Monday, April 10, 2017

Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs

Series: Mercy Thompson #5
342 p.
Publisher: Ace Books
Published: 3/30/10
Source: TBR pile
Mercy is smart enough to realize that when it comes to the magical fae, the less you know, the better. But you can't always get what you want. When she attempts to return a powerful fae she previously borrowed in an act of desperation, she finds the bookstore locked up and closed down. 
It seems the book contains secrets - and the fae will do just about anything to keep it out of the wrong hands. And if that doesn't take enough of Mercy's attention, her friend Samuel is struggling with his wolf side - leaving Mercy to cover for him lest his own father declare Samuel's life forfeit. 
All in all, Mercy has had better days. And if she isn't careful, she may not have many more...
My thoughts:

First, let me say something about that cover. I do like pretty much all Dan Dos Santos covers, but I hear that not everyone does and the biggest complaint is about her tats. Let me give you a hint about those tats.... they tell the story in the book. If you go back and examine them with the story in the book, you will see that they have imagery about the tale. This one, I admit, is harder to decipher, but the others seem to be more telling. When I figured that part out, I tend to pay more attention to her tats on these covers. I'm sad to see that there are alternative covers for these books.

 It had been a while since I read the last book and I've been wanting to catch up with this series. I finally took this book off my shelf and dove in. I was glad I did. Mercy still attracts danger without trying but she always seems to be up to whatever life throws at her, even if it is overwhelming. She doesn't hesitate to come to the aid of anyone she deems friend or family and the romance between her and Adam continues. We also get more about Samuel and what is going on with him. His problems become critical and Snowball (*grin*) takes charge. I found that with everything happening to Mercy, that part filled with me the most apprehension.

I give this book 4 stars. It is a great continuation of this series but I wouldn't start with this book if you are just getting into the series. This one I would suggest reading in order because you get a feel of who everyone is and what importance they have in Mercy's life. This is important because the characters take precedence over all the paranormal happenings and it is their relationship to each other that pulls you through the story. I recommend the series to anyone who enjoys UF.



  1. I agree this series needs to be read in order. I'm glad you are continuing, I love this series

    1. Oh I love this series, just other things got in the way. :)

  2. I have never read this author but loved your review and the cover of this book is great!

    1. Oh this is such a good series. If you like UF or even PNR (although it is more UF) you will enjoy it.

  3. I hadn't realize that! Mind you, I'm barely into the second book so I can't find a pattern yet. That's definitely interesting!

    1. I started looking when I noticed her tats changed. :) Little thrown by the bat wings in this one, but the rest makes sense.

  4. This is one of my favorite series and I finally got caught up with it this winter and I loved it but sadly, now I have to wait for the next installment LOL! So glad you are still loving this series!

    1. I know! I'm torn between hurrying up and getting to the last published and just leisurely reading when I can get to a book. :)

  5. I've still only read the 1st but I have the first 5 on my shelf.

    People do seem to have different opinions about the covers! Either way they make this series stand out. You KNOW it's a Mercy book when you see them.

    For What It's Worth

    1. Yea, the biggest complaint about the covers is the most interesting to me. I just didn't think they realized why the tats changed. :)

  6. I do love Dan's covers. I'll continue this one, no problem. :)

  7. Everyone seems to love this series! I will be adding it to my TBR list. Thanks for sharing :)

  8. I enjoyed this one as well. I do like his covers, though never paid attention to the tats!!! Going to check out the other covers now lol

    1. LOL! When I realized that I totally looked at all the covers again. :)

  9. I had no idea people weren't into the tats. I love seeing the new covers and trying to figure out the story from the symbolism in those tats. :)

    This is definitely a favorite series and I enjoyed the Samuel storyline in this one. The big anthology gives a good prequel story for the Samuel storyline, too.

    Glad to see you pressing on with the series, Melissa.

    1. I think they didn't get that it told some of the story.

      The Sam storyline really worried me, but it was good! I'll have to really check out the anthology. I have it on my wishlist.

