
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Awakening by Amanda Stevens

Series: Graveyard Queen #6
416 p.
Publisher: Mira
Published: 3/28/17
Source: NetGalley and publisher for review
Shush…lest she awaken…

My name is Amelia Gray, a cemetery restorer who lives with the dead. An anonymous donor has hired me to restore Woodbine Cemetery, a place where the rich and powerful bury their secrets. Forty years ago, a child disappeared without a trace and now her ghost has awakened, demanding that I find out the truth about her death. Only I know that she was murdered. Only I can bring her killer to justice. But the clues that I follow—a haunting melody and an unnamed baby's grave—lead me to a series of disturbing suspects.

For generations, The Devlins have been members of Charleston's elite. John Devlin once turned his back on the traditions and expectations that came with his birthright, but now he has seemingly accepted his rightful place. His family's secrets make him a questionable ally. When my investigation brings me to the gates of his family's palatial home, I have to wonder if he is about to become my mortal enemy.
My thoughts:

The last book! I'm happy and sad about that. I've loved this series so much (if you haven't read it before, you SO need to read it) so I'm sad to see it go. I'm happy because I know I'm going to get most of my questions answered. I also know I'm going to get an adventure getting there.

I was not wrong! I really loved this book and this is a series I know I will read again one day. The atmosphere was like the others and it kept me engaged and unwilling to put the book down. I got most of my answers especially the big one about John. I'm not going to tell you if it was good or bad, but it was an answer! Unfortunately, I did end up having a couple of questions that I had specific to this book I wanted answered and one small disappointment in the end. I cannot say what those were without spoiling the book, but they were minor in the whole of the story and really just made me wishing it was a longer book. To be honest, I'd probably wish that anyway. I will say that the last line was perfect.

I give this book 4 stars. I know that some people avoided this series because it is scary. I'm a total wimp when it comes to horror and I will admit this one is scary in parts (do not read at night especially when a neighborhood cat makes noise outside your window when you are reading about scary noises in the book... *cough* just sayin'... not that I jumped or anything... LOL) but it is the characters and the mystery that will hold your hand through those parts and compel you to continue with the story. So, try it! If you have, then I have no doubt you are right with me and are so sad to see this one go and anxious to see what else this author comes up with for us in the future.



  1. I am sad to see it end, but it ended well

    1. I agree! Want more but can't wait to see what comes next.

  2. She said she will do a novella so I'm curious now but I really enjoyed this last novel

  3. I adore this series and agree, it definitely has its spooky moments. So glad you liked this. It really will be bittersweet to say goodbye.

    1. It wasn't too bad, but for the wimpy amongst us *raises hand* I wanted to warn, but also say go for it! :)

  4. I read the first book and found it atmospherically creepy more than anything. I really should continue!

    1. Oh you NEED to continue! The whole series is SO good! Bet you can't tell I enjoyed it all... :D

  5. I've read other reviews for this one and it seems everyone is liking this. I haven't read the series yet but it sure sounds good so far.

  6. Ha! I like scary so that shouldn't be a problem. What's more frightening is a series not ending on a high note - glad this one did!

    For What It's Worth

  7. I loved this and I gave this 5 stars before I knew it was the last. Yes some questions were answered but not all and it left me kind of frustrated. I heard there was a talk of novellas? I rather have a full book -.-

    1. It was just a couple of niggles and a few things I want extended, but still SO good! :) I hope there are novellas but I'm with you and want full books! :D

  8. Oh yay! Glad the last book really made good for you. I still need to read these.

  9. I do like an occasional scary read but you're right, whenever you read one odd noises seem to have an outsized impact lol.

  10. I feel like I've seen good things about her books, don't think I've tried one yet though

  11. Well, guess now that the series is complete it is time for me to I've had books i-III on my shelf for a while...but I haven't made time for them yet.

  12. Oh wow. This sounds like a series to give a try. :) Thank you!

  13. I have heard such good things about this series. This is definitely something I would enjoy.

  14. I definitely need to put this on my TBR!

    1. Yes, the whole series... these need to be read in order.

  15. So many of yall I know loved this series. Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to try it out. lol

  16. lol! There are some creepy and intense moments in this book, for sure. I hope we get more in the future.

    1. Unless she decides to continue or give us a offshoot series, I think this is the last full novel of the series. :(

  17. This sounds like a deliciously creepy mystery series, Melissa. And can you believe I hadn't heard of it before? I believe there will be a binge-read in the future :)
    Great review!
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  18. I have not heard of this but I do have to read it! Great review, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

  19. I've never even heard of this series and while it's definitely not something I'd pick up on my own, you've convinced me I have to give this a try! Wonderful review!!

    1. You NEEDS this one. Seriously, I think you'll enjoy them!

  20. I'm so far behind on this series. As in, I have started it. I really should, especially now that it has ended. I'm so glad to hear that this series ended well. I can't wait to start it.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. At least you didn't have to wait a few years inbetween a couple of books. You are good to go!

  21. Sounds like you had a lot of fun reading this series. Sucks that you wound up with questions unanswered but maybe that's part of the story? I don't read this genre so I couldn't say. Hopefully the author comes out with another amazing series for you to enjoy.

    1. Well, I tend to get those answers in the series. If not in the same book, but in the next. Oddly a couple of things were left out to ponder. Not a big deal, however, in the enjoyment of the ending book.

  22. This sounds seriously creepy. Eek! I love when a series can stay strong throughout. So often it can feel like by the time a series is wrapping up the final book(s) are weaker and it probably should have ended a couple books ago. So glad that wasn't the case here!

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. It is creepy but so good! The ending made sense and it did feel complete overall. :)

  23. I didn't know about this series, but seeing how much you love it makes me want to give it a try. I've also been wanting to read some more mysteries and horrors, so this seems like it would fit :)

  24. I'm not familiar with the series, but I'm so glad you enjoyed it and that it ended well. Nothing worse than a bad ending to a beloved series!

  25. I finished this the other night and I loved it too. I also had some questions and I felt like the ending got hurried, but I still loved this one and the series. I hope she does a spin off or something.

    1. Yea, she usually answers all questions in either the book you are reading or the next. I thought it odd but perhaps it was hard to end such a good series. Spin off would be good... :D

  26. It's been so long since I read a horror story..I generally read horror stories in broad daylight :P I'm really scared of the dark and my imagination works on overdrive in the dark! The story sounds so interesting! I should definitely pick up this series..great review :)

    1. I'm the same way, but the characters and the mystery really pull you through. Not all of the book are really scary, but a few were pretty creepy... read in the daylight just in case. ;)

  27. i have read another review of the same book, 2 good reviews can't be wrong

  28. I've had the first one in tbr pile for way too long. I love books like this so I know I need to start these. Anyway now that it's over, I won't have to wait long so that's one advantage. Glad you had fun and I had to laugh about the cat. There's a opossum that gets into the empty trash can outside my window and makes so much noise. He's scared me several times :)

    1. Oh yea, I plan on rereading these in a binge. :)

      Opossum! Aw, so cute, but yea, not so cute when they scare you. LOL

  29. I've got this one downloaded and ready to go. Of course I got sick and that deterred my whole reading plan. I will get to it this month. So sad to see this series end but I'm happy that it ends on a high note.

    1. At least you'll get it it! :D

      I agree, good note, but always want more. :D

  30. Glad it was a fantastic ending, despite it being aso scary at times. Sounds like the characters got you through it!


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