
Saturday, November 6, 2010

On My Wishlist...

Awaken Me Darkly (Alien Huntress, Book 1)Awaken Me Darkly (Alien Huntress #1) by Gena Showalter
From Goodreads:
In a time and place not too far away, Mia Snow is an alien huntress for the New Chicago Police Department, and she's the perfect girl for the job. Tough and sexy, she's earned each of her scars battling the elusive enemy among us. Now, investigating a series of killings, she is shaken to the core when a burst of violence leaves her partner Dallas fighting for his life. A tall, erotic stranger holds the power to heal the injured agent -- and to bind Mia in an electrifying and dangerous seduction. He is Kyrin en Arr, of the deadly Arcadian species -- an alien, a murder suspect -- who has Mia walking a knife's edge, risking her badge and even her life. . . and edging closer to a shocking revelation that will shatter everything she's ever believed.
Enslave Me Sweetly (Alien Huntress, Book 2)Enslave Me Sweetly (Alien Huntress #2) by Gena Showalter
From Goodreads:
Eden Black walks among humans, protecting them from the murderous evil of other-worlders who abduct and enslave. And though she appears to be human herself, Eden is an alien, a Raka, distinguished by her golden hair and skin, and gifted with the ominous ability to kill without remorse -- and with total accuracy. That is, until the fateful night she has one shot to eliminate her target, a human slaver -- and misses.
"Failure" is not in Eden's vocabulary. Neither is "partner" -- but that's what she is forcibly assigned after recovering from her disastrous mission. A sexy, steely-nerved human agent, Lucius Adaire enjoys nothing more than sparking the fury -- and rousing the desire -- of the fiery female assassin too proud to admit defeat. Locked in an assignment they cannot afford to lose, Lucius and Eden find themselves bound in two high-stakes, heart-pounding games: the sensual web of kill or be killed, and the erotic dance of seduction.
Savor Me Slowly (Alien Huntress Novels)Savor Me Slowly (Alien Huntress #3) by Gena Showalter
From Goodreads:
Mishka Le'Ace was created to be an undercover operative...literally. Her beautiful body has been mechanically augmented to give her superhuman strength -- strength she's going to need. Her latest mission sends her to rescue Alien Investigation and Removal agent Jaxon Tremain from torture and death. With him, she discovers a passion unlike any other. A passion she was forbidden to know....
From the moment they meet in a darkened cell, Jaxon craves her touch. But the machine half of Le'Ace forces her to do things she doesn't always want to do. Even betray him...and ultimately destroy him. Now Jaxon must battle the man controlling Le'Ace, and even Le'Ace herself, to at last claim the woman he's come to love.
Seduce the Darkness (Alien Huntress, Book 4)Seduce the Darkness (Alien Huntress #4) by Gena Showalter
From Goodreads:
The war between otherworlders and humans changed Earth beyond recognition. It also saved Bride McKells's life. Before, the gorgeous vampire was a target for every fanatic with a stake and a crucifix. Now, she's free to roam the streets -- and desperate to find others of her kind. One man claims to have the answers she seeks. Devyn, King of the Targons, is a warrior and a womanizer, and he makes no secret of how much he wants Bride -- and how dangerous he could be to her in every way. 
An avid collector of women, Devyn easily seduces human and otherworlder alike. Until now. Not only does Bride resist him, but she leaves Devyn feeling something entirely new...a bone-deep need bordering on obsession. Her blood is the key to curing a vicious alien disease, but helping Bride uncover her origins will compel her to choose between electrifying passion and a destiny that could tear her from Devyn's side forever
...AND the Dark Taste of Rapture but it won't be released until 2011.
I enjoyed the recently reviewed Ecstasy in Darkness I had to read the rest. :)
What are you wishing for this week?


  1. I am wishing for, hm, a lot of books but my ache for The iron duke started again

  2. I've never read any of Gena's stuff... More books to add to the wishlist I suppose ;)

  3. You've been tagged! :)

  4. I wanna read the Iron Duke too! :)

    LOL Nina... too funny!

  5. I hope you get to read these soon! I've read Gena's YA novel Intertwined and I have Unraveled waiting for me but I haven't read any of her adult novels yet.

  6. I have Awaken Me Darkly and Ecstasy In Darkness, read book 1 and just got EID to read with my LOU books that have in my TBR.... Nice reads....Hope you get them all Melissa!

    Thanks for stopping by tonight...

    jackie >_<

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. woops, sorry I had too many tabs open & wrote a comment from someone elses blog here accidentally :0
    that's what the earlier delete was :"s
    I havent read any of Gena's books yet but I really want to, so many people mention her as a favorite in paranormal fiction. I cant wait to catch up and be able to discuss:)

  9. p.s.- thnx 4 the decalgirl discount code u have in the corner, I just ordered a cover for my macbook pro with it :D

  10. This looks like a fun paranormal series! I love it when I find something I like and I can just thoroughly indulge myself in it, rather than have to stop at one book.

  11. Yep, Stephanie... I feel the same way! :)

    @Bella... glad you found the link. I love/hate that place. Mostly because I have all my tech covered (love) and that I spent so much there! (hate) lol

  12. Having also been tagged by Nina I thought I'd drop by and say hello. Nice to meet you, I think I've visited before (perhaps via the hop?), I've enjoyed my visit.

  13. Thanks! for sharing.

  14. I have not read anything from this author yet. But for you to want all these books by this author. Wow! sounds great. :) Hope you enjoy them.


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