, 2012

Deep in the shadowy foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains lies a dying town...

My name is Amelia Gray. They call me The Graveyard Queen. I’ve been commissioned to restore an old cemetery in Asher Falls, South Carolina, but I’m coming to think I have another purpose here.

Why is there a cemetery at the bottom of Bell Lake? Why am I drawn time and again to a hidden grave I’ve discovered in the woods? Something is eating away at the soul of this town—this withering kingdom—and it will only be restored if I can uncover the truth.

I enjoyed the first one so much, have to read this one!

The Wolf Gift by Anne Rice
TBP: Feb. 14, 2012
The time is the present.

The place, the rugged coast of northern California. A bluff high above the Pacific. A grand mansion full of beauty and tantalizing history set against a towering redwood forest.

A young reporter on assignment from the San Francisco Observer. . . an older woman, welcoming him into her magnificent, historic family home that he has been sent to write about and that she must sell with some urgency . . . A chance encounter between two unlikely people . . . an idyllic night—shattered by horrific unimaginable violence. . .The young man inexplicably attacked—bitten—by a beast he cannot see in the rural darkness . . . A violent episode that sets in motion a terrifying yet seductive transformation as the young man, caught between ecstasy and horror, between embracing who he is evolving into and fearing who—what—he will become, soon experiences the thrill of the wolf gift.

As he resists the paradoxical pleasure and enthrallment of his wolfen savagery and delights in the power and (surprising) capacity for good, he is caught up in a strange and dangerous rescue and is desperately hunted as “the Man Wolf,” by authorities, the media and scientists (evidence of DNA threaten to reveal his dual existence). . . As a new and profound love enfolds him, questions emerge that propel him deeper into his mysterious new world: questions of why and how he has been given this gift; of its true nature and the curious but satisfying pull towards goodness; of the profound realization that there are others like him who may be watching—guardian creatures who have existed throughout time and may possess ancient secrets and alchemical knowledge and throughout it all, the search for salvation for a soul tormented by a new realm of temptations, and the fraught, exhilarating journey, still to come, of being and becoming, fully, both wolf and man.

It's Anne Rice, I loved the Vampire Chronicles and Ramses the Damned. Have to read this one.

So, what is on your wishlist this week?


  1. Anne Rice is still writing??? I did not know that. The first book sounds really good, from what little it says about it.

  2. I love the sound of The Drowning Girl - its going on my wishlist too :) I should also really read Anne Rice's books. Its just knowing where to start!

  3. Here's hoping you get to read all of these. I'm especially eager to hear your thoughts on the Anne Rice novel after having read an interview with her just last week.

  4. The Kingdom was amazing! I love it love it!

  5. I love Anne Rice as well so will definitely want to get my hands on the Wolf Gift as well. And I loved The Restorer so The Kingdom is already on my wishlist! :)

  6. I want to check out Anne Rice's book. She's going to be doing a signing about 45 minutes from where I live next month and I really want to go.

    1. A friend of mine got one of the vampire books signed for me because her aunt worked closely with the authors at that time. The mail lost it. I always think of that when I hear of her signing things. She went to so much trouble to surprise me and I never saw it. :(

  7. Wow, great choices!

    I didn't know Anne Rice has a new book coming out! And about Werewolves! Can't wait for that one to come out!

    Thanks for sharing, Melissa!

  8. Has Anne Rice given up the religious writing? I thought she'd found God and wasn't writing paranormal stuff anymore. Guess I've been living under a rock. Used to love her stuff!

    And the Drowning Girl looks so good!


    1. But you're supposed to be tackling your TBR list according to your header (which is GREAT by the way) so why are you getting more??? JK I have no room to talk, er write!


    2. *clears throat*

      Hi. My name is Melissa and I have an addiction to books. Thank you.


  9. Nice choices there, new to me too :D
    Ohh I want books!

  10. The Drowning Girl looks very interesting, love the cover too! I'll have to add that to my list :) Thanks for sharing!

  11. The Drowning Girl sounds WICKED creepy! I NEED it!!

  12. Ooo! A new novel by Anne Rice? Must check this one out! Thank you for sharing this with us, Melissa! I want the books on the list as well! :)

    Celine @ Forget-me-not

  13. Oh my goodness, I can't wait for the new Graveyard Queen novel!!!!

  14. The Kingdom! I must read sooooooooooooooooon LOL :)

    I am though staying away from NetGalley so I am waiting---not so patiently.

  15. ooooo drooling over the Anne Rice novel....absolutely love her!


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