
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

On My Wishlist: The Hazel Wood and The Passion of Cleopatra

Oh this one looks interesting and the worldbuilding here sounds like something I would enjoy.

The Hazel Wood
by Melissa Albert
368 p.
Publisher: Flatiron Books
Published: 1/30/18
Seventeen-year-old Alice and her mother have spent most of Alice’s life on the road, always a step ahead of the uncanny bad luck biting at their heels. But when Alice’s grandmother, the reclusive author of a cult-classic book of pitch-dark fairy tales, dies alone on her estate, the Hazel Wood, Alice learns how bad her luck can really get: Her mother is stolen away―by a figure who claims to come from the Hinterland, the cruel supernatural world where her grandmother's stories are set. Alice's only lead is the message her mother left behind: “Stay away from the Hazel Wood.” 
Alice has long steered clear of her grandmother’s cultish fans. But now she has no choice but to ally with classmate Ellery Finch, a Hinterland superfan who may have his own reasons for wanting to help her. To retrieve her mother, Alice must venture first to the Hazel Wood, then into the world where her grandmother's tales began―and where she might find out how her own story went so wrong.

Anne Rice's The Mummy was actually the first Rice book that I read (yep before her vampire books). LOVED it and was so sad that she never continued it even though she said she planned on it. Now her son is involved and I can't wait to see what happens next. I may have to do a reread it was so long ago. 

The Passion of Cleopatra
by Anne Rice and Christopher Rice
Series: Ramses the Damned #2
416 p.
Publisher: Anchor
Published: 11/21/17
Ramses the Great, former pharaoh of Egypt, is reawakened by the elixir of life in Edwardian England. Now immortal with his bride-to-be, he is swept up in a fierce and deadly battle of wills and psyches against the once-great Queen Cleopatra. Ramses has reawakened Cleopatra with the same perilous elixir whose unworldly force brings the dead back to life. But as these ancient rulers defy one another in their quest to understand the powers of the strange elixir, they are haunted by a mysterious presence even older and more powerful than they, a figure drawn forth from the mists of history who possesses spectacular magical potions and tonics eight millennia old. This is a figure who ruled over an ancient kingdom stretching from the once-fertile earth of the Sahara to the far corners of the world, a queen with a supreme knowledge of the deepest origins of the elixir of life. She may be the only one who can make known to Ramses and Cleopatra the key to their immortality—and the secrets of the miraculous, unknowable, endless expanse of the universe.
So what are you wishing for this week?


  1. These do look good! I hope you love them when you get the chance to read them!

  2. I haven't read any of Ann Rice's books but they have been on my TBR for forever. The Passion of Cleopatra sounds amazing!

    I have heard mixed things about The Hazel Wood so I have pushed it down on my TBR, but I hope you love it when you get a chance to read it!

    Thanks for sharing,
    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

    1. Aw... I hadn't heard anything about Hazel but I do hope I end up being part of the YaY crowd. :) Oh and read the first Ramses book. I need to reread that one.

  3. I love your little graphic Melissa!

    I haven't read Ann Rice in forever. She sort of turned me off with her attitude towards bloggers.

    For What It's Worth

    1. Thanks!

      I know what you mean, but I've been waiting FOREVER for that sequel! LOL

  4. I am really excited about The Hazel Wood myself, the blurb is so much fun

  5. Ohh that new Anne Rice looks good. I attempted to read the series many moons ago but I sort of gave up on it. :/

    1. Which series? The vamp books lagged for me and I gave up. This only has one other book in the series and she wrote the first one a LONG time ago. :)

  6. I hadn't heard of this one. I'll have to look into it more now.

  7. I need to get back to reading the Rices. Great picks, Melissa!

  8. Both are good picks. Love the cover of Witch Hazel and curious about the Rice book.

  9. I have never read any of Ann Rice's work. This one sounds interesting.

  10. Love the covers! I hope these are as good as they look!

  11. You know, I've never read anything by Ann Rice. I DO have a book by her son though that I want to read. I really want to read The Hazel Wood!


    1. I've read one book by her son and did enjoy it. Even her sister has a series out (it's been a while though so she may have more). Hope you get Hazel Wood!

  12. I just added The Hazel Wood to my to-read list; it sounds awesome! Thanks for the heads up. The only Anne Rice book I've read has been The Witching Hour which was quite long and sort of boring for me. I wish I had got into her vampire novels a while back. :)
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review

    1. Yea... I think the Witching Hour took off for me in the second book. The first was long for me as well. I probably would have stopped there but I had a friend who wanted me to read it for discussion. :)

  13. Ohh, the first book sounds exciting. Hope you'll your own copy soon Melissa :)

    Vanessa @ Blushing Geek

  14. The Hazel Wood sounds so interesting and unique. This is the first I have heard of it. And that cover... gorgeous! I read one by Anne Rice many years ago and discovered her writing just wasn't for me.

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. Can't wait to start Hazel Wood!

      Anne Rice can either be a hit or miss with me. :)

  15. Oh nice! I didn't know that the RIce were writing together

  16. These are both new to me but they sounds so good! I definitely should try a RIce book soon!

    1. Oh I loved the first Ramses... hope the second is as good!

  17. Loving the cover of The Hazel Wood, I've been hearing lots of positive things about it.

  18. I have read a handful of Rice's books and I keep meaning to read more but I haven't. I really am intrigued by the one you listed here. Also, the cover for The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert is SO BEAUTIFUL. Straight up stunning. I'm very intrigued by it for that reason but the plot sounds really great to and definitely feels like it'll be my cup of tea.

    1. I'm wondering if Ramses will hold up to time. I may feel different now. LOL Hope you get Hazel Wood. I'm getting more stoked to read it.

  19. I love both covers, I read the Mayfair witches and the vampire chronicles by Rice, haven't read that one xxx


    1. The witches was a hit and a miss for me and I did enjoy most of the vampire chronicles, so I'm curious about the second Ramses!

  20. The Hazel Wood's cover is so gorgeous and the story sounds really intriguing! Let me go add this to my TBR! Thanks for sharing!

  21. The Hazel Wood sounds great, I need to add it to my reading list :)


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