
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy 2012!

Hope everyone is having a great start to the new year. I'm playing on my new toy and I'm even posting his from an app. :) In fact, I have done the whole post from this app! Guess I won't have excuses to not post, but wait for the funny autocorrects! ;) 

My new years resolution may seem like a funny one to some. I plan on blogging a bit less and reviewing less. Now, I'm not answering for my other reviewers, so there may be plenty of reviews. It's just honestly, it has totally taken over more than I had intended. I guess I'll see if I keep this one. First I have to reduce the tbr review pile. :) 

Now, this dosen't mean I'm abandoning the community. Actually, I may be able to be more social! Hey! No groans!

Well, what I would like to know now is what are your new years goals and do you keep them? Honestly, my typical goals for the new year typically consisted of resolving to make no more resolutions (after that one) and yeah, I could keep that one. ;)

Your turn! Remember, the Mayans say this is our last one! Make it a good resolution. ;)


  1. I gave up making goals years ago as no goals mean I can't get disappointed when I don't fulfill them.

    Happy new year.

  2. I don't make many resolutions, but I liked the one I made last year: to read at least one book a month that has been on my shelves for over a year. And I want to read more cozy mysteries.

    Blogging and reviewing sure take a lot of readingtime, so I can understand your idea.

  3. It's always a good idea to relax a bit! I'm trying to do that this year, as well as do more.. how confusing. >.<

    ComaCalm's Corner

  4. Only goals I make now are reading goals because they're the only ones I come close to keeping :-)

    Paranormal Haven

  5. Everything the best dear Melissa!

    I am planning to find a golden nutmeg, reaching the other side of the rainbow and making a necklace out of stars so I might be not the most reliable blogger either!

  6. I am writing a post similar to this one right now, it's eerie. I am working to find more balance and proportion in my life this year so I'm working to see how blogging will fit into all of that. Happy New Year!

  7. Here, here! I hear you loud and clear. :) And I agree. This blogging thing can take over way fast and you don't even know it. :) So glad to hear it. And sounds like you are enjoying your new toy very much. :) Happy New Year!!!

  8. Here's wishing everyone a Bright & Beautiful New Year!! And, my zany resolution is to sell 1 MILLION bottlecap dioramas :D

  9. Melissa!!! How is my favorite Honey Bee? I miss you.

    I totally feel you on the blog less thing. Since I'm going back to school, I think I'm gonna be doing the same. :)

    And wow! Loving the new look. That header is so SEXY.

  10. One of my main goals is to whittle away at my TBR pile, but I really like Anachronist's plan of making a necklace out of stars! Sounds awesome!

    Here's to a happy 2012 for us all!

  11. Happy New Year to you! I wish you a lot of happiness! And I hope you'll read some wonderful new books!

  12. Love the new background and header! I was overwhelmed by the whole blogging experience too sometime ago and had to step back to re-evaluate what I wanted, what I could commit to, and what worked for me. So totally understandable and more social time is a good thing!

  13. I am with you! I have been on a hiatus* for the last 2 weeks and will continue doing so for the next week (* okay, admittedly a lame hiatus, I think I still posted everyday last week ;) ) and I have closed down my request submission to reduce my TBR pile too!

    Here's to 2012- fingers crossed we can accomplish our goals! ;)

  14. Happy New Year! This has actually been a slow blogging year for me so I'm really going to make an effort to get myself on a schedule and hopefully review more.
    And my New Year's resolution is to learn to make the prefect cup of coffee. I've decided this is an important skill that would be worthwhile learning and which might come in handy someday.

  15. Happy New Year! Love the new design, lol. Good resolution :)

  16. I am excited for 2012----cause Marty McFly went to 2015 so I know we will survive :)


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