
Friday, December 8, 2017

Spartan Heart by Jennifer Estep

Series: Mythos Academy: Colorado #1
Spin-off from: Mythos Academy Series
279 p.
Publisher: Indie
Published: 11/5/17
Source: From Author for review
Amazon Affiliate link
New school year, same old problems . . .

At Mythos Academy, everyone knows exactly who I am: Rory Forseti, Spartan girl and the daughter of Reapers.

Even though I fought alongside my cousin Gwen Frost to save the mythological world from Loki and his evil Reapers of Chaos, I’m still the most hated girl at the academy because of all the horrible things my parents did. I had hoped that this school year would be different, but the other kids just won’t let me forget about my parents.

But something strange is going on at the Colorado Academy. First, I run into a Viking guy who dislikes me more than most. Then I notice some odd artifacts in the Library of Antiquities. And worst of all, I start hearing rumors about a new group of Reapers who can summon mythological monsters.

I might be the most hated girl at Mythos Academy, but I’m also the only one who can save it . . .
My thoughts:

This is the first book in the spin-off series of the Mythos Academy books with Gwen Frost as the heroine. In this book, Rory Forseti, Gwen's cousin who we briefly met, is the heroine in this series set in Colorado. Since I'm a fan of Jennifer Estep's writing and also a fan of anything set in CO I knew this was a total win for me. I was correct. I enjoyed my time at the CO Mythos Academy. For those that have not read the main series, I do suggest it, but I think you could read this book first. I still think that you would feel as if you are missing something and you would be right. I really loved that first series and I do think you will as well.

If you are familiar with this world you will be easily transported there in this book. It does have the same feel as the other series and the same kind of adventure. We get a more seasoned warrior in this book but she also is inexperienced in life having just felt betrayal from people she would never expect. Recovering from that, bearing the bullying at school and tempted with a choice on almost every level we find ourselves engaged with Rory and rooting for her from the beginning. We are also introduced to a new talking sword. As much as I did like Babs, she hasn't quite stolen the spotlight from Vic just yet. However, the griffins have totally stolen my heart.

Btw, can I have a griffin? Would go great with the Fenrir wolf I want as well (you'll get those references if you read the books in this world!).

I give this story 4 stars. It is a great reintroduction and expansion to the world I knew and enjoyed. There is no real romance in this book, but there is a lot of potential! So those who like a slow romance may find themselves enjoying this series. I recommend it to those that love a fun fantasy world.

For a limited time, the first 3 Mythos Academy series books (the series that started it all) and a prequel novella is on sale. The series is listed at $2.99 as of this writing. I'm not sure how long it will last. 
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...and just like that it goes back up. Keep your eye on this link above if it goes on sale before the year is out. It should change if it does!


  1. I have no idea how I missed that there was a spin off series to this, I'm so freaking excited! I adored the Mythos series. I can't wait to get this one!

  2. Scared me for a minute thinking I missed one of her Elemental Assassin books, but dang I had no clue about this one. Gotta grab and try out this :D

  3. I really need to read more of her books.

    1. There are also easter eggs that connect her other series in her books. It is fun to try to find them. :D

  4. This sounds exciting. I never read any of her books. I may need to remedy that oversight. Great review.

  5. I do share your interest in a Fenrir wolf and griffin. :) I still need to start the original Mythos Academy series. The spin off looks like its keeping things going nicely.

    1. I think you'd enjoy these... and love the wolf and griffins in the tale.

  6. Well you sold me on the first series so I followed your link to Amazon only to find out that I had bought the bundle back in 2016. I guess the next step would be to actually start reading it! Thanks for putting it back on my radar.

    1. LOL! I have done exactly that more than I care to remember! :D

  7. I’m not that familiar with this genre but i’m planning to read it soon. The author sounds familiar to me. Glad that you enjoyed this book. Awesome review. Thanks for sharing. 😁❤️

    1. Oh I think you'll really love her books. She has both adult and YA. All are excellent. :)

      Sorry it took me so long to visit your blog. Will do so today!

  8. I heard nice things about this series, but it's not translated into Dutch. Sad, because I really want to borrow them and not buy. I do like that it's not all about romance!

    1. Aw... I do hope that some day you get a chance to read these. Hopefully the library will start to demand more things like these translated.

  9. I have read a few of her books, I like her writing. But the whole Greek mythos thing is what sold me =d

    1. It actually contains more than one mythos... and I really like that! :)

  10. My teens who loved the Mythos will be thrilled to hear of the spinoff series. I will see if I can order it for the library. Thanks for putting it on my radar!

  11. I liked this one as well. It was nice to have more of the world!

  12. I love Jennifer Estep, but I haven't started this series or Mythos Academy. I just asked my library to buy the first Mythos Academy book on audio, so I'm going to start there and move to this one. Great review.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. Oh sounds good. I'm going to have to listen to the Elemental Assassin series on audio some time after it finishes. Going to bug my library for those audios. :)

  13. These books sound great! I haven't read either series, but now I want to! I just pulled up a separate window to see if my library has copies. 😘

    Do You Dog-ear?

  14. Nice review! I never read this series, but I love her Elemental Assassin series, and the Black Blade YA series of hers. I wonder if they are in audiobook? Melanie seems to think so...

    1. I think they are, but I'm not sure since I've only read these. If you loved those series you'll really love Mythos and check out the Bigtime series for some fun. All have easter eggs in the books from other series. :)

  15. I haven't read the Mythos Academy books but these seem like so much fun! I might have to check these out. Thanks!

  16. I have read some (all?) of the Mythos Academy books and didn't know about these, so thanks!
    Jen Ryland Reviews

  17. Oh dang. I just love the cover <3 and it seems like it has a very good story as well

    1. Jenny knows how to create a good cover! :) The story fits too!

  18. I didn't know there is now a spin-off series. I have collected all the books but have yet to read them, oops

    1. Know how that goes. It will be nice to read one after another though!

  19. Nice that the spin off has started off well. I still need to read the original series. Eek!

  20. Love Jennifer Estep and the Mythos Academy books and I am so excited that there is a spin-off

  21. I haven't read (or even heard) of this book, nor the original series, but I've just added every single one to my TBR and should Santa or his elves deliver a nice giftcard this Christmas they'll be on my kindle by Christmas day end. Thanks for that. lol.

  22. Oh I actually have the first book of Mythos Academy as an ebook. From the sounds of it I ought to dig into it soon! Lovely review Melissa :)

  23. * Sad face* Another author I have not read. Sounds like the author has done a great job with a spin off to the original series.


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