
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Book Boyfriend

Meme sponsored by The Unread Reader

Touch of Frost (Mythos Academy)Today's book boyfriend comes from Touch of Frost by Jennifer Estep (my review HERE). Logan has the reputation for being a man-whore, and being just a general rogue. However, he never treats Gwen this way so you have to wonder if it is all just reputation through gossip or does it have a ring of truth? He comes to Gwen's aid more than once and does not ask for anything in return. This is what makes me think his rep is more gossip than anything else. However, Logan himself puts this question back in our minds so we aren't sure what to think and neither does Gwen. Despite this there is more to the Spartan Logan than we see and I can't wait to find out more. 

For Logan I pick Jesús Navas. He is a soccer player for Spain (no I don't watch soccer, I'm a typical American who watches Am. football instead... lol). His body is more slight that described for Logan, but his eyes seem to be spot on. 
Oh yea... I could get lost there...
They are both athletic and competitive
One more look at those eyes... 

Ah... so anyone want to go to Spain with me?
Who is in your harem this week?


  1. I am coming to Spain with you! Look at those eyes. I think I am in lurve.

    I need Touch of Frost like right now!

  2. Wow - I feel like thoses eyes see right into my soul! :)

  3. Those eyes... *sigh*

    Great pick! Jesús Navas is hot!

  4. OMG! I am not normally a blue eye type of gal but those silver blue's are just hard to resist!

    Touch of Frost is on my YA list to read :)

  5. Holy Moly- his eyes are put me in a trance beautiful!!!

  6. Woowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  7. Those eyes are WOW!!! :) Great pic!

  8. Okay, I hate sports but now I want to convert to a soccer fan just for him. The eyes made me do it! WOW, oh WOW!

  9. Wow those eyes are intense. Awesome. He's a cute one.

  10. So excited! I am reading this book this weekend!!

  11. YAY LOGAN!!! I can't wait to get more of him in book two! And look at this boy's eyes...whoa. All I have to say is yes please:)

  12. What more can I say than Viva Espana :D

  13. I've wanted to go to Spain FOREVER! This is such a bueno reason to go that I'm totally in! Those eyes are like insanely gorgeous. I really think I could stare at them for quite awhile. They are like other-worldly...know what I mean?

    My book boyfriend is from the Jane True series. :D LOL! [Mathew Fox as Anyan Barghest]

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  14. Holy.Effing.Christ....I was just bewitched by those fantastic eyes...all other eyes have now been ruined for me...the end...WOW

  15. I missed my chance!!!! Went to Spain and did not meet anyone as cute as Jesus. Yeah, like I had any chance whatsoever. Those eyes are killing me.

  16. Seriously gorgeous eyes - although in the first pic they kind of creep me out. :)

  17. WOW, they have to be two of the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. Maybe I need to start paying more attention when my fiance watches soccer... excellent addition to the harem, Mel. I'll totally come to Spain with you! I've already got my flamenco knickers packed. ;-)

  18. Oh I dooooo love those pale eyes! Very attracting. ;) Great pick this week!

  19. WHOA! Attack of the unbelievably blue eyes! I have got to read this book to meet Logan!

  20. omg, i cant believe ive been missing out on this meme
    im so jumping on board with this!lol


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