
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor


Around the world, black handprints are appearing on doorways, scorched there by winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky.
In a dark and dusty shop, a devil's supply of human teeth grown dangerously low.

And in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherwordly war.

Meet Karou. She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real; she's prone to disappearing on mysterious "errands"; she speaks many languages--not all of them human; and her bright blue hair actually grows out of her head that color. Who is she? That is the question that haunts her, and she's about to find out.

When one of the strangers--beautiful, haunted Akiva--fixes his fire-colored eyes on her in an alley in Marrakesh, the result is blood and starlight, secrets unveiled, and a star-crossed love whose roots drink deep of a violent past. But will Karou live to regret learning the truth about herself?
Art? Paranormal? PNR? Hm... give me a second to think if I want to read it. YES! Oh, did I answer that too quickly? :D So, of course when I got the chance to read and review this one I jumped at it! I couldn't wait until it reached the top of the review pile. :)

I really loved this book. I loved the way each section of the book was introduced. It gave you just a hint as to what was coming. For example, the beginning intro:
Once upon a time,
an angel and a devil fell in love.
It did not end well.
Just enough to whet your appetite as to what was coming. Of course the others made more sense as you read them, but I will not reveal those here as I refuse to spoil this intriguing tale.

There was also humor in the book. One of my favorite quotes that made me LOL when she was being reprimanded by her guardian:
..."I don't know many rules to live by," he'd said. "But here is one. It's simple. Don't put anything unnecessary into yourself.  No poisons or chemicals, no fumes, smoke or alcohol, no sharp objects, no inessential needles~ drug or tattoo~ and... no inessential penises, either."
   "Inessential penises? " Karou had repeated, delighted with the phrase in spite of her grief. "Is there any such thing as an essential one?"
Hm... I don't think anything would have gotten through to her quite like that... despite the many tattoos she already sported. ;D Oh and as you can see, most would consider this an older YA book.

Karou was an interesting character. Someone fully human, and yet had such an inhuman existence. Both her worlds, the one with the creatures she has always known and in her human one are lushly built. In fact, I would love to visit Prague where she lives in her human home. It sounds so beautiful. You also love the secondary characters in the book like her best friend Zuszana. She is a snarky and loyal best friend. One you root for along with Karou. Ah, and then there is Akiva. Do you find out why he is so tortured? Why he is drawn to Karou? Heh... you know it's coming.. *evil laugh* I'm not telling, but you will want him to heal and become the "person" you think he really is beneath the pain.

There is also a recurring theme of wishes and hope. One I can't wait to see how it develops as the trilogy goes on. Yes, it is a trilogy and I want the next one now! That, of course, brings me to my biggest complaint... it is a cliffie! I will say this... it wouldn't have mattered if it wasn't a cliffie. I didn't want to leave Karou and her worlds. So, I would have wanted the next one anyway. So, that is the only reason I am not taking off stars for the cliffie. *sigh*

I give this book 5 stars. I really recommend this book to YA and adult PNR readers. You will love the romance within. It has a bit of Romeo and Juliet as well as Beauty and the Beast quality to it. So, if you enjoy those stories you will enjoy this one.
I received this book through Little Brown and no compensation for my review was given.

The trailer for the book:




Hm... can you tell I love the characters of this book?
What are you waiting for? READ THIS BOOK!


  1. Great review, Melissa! I'm not a big fan of angel books but I'm curious about this one. Though if it's a cliffhanger, maybe I'll wait till the next book. I HATE cliffhangers. Thanks for the warning :D

  2. I AM reading it right now. My Tuesday teaser is taken from it. ;)

  3. I've heard great stuff about this one, but I confess I wasn't very attracted by this book, I don't know why... Maybe I was wrong now I've read your review, I changed my mind. It sounds like a nice book. Ah a cliffhanger, it's always terrible !

  4. This has to be my very favorite book I've read so far this year, it just blew me away. So glad you loved it as much as I did Melissa! Inessential Penises. *snort* Love it:)

  5. I am seriously going to have to read this one :) It is going on my TBB shelf in amazon. I can't wait till my birthday and christmas ----I have tons of great books lined up to buy :)

  6. I've heard such amazing things about this book, but I haven't made it to it quite yet. I think because I'm worried it won't live up to the amazingness. I actually have it sitting on my shelf as we speak. I really need to pick it up!

  7. Great review, this one is on my wishlist.

  8. I've had this one forever... I feel awful that I haven't read it yet!! Everyone says its amazing!!

  9. I hate cliffhangers. And while I love Beauty and the Beast, I always had issues with Romeo and Juliet.
    But between your review and those trailers, this one looks really tempting...besides I love that line about "inessential penises"

    Thanks for the review!

  10. I felt the same way as you - I just didn't want to leave the worlds Taylor created. I wish I didn't have to wait until next year for the sequel!

  11. @Belle... Well, this one is different. I hate cliffies too, but I do have to say that most was solved or had an answer, but then there was one thing... ;)

    @Anachronist... Oh, I hope you like it!

    @Melliane... I admit the art and the paranormal together already had me, but I was not disappointed!

    @Jenny... Oh I loved it. Yes, wasn't that a great quote? LOL

    @Felicia... Oh I think this is one YA you will enjoy!

    @Jen... PICK. IT. UP. That is all. ;)

    @Aurian... Oh I hope you get it!

    @Ashley... Yes, feel bad. You made the book cry. :'(

    @AimeeKay... It's not Romeo and Juliet in terms of the romance... well, exactly. More like the 2 houses fighting. I also hate cliffies, but with this one (and I don't know why) it didn't bother me.

    @Cozy... Thanks! I'll stop by yours!

    @Stephanie... You should have kidnapped her for the next book! ;) Or at least for the directions to the portal of that world. :D

  12. I have not seen one negative review so far *shakes fists* Damn you all. I do not need more books ;)

  13. Steph's review and MBB post on Akiva totally revved me up to read this book, and now you are adding to my need, especially if it leans more toward the older YA crowd!

    I bought the book back in Sept but then my sister took it from me so she could read it. Maybe that's a good thing because I don't know how I'd deal with the cliffie.

  14. Melissa, I am so glad you enjoyed this book. I didn't quite like it but I do plan on giving it another chance. Hopefully next time around I'll enjoy it more.

  15. @Blodeuedd... Yes, you need more books. ;D

    @Missie...Inessential penises! You needs to read it! ROFL

    @Savannah... Oh I hope you like it. But not every book is for everyone. :)

  16. This book sounds amazing! I have to read it! Fabulous review! I have been hearing so many good things about thtis book.


  17. I read this book a few weeks ago and I'm STILL thinking about it. I haven't had a great sucess with angel and demon books but this one blew my mind. I never wanted to leave Taylor's world. I wish I had just 1% of her talent.

  18. Suddenly the portals to Elsewhere are gone and Kaoru is stranded in the human world, alone, but not for long.
    I loved this story Kaoru is awsome, she's brave, loyal, caring and she knows martian arts :) She's got blue hair (I had blue hair once...) speaks 8 languages and is an amazing artist.


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