
Friday, July 15, 2011

Wilder's Mate by Moira Rogers Review and Giveaway!

Wilder's Mate: Bloodhounds, Book 1Description:
Wilder Harding is a bloodhound, created by the Guild to hunt down and kill vampires on America's frontier. His enhanced abilities come with a high price: on the full moon, he becomes capable of savagery beyond telling, while the new moon brings a sexual hunger that borders on madness. 
Rescuing a weapons inventor from undead kidnappers is just another assignment, though one with an added complication--keeping his hands off the man's pretty young apprentice, who insists on tagging along. 
At odds with polite society, Satira's only constant has been the aging weapons inventor who treats her like a daughter. She isn't going to trust Wilder with Nathaniel's life, not when the Guild might decide the old man isn't worth saving. Besides, if there's one thing she's learned, it's that brains are more important than brawn. 
As the search stretches far longer than Wilder planned, he finds himself fighting against time. If Satira is still at his side when the new moon comes, nothing will stop him from claiming her. Worse, she seems all too willing. If their passion unlocks the beast inside, no one will be safe. Not even the man they're fighting to save. 
Warning: This book contains a crude, gun-slinging, vampire-hunting hero who howls at the full moon and a smart, stubborn heroine who invents mad-scientist weapons. Also included: wild frontier adventures, brothels, danger, betrayal and a good dose of wicked loving in an alternate Wild West.
This is a fun erotic western paranormal with a good dash of steampunk! The interaction between Satira and Wilder is fun from the start. They both get under each other's skin and I really enjoyed they way they kept challenging each other. Wilder is also unlike other bloodhounds and respects Satira's ability with weapons and invention. He also sees her as an assest to have on his mission rather than a liability. His only problem? She really gets under his skin unlike any other female. So he keeps Satira's ire going so she doesn't worry about her mentor whom they are going to rescue.

My problems with this short novel are few. I would have liked the challenging to go on for a while longer as they got to know each other. They fell a little too fast for me but it didn't make those (kiddies, stop reading) steamy scenes any less steamy (pun intended). Their chemistry in bed was well done so it didn't feel like they fell too fast after a few wicked scenes. ;D (okay kiddies... you can start reading again)

I would have also liked to have known more about the guild who seems to have a lot of hold over both Satira's and Wilder's life. Even despite wanting more of that back story you knew enough to understand that they are a group that monitors and sanctions the making of bloodhounds and vampire hunting inventions. Perhaps that is enough for now. :)

I give this book 4 stars. It was a fun smexy steampunk western adventure. *breath* So, if you are wanting a bit more smex in your steampunk PNR, look no further. 
I was given this ebook by the author for review and no compensation was given.
Read an excerpt of the book HERE!
Buy the book:

The author is giving away one ebook to a winner! It is international! Just comment below and remember to add an e-mail addy to your comment if it isn't in your profile. Also, be sure you are 18 or older since this is a adult book. I'll end the giveaway on the 20th. 
Good luck!!
Giveaway is over!


  1. Steampunk and PNR is an interesting combination. The book sounds very smexy indeed ;)

  2. Oh steamy steampunk, sounds like fun!

    I love characters that challenge each other and have great witty banter. I think I might give this a try (although I am sure it is going to make me blush).

    Thanks for the giveaway.


  3. This is a fun erotic western paranormal with a good dash of steampunk!

    Still I would like a copy. I am curious. Btw have you realized that all the kiddies around would have to go through your "no kiddies" section anyway just in order to see where to resume reading? ;) Tsk tsk.


  4. Yes I am in :D he sounds wicked and cool

    blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com
    And I made the age limit, with 10 years to spare ;)

  5. I would love to read this, it sounds really good.

  6. This author names sounds familiar. I think I read some other book by her. Hmmm...

  7. I would never have thought that all of these elements in a book would turn out well, but it seems that Moira really made it work! I shall have to add this to my TBR list!


  8. Ooooh I NEED this right NOW!!

  9. Oooo I haven't heard much about this one but now I must add it to my list! I do love a good smexy PNR. Add a little steampunk to it and I'm even happier:)


  10. Oh hell, Melissa! You really know how to sell a gal.

    Keywords like: Fun, EROTIC, western, paranormal and steampunk have me drooling all over myself.

    So glad I'm not a kiddie. :)

    PLEASE enter me:
    missie at

  11. P.S. Steam punk week has been so much fun! You've had everything planned out perfectly.


  12. This sounds amazing! Love Steampunk! Thanks for the giveaway!


  13. Enter me for the ebook. :D

    The other day I was perusing my PNR saying to myself.."there just isn't enough sex in steampunk today". Okay, that didn't happen, but I was thinking it after I addictively read through the Demonica series by Larissa Ione. I was in serious need of some other smexy fiction and that really isn't as easily found as one would think. Some of it sucks and some of it is written horribly bad. This sounds really good. With the exception of a too fast falling. Still, the steamy scenes with a steampunk flare sound really REALLY good! *prrrr*

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  14. You got me at 'gun-slinging, vampire-hunting hero who howls at the full moon'!

    Sounds fantastic and on my list, now!

    I'm so glad you're doing SP week, Melissa, I've found some really great books because of it!

    Hugs to you, Chica! You're awesome :o]

  15. What a great combination, your review has me blushing already.

  16. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.

  17. Oh Yes, more please ;) I'd love to enter :D

  18. Wilder sounds like a hot hot man and I can't wait to read his story.

    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  19. Thats a lot to stuff in one book, I may have to take a dive in.

  20. Great author and great contest!!! would love, Love to win this!!

  21. Boy! This books has it all, doesn't it! I can't wait to read it. Thanks for a great giveaway:)

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  22. Thank you for the awesome giveaway! :)

    ceeenndee at gmail dot com

  23. Oh wow. Sounds great! Thanks

    (no need to enter me as the ereader thing. Just wanted to stop by quickly though.)

    :) Thanks!

  24. The cover and story remind me a little of what I've heard about Cowboys and Aliens, a movie coming out soon.

    Sounds good!

  25. I've been wanting to try a western steampunky book and this one seems a good place to start. Especially if it's steamy. Yum!

  26. I love Steampunk...I think I could quite easily fit into the era and all things steampunk. I would LOVE to win this ebook...I loved the Parasol Protectorate series, The Girl In The Steel Corset, Clockwork Angel, I am looking for my next steampunk read:D

    Michelle A

    Have a great day!

  27. Oh wow! This sounds like a fascinating read.


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  28. sounds so interesting! and adult oo la la
    email in profile

  29. I would love to read this. Thanks for the giveaway!


  30. Ooh, I would love to win this book! Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it internationaly!



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