
Saturday, May 7, 2011

On My Wishlist...

The Shadow Reader by Sandy Williams
TBP: Oct. 25, 2011
From Goodreads:
Some humans can see the fae. McKenzie Lewis can track them, reading the shadows they leave behind. But some shadows lead to danger. Others lead to lies.  
A Houston college student trying to finish her degree, McKenzie has been working for the fae king for years, tracking vicious rebels who would claim the Realm. Her job isn’t her only secret. For just as long, she’s been in love with Kyol, the king’s sword-master—and relationships between humans and fae are forbidden.  
But any hope for a normal life is shattered when she’s captured by Aren, the fierce and uncompromising rebel leader. He teaches her the forbidden fae language and tells her dark truths about the Court, all to persuade her to turn against the king. Time is running out, and as the fight starts to claim human lives, McKenzie has no choice but to decide once and for all whom to trust and where she ultimately stands in the face of a cataclysmic civil war.
Hour of Dust and Ashes by Kelly Gay
TBP: Aug 30, 2011

No blurb yet, but it is the 3rd in the Charlie Madigan series. I loved the first 2 so I NEED this one!

Books in the series:
The Better Part of Darkness (Charlie Madigan, Book 1)
The Darkest Edge of Dawn (Charlie Madigan, Book 2)

So, what is on your UF wishlist this week?


  1. I have not read a lot of UF books. The series by Kelly Gay seems interesting - I would like to try the first book.

  2. I've added the Kelly Gay books to my wishlist! Thanks for posting about them...I'm new to UF and this series sounds REALLY interesting. :)

    Jamie @ Jamie's Bookshelf

  3. I've really got to get round to reading some Kelly Gay - I have the first book on my enormous to be read pile...I just haven't got around to it yet!

    I like the sound of The Shadow Reader as well! :-)

  4. The Shadow Reader is going straight on my wishlist. I hadn't seen it before thanks for highlighting it!

    My keeper shelf

  5. Both books sound interesting, I might choose one as my summer treat. Nice wishes!

  6. Those girls on the covers look fierce!

  7. Great choices! I haven't heard of either of these but they do sound like interesting reads!

  8. I also NEED the next Kelly Gay!! :D

  9. Oh I haven't heard of this series---must look it up! I am warming up to UF but it does have to be done right!

  10. *Runs to add The Shadow Reader to my TBR list*

  11. Very cool! I have The Shadow Reader on my TBR list. :)

    On My Wishlist

  12. Gawd, I hate it when people use my body for cover art without permission! :P

    Hot cover for Shadow Reader. I really, really want to read it.

  13. I've never heard of the Charlie Madigan series!!!! Looks freaking AWESOME!!

  14. The Shadow Reader sounds like a great read! I like the sounds of tracking the fae. Hmm, I think I might have to keep an eye out for this one. Too! :)

    And Kelly Gay's book is on my want list as well!

  15. Those covers are wonderful. I hope you get to them sometime. Looking forward to some reviews.

    Please do feel free to stop by to see the Cover Reveal of The Rift Walker.

    Mad Scientist
    Steampunkery & Book Reviews
    For The L♥ve of Reading


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