
Friday, June 10, 2011

Whirlwind Blog Tour Review and Giveaway!

Book Description:
Love at first sight is a myth to aspiring journalist Melissa Williams, but when she meets Jason McAlister at a friend’s wedding, a Cinderella-like fantasy turns her no-nonsense world upside down. She sees in his penetrating blue eyes not just an evening, but a lifetime together that includes much more than a glass slipper and a kiss.  
Realizing she shared a few salacious emails with Jason months ago, a humiliated Melissa loses herself in the crowd, thankful he doesn’t know who she is. But he does know—and with a gentle touch and a steamy kiss, he soon picks up their flirtation right where it left off.  
As midnight strikes, Melissa succumbs to Jason’s sexy pull, unaware that a woman’s body has been discovered in the wake of the party. When evidence points to Melissa as the killer’s next target, the lines between fantasy and reality blur. She goes into hiding, charmed by one mysterious man and hunted by another.  
Cinderella lost a shoe—Melissa could lose both her handsome prince and her life.
Oh yes, I am excited to be a part of this book blog tour! First, it is hosted by the fabulous Missie of the Unread Reader and second because it stars my namesake, Melissa. Only thing missing is my very own Jason. Hm... I think I got the wrong package as he never came in the mail. *sniffs* I guess it is up to me to find my own (darn!). *sighs* Well, onto the review...

This book is a sweet contemporary romance with a bit of action thrown in for good measure. Melissa is a interesting character. In some ways quite strong, in others quite fragile. She can hold her own with the boys but does not think she is dating material, since none of the "boys" have ever asked her out. However, when she meets Jason, her best friend's brother, that view comes into question. Jason is smexy, sweet, and very romantic. Although they had fun on-line for a brief moment, it takes Melissa a while to figure out she is Jason's match. In fact she is so worried about the ending of the relationship, she almost ruins the present.

Melissa also has a great supporting cast of friends. People who will be there and back her in any decision she makes. Jason fits into this group like he was there all along which only makes her fret more about never seeing him again. Yes, there were times when I could have hit her upside the head (thank you Bender Bending Rodriguez for that phrase in my head) when she worried so much, but in the end it does make sense. There is an epiphany that comes to all readers as to why she is this way. I'm not telling you if she gets it *evil laugh* but at least it is there for the rest of us to make sense of her behavior.

I also should mention that throughout the book there is a looming dark figure we know as "Ron" who decides that Melissa should be his next victim. His twisted brain make for a good villain and there is a scene that is quite heart pumping. Hopefully our couple survives it, since you know I'm not telling. Wait for it... *evil laugh*

Oh I give this book 3 1/2 stars. It's a fun contemporary romance that is great for the summer months. Plus, who can deny a character named Melissa? Seriously who??? ;) Although I'm still waiting for my Jason to come (Missie... you forgot to give him to me), you will love his sweet and romantic side. I was given this ebook for review and no compensation was given.

About the author:
Originally from Arizona, Robin DeJarnett has lived most of her life in Northern California. A former engineer, computer administrator, and saleswoman, she draws on her experiences, as well as her love of travel and sports, to make her stories as realistic as possible.

When not writing, Robin is a cook, chauffeur, housekeeper, maid, life coach, travel consultant, psychologist, roadie, financial advisor, and EMT -- for her loving children and husband, at least.

Robin loves to hear from her readers. You can contact her through her website:

I have an ebook to giveaway! All you need to do is comment and leave your e-mail addy if it is not in your profile. I'll end the giveaway on the 17th at 10pm MST. Good luck!

