
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Fair Succubi by Jill Myles

My Fair Succubi (The Succubus Diaries)From Goodreads:

Living as a succubus has a bit of a learning curve, but with sexy fallen angel Noah to scratch her sensual Itch, Jackie Brighton is finally starting to feel ahead of the game. She almost doesn’t miss her gorgeous vampire master Zane—or his sinful, teasing mouth. She’s trying to convince herself of that, anyway.
But Jackie’s past mistakes catch up with her, spinning her life out of control once more. Just as her friend Remy’s inner demon comes out to play, Noah and Jackie are arrested by the angelic Serim Council. When Jackie seizes the chance to escape, she falls right into Zane’s waiting arms. As she’s pulled into a game of cat and mouse between vampires and angels, she finds she must also choose between the two men in her life. Can she decide between Noah and Zane, or will she lose everything she’s ever wanted? Because there’s more at stake than just her heart. . .
 This is actually the third book in the succubi series by Jill Myles. Even if you haven't read the first two books like I haven't (yet) you still can follow this book and still feel as if you know what is going on. Granted, it makes you want to know more of the back story, but you aren't lost either. Jackie was turned into a succubus by both Noah and Zane who are now her immortal lovers and masters. And even though Jackie is a succubus who needs sex to survive every couple of days, she isn't a wanton woman. She wants to be faithful to her two masters and lovers.

As Jackie accepts her life as a succubus she finds that an old enemy has possessed her best friend and everyone from the Serim Council (which Noah follows), the archangel Gabriel, and the Vampire queen (Zane is her minion) wants her to collect the possessor in the form of a halo of great power. She has to figure out how to collect it without harming her friend. Jackie is also aided by a hulking nephilim who is a virgin warrior and protector sent by Noah and is SO not into the succubi lifestyle. She also finds herself working with Zane and another vampire to collect this power. Of course, things in Jackie's life never go as planned. She bumbles her way through the problems that foil all her plans while she finds the truth of why she was turned as well as the reason Noah and Zane hate each other. Does she win? Does she have to chose between the two men? Can she? Can you get through this book without laughing? Okay, I'll answer that last one... No. ;) The other questions you will just have to find out for yourself by reading this book.

Succubi Like It Hot (The Succubus Diaries)Gentlemen Prefer Succubi (Succubus Diaries)This book is full of fun, sexy-time, and an interesting adventure. The personalities in this book make it interesting and Jackie herself keeps it sweet. I give this book 4 stars. I recommend it to anyone looking for a bit of lol'ing with their reading. I can't wait to get the other 2 previous to this book and read the next one in this series! This book was published on the 28th... so go out and get it! Go! Now!

I received this book from the publisher and was not compensated for my review.


  1. This sounds like a great read! Thanks for the review :)

  2. I read and liked book 1, it was fun and hot too, must read book 2 one day, and then 3 ,)

  3. So glad to know you can read this one as a stand alone and don't necessarily have to read the first two in the series! I hesitated on these books because of the succubus situation, I have trouble relating to heroines that bed hop and I feared that might be an issue given what she is, but I like that she's dedicated to the two of them. Fantastic review Melissa!

  4. I haven't heard of this series before, but it is something that I will have to check out! Thanks for the great review!

  5. I haven't heard of this before, but it sounds interesting! I definitely like lol'ing while I'm reading. ;) Thanks for your review! ♥

  6. This sounds like a lot of fun! I won Gentlemen Prefer Succubi a while back, and I really should give this series a go! Great review, Melissa! :)

  7. How do you become a succubus? Is it like a sex vampire? Glad that it's a funny book - are you laughing with the book or laughing at the book?

  8. Alison... stop... you are making me think! :)

    I think the way she became a succubus was between giving blood to Zane and having sexytime with Noah. As far as the lol'ing. I think both. ;D

  9. I've heard so many things about how fun this series is, and I have yet to read it. *be's full of fail*

    And *coughs* Did you say a Virgin Warrior sent to protect? *feels faint*

    I'm glad you thought this book was fun. And you see how you leave us guessing. Evil girl!

    My OCD makes it hard for me to read books out of order, and since I already own the first book, I need to get on that.


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