
Monday, May 9, 2011

Excerpts from Dreaming in Darkness by Jessica Kristie plus Giveaway!

Dreaming in Darkness Excerpt 

Grief Virus 

I pause in silence. Honoring the fallen that still forge this ground with mystery and memory. Your vacancy leaves stains permanent and pressing. Questioning – even the questions to ask. 

Undoubtedly I doubt my ability to heal, to offer healing – to rise as the correct antidote to this grief virus. It spreads and lingers indefinitely. 

The responsibility of maintaining your legacy is a burden I struggle to bare. I force movements in baby steps. It feels like I need to learn to walk and talk all over again. All the normal that surrounded me falls deep in yesterdays cavern and refuses to budge. I don’t ever want to forget you for one moment of my life (her life – his life), now left without you. All the mist that surrounds me in your honor I preserve in buckets - to pass on to every aching body that allows. 

Is it enough? 

Will the liquid that flows and the rivers that run in your name, ever be enough? 

How can I separate the stones to smooth out the good from the bad? 

I need for all whispers of you to be only of your glory. The life you gave, the hope you ensued, the hands that comforted – the dreams you inspired. This I pray for your children and for your children’s children, so that their memory too, will sing only the songs of joy. 

Tragedy’s Room 

Today I want to put skin around my words, 
turn sentences into limbs, 
and reach across the seas. 
Finding my way to your door. 
My blankets of consoling will never do this moment justice. 
History has been broken. 
A tear in life’s time table. 
“Why” lingers at the footsteps you watched from birth. 
Hands by your side that can’t seem to bring enough healing, 
this time, 
trouble feels so beyond, 
what you can mend. 
Warmth can roam, 
beyond our flesh, 
far past aching bone. 
It will make its way back, 
where darkness looms. 
Where loss and heartbreak, 
now claim this room. 
Bows break future moments. 
Pausing time, 
covering moons. 
Lingering in our present. 
Floating in the in-between. 
But hands do breathe volumes, 
when crashing into tragedies door. 
Look now and know, 
what strength they hold. 
Your grip. 
Your reach. 
Barriers breaking, as we speak. 

Dreaming in Darkness
COPYRIGHT © 2011 by Jessica Kristie
Excerpt appears courtesy of Willow Moon Publishing, LLC

Jessica Kristie Bio

“Poetry is my heart, anchors my soul and documents my journey.” – Jessica Kristie

Born and raised in the California Bay Area, Jessica discovered her passion to write at the young age of ten. She regurgitates her heart and mind, sometimes in structure and sometimes in free flow, as a way to heal and understand herself and those around her.

Jessica’s inspiration comes in many forms, often inspired by just a word or quickly fleeting emotion. Through years of writing she has been able to capitalize on her experiences, whether they are painful or joyous. Inside each of these moments lies a grand piece of her history. They are a documentation of much of the pain life has to offer, and the hopeful bit of empowerment required for survival. She hopes to draw you close to her world through shared emotion while inspiring you to forgive, remember, and heal.

You can find Jessica’s first volume of poetry and prose Dreaming in Darkness on Amazon.

Connect with Jessica
Twitter: @jesskristie
Want a chance to win a Kindle ebook of her work?
Just comment below to enter. Don't forget an e-mail addy
The giveaway ends on Sun. May 15th at 10pm MST
It is open to anyone who can get ebooks from Amazon US and UK.
Giveaway is now over.


  1. Very intriguing...

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  2. That's very moving! It's amazing that the author has been writing since she was ten!

  3. omg I have a nook too :3 but following Jess on twitter xD thanks so much for sharing this guest post with us :)

  4. this book sounds great, I'll have to mark it on my to-read pile :)

  5. Wow, very, very beautiful, thanks so much for posting this Melissa! And thanks to you and Jessica for the giveaway:)


  6. Great post! Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. I would like to enter this giveaway please!! =)

    TValeros18 @ gmail [dot] com

    Thank you!!
    GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads

  8. Hi Melissa, Glad to be up and about and able to visit you.

    How beautiful, I especially loved Tragedy's Room.

    Good luck to all who enter your giveaway, I'll be sure to add it to my comp/giveaway page.

  9. Now I'm intrigued! Please enter me:

  10. Please count me in for this one, looks like a great read, kittycrochettwo at msn dot com

  11. No need to enter me in the giveaway as it's hard for me to read on the computer.

    But I had to stop by and say sounds like a great book! Best of luck to the author. :)

    thank you!

  12. Wow! I write poems here and there, but those are beautiful and I feel like I know exactly what she's saying. I wish I could read e-books. I just wanted to offer my support and comment.


  13. nice. jessica is a poet of high calibre as you can see with the sampling given...and what a book trailer too!

  14. wow i hope i win, this sounds amazing!

  15. Like all the others hope I win!!! Book sounds amazing :)


  16. Your collection sound amazing, Like you have a over speaking feeling stuck in yourself, Like thier's a human that could never be just be frailty to you.

  17. Sounds great!!


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