
Monday, April 25, 2011

Tangled Threads by Jennifer Estep

From Goodreads:

I’d rather face a dozen lethal assassins any night than deal with something as tricky, convoluted, and fragile as my feelings. 
But here I am. Gin Blanco, the semi-retired assassin known as the Spider. Hovering outside sexy businessman Owen Grayson’s front door like a nervous teenage girl. One thing I like about Owen: he doesn’t shy away from my past—or my present. And right now I have a bull’s-eye on my forehead. Cold-blooded Fire elemental Mab Monroe has hired one of the smartest assassins in the business to trap me. Elektra LaFleur is skilled and efficient, with deadly electrical elemental magic as potent as my own Ice and Stone powers. Which means there’s a fifty-fifty chance one of us won’t survive this battle. I intend to kill LaFleur—or die trying—because Mab wants the assassin to take out my baby sister, Detective Bria Coolidge, too. The only problem is, Bria has no idea I’m her long-lost sibling . . . or that I’m the murderer she’s been chasing through Ashland for weeks. And what Bria doesn’t know just might get us both dead. . . .
*Squee!* Oh yes! Another installment of this great series! And since I know not everyone is caught up to this point or are just starting the series... I will TRY to spoil nothing. Oh, that is going to be so hard, but despite the sage words of Yoda (do or do not, there is no try) I will still try. *checks for miniature green aliens* At least I won't spoil anything that isn't in the blurb above... so at least be warned that far. ;)

In this book like the others, there is a seemingly impossible task set upon Gin. There is also another villan who enters the picture in the form of a cold-sadistic assassin. There is plenty of action and heart stopping moments as we come to expect from this series but in this one there is also an extra layer of heart rendering moments as well. Oh and that is what made this book extra special. The relationship of Owen really helps us see how much Donovan Caine hurt Gin. Oh, that made me hate Donovan even more. That isn't the only relationship that Gin explores in this book. She also explores her relationship with Bria, her baby sis. Of course, I loved seeing Gin's family expand in very unusual ways especially for an assassin. You'll just have to read about it to find out what I mean by that.

My only complaint is minor. It has repetitive areas that drew me out of the book at times. However, I do understand. There are people who pick up books in the middle of the series and so I believe it was for a new-comer's benefit (I, of course have NO idea about those type of people *cough*). For the rest of us who have followed Gin from book 1, we just wanted to get to the good stuff as quickly as possible because we root for the heroine so much. 

I give this book 4 1/2 Owens... uh I mean stars. You will enjoy this book especially if you have read the others. It is a perfect addition to the series. This book will be published tomorrow! So what are you doing here? Go get it! :) I was given this ARC by the author and no compensation for my review was given.

Books in the series...

  1. Spider's Bite (Elemental Assassin, Book 1)
  2. Web of Lies (Elemental Assassin, Book 2)
  3. Venom (Elemental Assassin, Book 3)
  4. Tangled Threads (Elemental Assassin, Book 4)

Btw, stop by May 4th for a blog post by Jennifer Estep and a giveaway!


  1. 4.5 Owens---I am starting this tonight! There are so many things i WANT to happen: Owen, Owen, Owen, oh story about Bria, fighting Mab (or henchman), Owen, Owen, Owen, story about Jo-Jo, Sophie, and Finn, Owen, Owen, Owen.

    I am excited to read this!

  2. So I guess I'll need to start with Spider Bite then??? Lol!

    I'm on it! They better have it on B&N for my Nook!

  3. "I, of course have NO idea about those type of people.". *eye roll*

    Of course you don't.

    Thanks for the spoiler free review. I have hear so many great things about series. I haven't met Gin yet, but Gin seems pretty kick ass, and I'd like to see what you mean about the family thing.

    *sighs* Someday. :)

  4. I have to admit that I only read the first paragraph of your review as I haven't started this series...despite all the good reviews I hear about Gin! But I have Spider's Bite and I WILL read it..eventually! :)

  5. A great series of books, my sister-in-law loves them - I'll have to read them sometime ...... in order.

  6. YES! All books should be rated in Owens:):) I loved him so much in this book, and you're right, the more time he spends with Gin, the more we realize just how much Donovan hurt her. So excited for Spider's Revenge now!

  7. @Felicia... Oh I think you will love this one. Lots of Owen and yet not enough. *le swoon*

    @Bookish... Hee hee... Oh I think you'll love this series!

    @Missie... *Cheshire cat GRIN*

    WHAT! You haven't read it???

    @Mel... Oh read it! Read it!!

    @...Petty... listen to your sis in law!

    @Jenny... *le swoon* Oh I need Spider's Revenge now! :)

  8. Yes, I hate Donovan. I am really hoping that Donovan pops back in to tell Gin he made a mistake and misses her BUT.... then he sees she is happy with Owen. Bwahahaha!!! Yes, I want to hurt him!!

    I agree with the comment you left on my review about building trust so I am hoping the next go around he will be more involved. I;m just selfish and want more Owen time but I think you can concur with that! ;D

    As for your complaint- I can agree there and i know that it's been a complaint in other reviews as well but Gin is so awesome to read and Owen so HOT--- even FInn too that it's the only thing that matters. LOL!

    Btw, I seen your review before I went to bed and told myself I was going to write and post mine asap so I could come back and read yours!!

    Have a great day Melissa!!

  9. Great review :)
    I wasn't over the moon with book 1 but I have lately been reconsidering it

  10. Aaaaa!!! You are really getting to my TBR pile now. I have the first two books and I REEAAALLLLLLYYYYY want to read them. But I have to get them snuck in here somewhere. And now book 4! What!?! lol. Oh, thanks!

  11. So read it I must? - That's my attempt at Yoda's backwards syntax.

    Are you saying that if I wanted to pull a Melissa with this book, I could do it and still understand what's going on?

  12. @Chas... oh Finn and Bria. Can't wait for more!!

    @Blodeuedd... oh I think they keep getting better.

    @Melissa... READ THEM! :)

    @Stephanie... LOL New saying... pull a Melissa! ;D

  13. I am hearing great things about this series so I must read them. And is Owen one in your man harem? Great review :)

  14. I really need to read the series and meet Owen! Your review has made me excited to read the book.

  15. AS I said before, I need to read this book! So many good reviews!!

  16. LOL. Bria taming a man the likes of Finn- I do have to read that one for myself!!


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