
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Evercrossed by Elizabeth Chandler

Evercrossed (Kissed By An Angel)From Goodreads:

It’s been a year since Ivy’s boyfriend, Tristan, died. They’ve both moved on—Tristan to the other side of the afterlife, and Ivy to sweet, dependable Will. Now Ivy’s heading to Cape Cod, hoping to leave the horror of last summer behind. She wants nothing more than to lie on the beach, sip lemonade, and hang out with her friends.  
But then a car crash ends Ivy’s life.  
As she floats to the beyond, looking down on the life she’s left behind, Tristan breathes life back into her with a passionate kiss. She wakes up in the hospital, surrounded by Will and her family, but all she can think about is the love that she lost.  
But memories aren’t all that’s come back from the past. And this time, Ivy’s not sure love will be enough to save her.
Kissed by an Angel: Kissed by an Angel; The Power of Love; SoulmatesThis is the 4th book in this series. Yes, before you say... "AH HAH! She has done it again!" I can explain! *looks innocent* I actually thought this was the first in this series. I think I somehow got the first confused with this one. Don't ask me how. That, even I don't have a clue how that happened. Anyhoo... there is enough detail and backstory in this book that allowed me to at least follow what was going on here. However, I do believe that this story would have read much better if I had read the first three books before I read this one. So, I suggest those that haven't read these stories pick up that first book that has the 3 stories in one tome all ready to go for us voracious readers. I might go back and read that one to see if it makes a difference in reading this story.

This book is very much a YA book and while I didn't connect with Tristan and Ivy's soulmate type of love (which makes sense for me) I could see that not even a year had passed and she already had another boyfriend. Now, I'm not doing a "how dare you" review as we all grieve differently, but it would seem that her new boyfriend would have realized that she would still be raw from grief even if Ivy wouldn't admit it herself. Especially since Tristan and the new boyfriend, Will, knew each other and both were in the previous adventure. I also was annoyed with her best friend, Beth. She was supposed to be her friend and would caution her being with the new "guy" that came into her life, but gave no whys or even got to know him so she could be specific. Her constant picking at the new guy really got on my nerves at times.  I will say, however, the twists and parts trying to throw you off the trail were well done. Especially in a YA. I do caution you as I usually do with these type of endings; it is a cliffhanger.

I give this YA 3 stars. Although I had trouble with some of the characters, I did enjoy the writing and the mystery in this story. I do recommend that you read the first book which now has all 3 books together. The book is to be published today.

I was given this ebook from the publisher and no compensation for my review has been given.


  1. I really liked Kissed by an Angel so I guess I'm going to try this out. Thanks for the review!

  2. I loved this series. Although I do understand your deliema on not reading the first three books. Now whenever I request a book or going to start one I do extensive research to see if it is part of a series or not. I have been in to many cases where that has happen to me. LOL!! Nice review!

  3. Why in the world is there a fourth book in this series? I bought the trilogy a few years ago and read them and just found them to be "meh"... And from what I can remember, the third book tied everything up... *shrugs shoulders*
    Thanks for the great review Melissa!

  4. You are too funny Melissa! Even when you try and start at the beginning, you end up in the middle of the series:) I haven't heard much about these books so I'm glad to have your thoughts to read, I might have to go and check these out. It's nice to know that at least book 4 stands on it's own!

  5. Yeah... I'm not buying that innocent look.

    I've been curious about these, but now I'm thinking that maybe they are not for me. I don't know why, but I get the vibe that the characters are not that impressive.

    Thanks for breaking it down for me Melissa. I'm glad to know that I don't have to worry about picking up yet another series. LOL

  6. Lovely flowers on the cover! Otherwise not my stuff- thank ya!

  7. Not sure about this one, it sounded nice, until I heard the word series ;)

  8. Hmm...didn't know it was the fourth in the series...I believe you. Thousands wouldn't. ;)

  9. @Danna... yea, since you read the others you will like it more than I had.

    @Savannah... Extensive research? What is that? lol

    @Avery.. I didn't even know of the first 3 so I can't answer about the 4th. lol

    @Jenny... Just don't start with the 4th! ;)

    @Missie... but... but... *sob*

    @anachronist... aw... ;)

    @Blodeuedd... Hey, I heard the word and went what? 4th book??? lol

    @Mel... but... but... *sob* ;D

  10. I knew your book-jumping ways will catch up with you!!!

    I agree with you - less than a year and you're already onto a new guy? Sounds a little rushed.

  11. *sniff* Yep.. Stephanie.. you are right. My wild ways... ;) lol

  12. Although i can understand your thoughts on the whole new boyfriend in a year thing i feel i must add my two cents. If you haven't read the first three books of kissed by an angel you should. It is so great. I love reading and even with two kids tend to finish books in about a day or so. I've read kissed by an angel (the novel that has the first three books conveniently in one) twice now and just finished the fourth today. But back to my point... In the first one it explains the tristan, will, ivy connection so the fact that she's dating will wouldn't seem so sudden. As for beth and her attitude toward guy in the end of the fourth ivy made the comment regarding gregory so again having read the first books paired with that comment the harshness beth has toward guy would make sense. Don't write off the first books. Give it a try it is a great read that had me in tears at the end. Love love love

  13. truth to be told I don't think I've even heard of this series before. :) Thanks for introducing it to me. But, we need to work on reading books in order. ;D lol.

  14. i wish that they would make a movie on dark secrets
    1.I really loved the Legacy of lies.It was so good I couldn't put it down.I love the love story and the mystery in it.I really hope that they would make a movie about it soon.I love them.% stars to Elizabeth Chandler.


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