
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Book Boyfriend with Giveaway!

Meme hosted by the Unread Reader

Well... let's see... you have met my version of Dare MacIntosh from When You Dare:                                                        When You Dare (Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor)
You've met my version of Trace Rivers from Trace of FeverTrace of Fever (Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor)
Now meet my version of Jackson Savor from Savor the Danger:                                                            Savor the Danger (Hqn)                                                                   Oh yes, Jessie Pavelka would suit Jackson very well. I've actually never seen anything he was on and just happened across his pic. I can see him play the rogue who can be such a jerk who also knows he is handsome. Jackson finds the one who can put him in his place and he loves it. He is compassionate and caring even if you'd never get him to admit it. He just can't stand to see others suffer. Oh, and he also loves animals. *sigh*
Gratuitous Shirtless pic!
(needed one more for good measure)

No, I'm not giving away the guys. Heavens no! They are for me *giggles*... however... I am giving away a set of the books (yes, all 3!!!) to one lucky commenter! That way you can dream up your own handsome trio for those sweet dreams. All you have to do is let me know you would like to be entered and leave an e-mail addy if one is not in your profile. It is US only (sorry international peeps). I'll end the giveaway on the 26th. So, good luck!!
Also, please do go to Missie's blog at The Unread Reader to see more handsome additions to some of the finest man harems in the book universe! :D
Giveaway over!


  1. Uh oh his towel is slipping O.o! ~Drags self away from picture~

    Jackson is a nice addition to the harem. And thank you for the gratuitous shirtless picture. Can never have too many of them.

  2. Darnit. I was hoping you were giving them hunky men away. Oh well, guess I'll just make do with oggling.

    No need to enter me seeing at I'm INT. (:

  3. Man nr 2 please :D Oh you weren't giving away men? Oh shoot ;)

  4. Gosh! You can't even imagine how jealous I am of your man harem.

  5. No, she isn't going to give away men. I wouldn't allow her to do so. ;p Great promo, partner! You made the girls dream!

  6. Woah buddy! These 2 dudes are stellar. I haven't read this series. Everyone talks about them tho, and now I see why! Holla!

    Thanks for the giveaway. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to meet these dudes!


  7. Can I just say Yum Yum Yum!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!


  8. I've had my eye on these books for awhile.

    Here's hoping I'm eligible. I have an APO/FPO address; shipping is the same as in the US because it's military.

    If not, well, I'll just add these to my TBR and you can disregard my entry. :)

    alice DOT mcelwee AT gmail DOT com

  9. If Alice wins and you don't want to send them to her APO then you can send them to me and I will send them to her :)

    Holy Hotness batman and yes, he is perfect for Jackson! I can't wait till book 4---going to be a fun one I think :)

    (not entering)

  10. *sigh* I cannot wait to start reading this series now! Great pick this week!

    Here's mine:

  11. Oh give me a week- in a room, NAKED and let me lick them. Yeah. Win.

  12. @Felicia... great idea. If she wins, I'll let the publicist know and if not, I can send them to her. :)

  13. I LOVE your Jackson! Crazy hot and sexy, and that smile, *sigh* Very Jackson-like!

    (Don't count me for a contest entry, have read all 3 :)

  14. Haven't read this series, but I've got to say that the covers are a definite reason to start!

  15. Thanks for the refresher, and a tasty main course! There can never be too many shirtless pics in theses posts. Gosh I love Wednesdays. MBB brings a whole new meaning to the term Hump Day. ;)

  16. Great giveaway: just wish that you were giving away the

    Shannon S.

  17. Oh my. Your Jackson is absolutely delicious and he definitely fits perfectly with what I pictured. *pets screen*

    And thanks so much for the giveaway Melissa!


  18. ZOMG! Kill me why don't you!

    *chokes on drool*

    I used to think Jackson was my fav, but now that you've showed me the perfect Trace and Dare, I couldn't possibly pick!

    Whoever wins this giveaway is one lucky gal...or guy! ;)

  19. *Chokes on coffee* What do you me your not giving away the guys! I want them!! No, I NEED them! LOL

    Please enter me! LOL HAHA (Dirty mind sorry) HAHAHAH!

    bwithbite (at) gmail (dot) com

  20. Well that got my hump day started off right! =D
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    folksohana at gmail dot com

  21. Are you sure you won't giveaway the men?

    Lisa, thegardenofbooks(at)gmail(dot)com

  22. What is it about a well muscled, tattooed man that is enough to send me over the edge? *swoon* I agree with Crystal, nice start to humpy day ^_~

    Here's mine:

    sinn @ sinnful books

  23. *wipes drool off keyboard* Thank you so much for these hot pictures! :D

  24. OMLord what a beautiful bunch of men! Thank you for sharing them with us! And for this great giveaway!


  25. Great giveaway!

    myra0502 at yahoo dot com

  26. Goodness, I nearly spit out my coffee when I opened this up. So yummy! Now I need a napkin.

  27. I'm going to have to bookmark this page and take a closer look when I'm not at work. I'm thinking my boss wouldn't appreciate the glazed over look on my face if I browsed at the office. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway. I've been reading such good things about this series and still haven't figured out why I've not gotten on board yet.

    Jen K
    admin.bookblog AT

  28. I love Lori!!!! Thanks!!! :-)


  29. Oh. My. Gosh. *Tries to breathe deeply*. That is just...OMG...amazing. That man is absolutely, positively gorgeous. Like I think my heart stopped beating momentarily, stopped me in my tracks kind of sexy-gorgeous. Gosh Mel, I think you've outdone yourself with all three. Is it bad that I wish his pants were tighter...or possibly he was sans pants?

    Enter me PLEASE! I must read these now. *prrrrr* I want them. *grrrr*

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  30. Thanks for sharing!!

    And thanks for the chance!!

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  31. Heck yeah! count me in, thanks!!

  32. Oh my... Is that first man with the red towel going to drop it or what!?!? he he he. Great group of men!

  33. Yeah, uh, can you have him lower that towel just a little bit more...well it looks like a lot more. Heck, get that towel outta there!

  34. Don't enter me!

    You're making me pretty giggly with all this man candy. I want! Where do you find all these gorgeous men? I must be living under a rock.

  35. Count me in please :) Thanks for the giveaway!
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  36. Those guys are soooo delicious. I love it when people put faces to the characters!
    Please enter me in the giveaway=)

    TheKimberlyDuwe AT Gmail DOT Com

  37. I want your harem! Please enter me in the contest!

    rootml1 AT hotmail DOT com

  38. I want the guys too lol. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read these books. They sound very good.

  39. Your guys are gorgeous, you lucky girl! Well, if I can't have the guys, I'll be glad to take the books! Thanks for a great giveaway:)

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  40. Please enter me.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  41. I want the books AND the boys! Yum yum yum! Jesse to me is also Rhage. But if you have a minute, please cruise over to my BBF and tell me what you think!

    Reading Lark's Book Boyfriend

  42. Enter me in the giveaway!!

  43. ooh can't we share?

    laurathejane78 @ yahoo dot com

  44. i can dream tonight lol.good greif is it hot,whew...thanks for the giveaway

  45. Those are some sexy guys for sure! I want one! "Please enter me" sounds naughty to me now and seems like it's a plea to one of those guys ;D


  46. Curse me and my Britishness! I want those books! I want this man lol. Does he know his towel is slipping? He should take it off...*ahem*
    Nice pick :)

  47. Please enter me into the giveaway I need some sexy men in my life.

    OBoyledBooks [at] gmail [dot] com


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