
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

The Goddess Test (Harlequin Teen)From Goodreads:
It's always been just Kate and her mom—and her mother is dying. Her last wish? To move back to her childhood home. So Kate's going to start at a new school with no friends, no other family and the fear her mother won't live past the fall.Then she meets Henry. Dark. Tortured. And mesmerizing. He claims to be Hades, god of the Underworld—and if she accepts his bargain, he'll keep her mother alive while Kate tries to pass seven tests.
Kate is sure he's crazy—until she sees him bring a girl back from the dead. Now saving her mother seems crazily possible. If she succeeds, she'll become Henry's future bride, and a goddess.
I hated this book so much I absolutely loved it. One reason I hated it was because it was an ebook and I couldn't put my ereader in the freezer when I had the sniffles. Yes, darn it, I cried. I HATE TO CRY. Ugh. But Kate was so sweet and the way she handled her mom dying was so honest and understandable. So, not only did I cry, but I had a hard time putting down this book. Now, that part alone I really don't mind, but I hate it when a good book ends. I just want to go back and crawl into that world and stay a bit longer. But no, they kick you out until the next book in the series. *sigh* So, before I find a new home in the next book, I am lamenting the fact I am no longer with Kate and the swoon-worthy Henry.

Oh, Henry (no, not the candybar) was so tortured like any good sexy brooding hero. I love that twist on the Greek mythology. He isn't the arrogant jerk that considers his role as all important, above all the other gods, but more like the lonely brooding man who thinks no one will love him because of his job. His job in which he understands it's importance and is unwilling to relinquish it because of his compassion for humanity. Oh I love it when Hades is portrayed that way. Very swoon-worthy.

Was there anything I didn't love about this book. Well, there was one thing, but I cannot say what it is because by revealing it I will spoil part of the book. And you know I'd rather evil laugh at your curiosity than spoil anything. Of course there are other aspects I'd love to discuss because it does deal with mythology (which I enjoy) but cannot or I might be stuck in Tartarus forever. *shivers*Ah, so I must make do with this strange but happy review of this book.

Not revealing anything else, I give this book 5 stars and unfortunately will rate it 3 hankies. I really enjoyed this book despite the hanky count. I can't wait for the next installment (psst... it's Goddess Interrupted tbp: Feb. 2012). I hope there is more of Henry in it.

I received this book from the publisher Harlequin Teen and NetGalley and no compensation for my review was given.


  1. It seems a nice spin of the Greek mythology. I hope that Henry is different than the real Hades who kindnapped and raped Persefone first and asked her opinions later.

  2. @anachronist... Well, he wouldn't be swoon-worthy if he was the regular Hades, right? ;)

  3. This reminds me of one YA book I read, Little Boy Lost I was sobbing so hard I woke up hubs from upstairs. I need to man up and try and read this one!

  4. I actually really liked Hades/Henry as a dark, brooding character too:) It took me a while to warm to both him and Kate since they were both so melancholy for much of the story, but by the end I really liked them both and now I can't wait to see what will happen in the second book! Nice review Melissa:)

  5. You are really making me want this book!! You are truly an evil woman *bites lip* Yup I really want the book

  6. I love books about Gods and now you've made me want this book! I know how hard it can be dealing with a sick parent so I glad that it's not glossed over as well! :)

  7. @SHB... Oh I refused to read that one because I knew it would make me cry. This one just hit me in the teary way. Maybe it won't do it to you! :)

    @Jenny... It took me a bit to warm up to Henry too. Yes, I did enjoy it. I really am a fan on the different takes of this particular myth. Perhaps I should be rating it b/c of that. ;)

    @Blodeuedd... Bwa ha ha! Get eeetttt! ;)

    @Mel... Oh then if you are like me and enjoy the different takes on the stories, you will love this one!

  8. EEeeeeep! You read this one! I WANT this one! ANd I have to have it in paper as I think I want to keep it on the shelves to show off. Oh, you are so mean to me. Reading these amazing books and rubbing my nose in it. ;) THANKS!!!!

  9. Great review! I'm really anxious to pick this book up now. :)

  10. sounds interesting, though It doesnt really appeal to me =/

    Hope you enjoy The Restorer! =D

  11. You have been doing lots of evil laughing lately in your reviews. Another awesome review :)

  12. Great review! I totally fell in love with Henry! He had my heart since i first met him!

  13. That is a good hanky/star combo there. I haven't read a really good make me cry book in awhile!

  14. Can't wait to read this one, but not happy about the hanky count!

  15. Hi! Sorry to bother you but I'm going round blogs that have read The Goddess Test, me and another blogger are hosting a discussion on Saturday at 11pm GMT, where anyone who's read the book can discuss it with other bloggers. I was wondering if you'd be interested? You can find out more about it here:

  16. Oh, Henry (no, not the candybar) You are too funny Melissa!

    While I only kinda liked it, I am really glad to see that you loved it!

  17. Oh Mel! *hugs* I'm sorry for your tears. Make sure you next read is something that can make you laugh.

    So Henry is swoon worthy, eh? I will file that info away in a very important database. ;)


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