      Oh yea, love the series!

  10. I have heard great things about this series. I definitely have to add this to my TBR. Great review.

  11. This series has been on my TBR forever! i need to get to it. Glad you enjoyed this installment!

  12. Nice review, nice cover, and I'm glad I finally started this series. Whenever I see these reviews it makes me want to dive in and keep going but I have so many other books to read- I need to slot these in so I can get caught up! Thanks- great review.

  13. I totally binge read/listened to this series a while back. I really enjoy how intelligent Mercy is and that she doesn't have super healing and super powers. I did have to take a break in my binging around book 7 I think, but when I picked it back up, I fell back in love with the series.

    1. Oh sweet! Yea, I love this series every time I dive back in.

  14. I really love this series, though I wasn't a huge fan of the last book. I'm excited to hear your thoughts if you continue!

    1. I WILL continue. :) Sorry to hear you didn't love the last one.

  15. LOL yes, I'm one who really doesn't care for the covers even with having known that about the tattoos. I nearly didn't pick up book one because of the cover. But I do LOVE the series. Whew!

    1. Traitor! J/K ;) Aw, not everyone loves the same thing. I'd question your sanity if you didn't love the series even a little bit though. LOL

  16. I am going to go check out this series now. It looks fascinating! Fae, bookstores, and tats! I don't know about this series but I'm incredibly intrigued. Thanks!
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review

    1. Oh you SO need this series in your life! I think you'll love it.

  17. Oh yes these must be read in order. I love this series and devour the books on release. Wonderful review Melissa. You need to read her Alpha & Omega stories good!

    1. Yep, UF, like fantasy should usually be read in order. I have read the first book in the A&O but just haven't gotten to the rest.

  18. Aside from the paw prints, I honestly never noticed her tats had something to do with the story. I love the covers to these books. I think they're great and I would be really sad if they did away with them.

    1. I kept hearing that as the main complaint so I thought I'd clear it up. :) I also agree, I would be sad if he no longer did the covers of these.

  19. I tend to like urban fantasy. I always love all the elements. I haven't read anything by this author, but I want to give it a try!

    1. Oh if you like UF, you'll love this series. Mercy is such a good heroine in the series.

  20. This is my favorite Mercy book. I remember staying up so late trying to finish it because I *needed* to know how it ended. I also think it's because I'm a Samuel fan and this book had the most of him in it. Glad you are enjoying the series!

    1. Yep, this one was so good and I had to know about Samuel too! So glad she gave us an answer. :)

  21. I've been hearing so many good things about her books.

  22. Haven't read this series yet, but I heard good thinsg about Patricia Brigg's books. Plus fae? Ok, I need to read this :)

    1. Oh yea, I do love her writing. This series is, so far, my fave of hers.

  23. I really need to get to this series. I have a book or two here, just need to time. :) Thanks!

    1. Mel! You haven't gotten to it? You so need to get into this series!

  24. Glad to see the series is still going strong! I really do need to check it out soon. Lovely review, Melissa!

  25. lol at people complaining about the tats. for real? well they don't have to read the book then especially if the tats are part of the story

    1. I don't think it is a lot, but that was the most frequent complaint that I have seen. It also just gives a hint to what is inside, not the story. :)

  26. I'm a huge fan of Dan Dos Santos's covers too. He really works with the authors on the stories so that he perfectly matches each cover to the stories. I read an blog post of his about creating a cover for White Trash Zombie series. It was amazing the amount of extra effort he went into to get each cover just write. So glad that this series is still going strong for you. I love it. :-)

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. I love his blog. I also love the extra effort he put into his covers. Can't wait to catch up. :)

  27. So glad you're loving this series because it's my absolute favorite UF series rn! Also: I never even paid close attention to her tats! Thanks for pointing that out! Great review!!

    1. :D

      I love this series. I want to catch up and I don't. If I catch up I have to wait for the next one. :D

  28. The Mercy Thompson series is one series I've been meaning to try! I hope to do so soon~!


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