giveaway is over! thanks for playing!
Whirlwind Blog Tour
Tour Schedule:
Copies of Whirlwind will be given away at EVERY stop!
eBook giveaways are open internationally; Print books will be shipped to US addresses only.
June 6 (eBook Giveaway): Kickoff Interview and excerpt at The Unread Reader
June 7 (Print Giveaway): Geeky Blogger's Book Blog's reviews Whirlwind
June 8 (eBook Giveaway): Get a peek at a Whirlwind outtake at A Trail of Books Left Behind
June 9 (Print Giveaway): For What It's Worth reviews Whirlwind
June 10 (eBook Giveaway): Books and Things reviews Whirlwind
June 13 (Print Giveaway): A Tale of Many Reviews interviews Jason McAlister, Whirlwind's hero
June 14 (Print Giveaway): The Bookish Brunette reviews Whirlwind
June 15 (Print Giveaway)Robin discusses paranormal vs. contemporary romance at Supernatural Snark
June 16 (eBook Giveaway)See the settings in Whirlwind at My Love Affair with Books
June 17 (Double Stop Giveaway)Robin shares her thoughts on staying contemporary at Happily Ever After(print giveaway)Cheeky Reads reviews Whirlwind (e-book giveaway)

LIVE Chat with Whirlwind author Robin DeJarnett, plus eBook giveaway!


  1. -not an entry-

    Lol, no Jason of your on in the parcel. What a shame. He does sound great ;)

  2. _not an entry either_

    Perhaps somebody has stolen that particular parcel with your own Jason-candy-boy. If I were you I would go to the post office and enquire. Who knows, he might be still alive poor thing ;p.

  3. Indeed - who can ever say know to anyone called Melissa? Best name ever! :-)

    Sounds like a sweet book - I'm thinking of trying more contemporary books so put my name in the hat! :)


  4. Great review. I love a good fun contemporary romance.

    And it must be good if the character name is Melissa :)


  5. I hope your own Jason is coming soon. ;) And I agree who can deny a character with that cool name! ;)

  6. Sounds like a fun read :)

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  7. (Not entering)

    I thought it was a fun summer romance fun plus holy hotness and a dr to boot!


  8. Another comment that disappeared as soon as I clicked publish.

    I was just saying what a strange day I was having. I was about to ask if your giveaway was international when I realised as it was an e-book it didn't matter. Doh, what can I say apart from it must be my age.

  9. Another great book I want to read!

    bwithbite (at) gmail (dot) com

  10. Sounds good count me in!


  11. Hm. I think my Jason got lost in the mail too. Damn. This sounds like a fun read though, and between all these lovely reviews and Missie's Book Boyfriend posts, I'm now solidly in love with the characters in this book even though I haven't read them yet:)

    Don't enter me in the giveaway, I just wanted to comment:)

  12. Right! Who could resist a Melissa?!

    And do you seriously think I'd just give you Jason? No way! He is mine. LOL

    Great review, Melissa! I agree. Whirlwind is a fun summer read with a great mix of smexy with heart pumping action!

    Thanks for being part of the tour! You're awesome!

  13. Fun review of a fun book. Please enter me in the giveaway, I'd love to read it.


  14. This sounds great. Count me in on the giveaway :)

    jcross719 at yahoo dot com

  15. Sounds so good! And I'm sure Jason is on his way!

  16. This was SUCH a fun read...

    *ahem* Jason is over here right now... he'll be along later!

  17. Sounds like a great book please enter me!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  18. Oh great review. A new book for me as well. Sounds neat with a little old fairy tale twist to it. :) Thank you!

  19. Souds like a great book.


  20. I've already read this fantastic book so this isn't an entry. I'm puzzled though--Jason didn't arrive with the book for you? He did for me! *goes back to cuddling with the blue eyed hunk*

  21. This does sound like a fun book! Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. Sounds like a wonderful read. Please enter me in contest.

  23. I would love to read and review this book :) edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom

  24. I first heard of Whirlwind thanks to your book tour, but now I can't wait to read it, it sounds wonderful! Thank you for the great giveaway and especially for making it international!

    stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

  25. This is a book I would love to thanks for the great international giveaway! This way I can participate from Brazil!


  26. This is a book I would love to thanks for the great international giveaway! This way I can participate from Brazil!


  27. thanks for the giveaway
    jenhedger at hotmail dot com

  28. sounds like a fun read to me!!
    please count me in!!

    justjanhvi at gmail dot com

  29. Sounds like a good read. :)

    nakiaandkaleb [at] gmail [dot] com


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