
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Apology and Free On-line Book!

I apologize to those in the blogaverse for not being around much lately. My sinuses have decided to take over my life and irritate me to death. And because misery loves company, my sinuses decides to have my migraines come along for the ride. Hopefully this will not be a long "tour" and they will both calm down quickly. Until then, I will be on, but not as much.

Now to what really brought you to read this... the free book! Kelley Armstrong's YA book, "The Summoning" is free to read on-line (no download, sorry) for a period of time. I added their link here so you can go right to it! Enjoy!


  1. I hope you recover soon, Melissa!

  2. Don't worry! I just hope you feel better soon. I understand the sinus thing. Mine have been all over the board, and not in a good way. My whole head has been thumping rather badly lately. Taking losts of sudafed to try to help with the pressure. I am just keeping my fingers crossed not to get a sinus infection.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  3. You SO have my sympathies! You feel better too!

  4. Thanks! I just keep taking all the medicines to help as I go. Hope you are feeling better as well.

  5. Thanks for the post. I am not a big fan of reading it on the computer and this one is on my tbr list, so I will buy it soon.

    Stay in bed untill you feel better, so we won't miss you for a long time. :)

  6. Oh no!!! Have you been able to recover since then!!=)

    Hang in there... I really hate sinuses.

  7. Aw, thanks! I am doing better but reading slowly. And I suspect all here knows how painful that is! :)

    Hope everyone is having a good healthy (or soon to be healthy) new year!

  8. My every sympathy. I frequently get bad sinus pain and just recently completed a two week course of antibiotics to try and help get rid of it. The pain is a little less severe but I still seem to be getting it every couple days. I think that I will be back at the doctors again pretty soon. *Sigh*


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