
Monday, April 17, 2017

Audiobook Review: Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop

Series: The Others #2
Narrator: Alexandra Harris
14 hrs. 13 min.
Publisher: Penguin Audio
Published: 3/4/14
Source: Library
After winning the trust of the terra indigene residing in the Lakeside Courtyard, Meg Corbyn has had trouble figuring out what it means to live among them. As a human, Meg should be barely tolerated prey, but her abilities as a cassandra sangue make her something more.

The appearance of two addictive drugs has sparked violence between the humans and the Others, resulting in the murder of both species in nearby cities. So when Meg has a dream about blood and black feathers in the snow, Simon Wolfgard - Lakeside’s shape-shifting leader - wonders if their blood prophet dreamed of a past attack or a future threat.

As the urge to speak prophecies strikes Meg more frequently, trouble finds its way inside the Courtyard. Now, the Others and the handful of humans residing there must work together to stop the man bent on reclaiming their blood prophet - and stop the danger that threatens to destroy them all.
My thoughts:

In some ways I had a hard time getting through this story. It wasn't the story's fault at all, but I kept hearing "Humans First" group causing the feel of racism and prejudice and I couldn't help see the parallels in today's world problems. However, it is also quite different and that is what pulled me through the story and had me fading from the problems of the world a bit.

There was also a horrifying aspect of the Cassandra Sangue in how they were treated and how they were used. This brought a source of tension and realization of what Meg survived and what she was able to accomplish. It also makes Meg and her kind a sort of bridge between the humans and the Others but also outside of it all. I really like how Meg manages to hold that delicate line which would only be possible with an accepting group. This also means that Simon and the Lakeside Courtyard unique because of their acceptance. We see in this book how that isn't so easily accomplished, but it is possible.

Alexandria Harris is the narrator for the series and I really enjoyed her version of all the characters in the book. She really helps put you into the world and I also loved her wolfish and crow vocalizations. She makes this series fun. I do hope you at least try one book on audio in this series.

I give this book 4 stars. It is another good book in Meg's journey and it also does a good job at foreshadowing not only a possible romance but also what Meg may be up against in the future. I highly recommend this series and I do suggest to read them in order.



  1. Yeah, there's a lot of parallels of today's issues, but also throughout history. History repeating itself. Anyway ... glad you liked it. :)

  2. I could see the parallels being a lot right now

  3. I had never thought about the Humans First movement paralleling our society today, you are right. I have to warn you, it only gets worse. However, I adore this series and I have only done the audio. Just finished the last one yesterday. I hope you are enjoying them.

    1. I figure that it will get worse, I think it just caught me at the wrong time. I will continue to do these on audio! :D

  4. While it's probably not my kind of book I'm glad to hear you liked it.

  5. I noticed the similarities to today's issues as well. I LOVE this series in audiobook format!

    1. Yep, I think I'll continue on audio if I can. :) Library has been good to me. :D

  6. Every time someone reviews this series I think "I need to read this series!". I'm hoping I can make room for it this summer.

    1. You need to read this series! LOL :D Hope you enjoy as much as I have so far. :)

  7. I thought this was the darkest of the series. Especially in regards to learning what the girls have gone through.

    For What It's Worth

    1. Oh I was thinking it would get darker. Good to know. That was tough knowledge.

  8. I am planning to do these audios later this year!! Glad you enjoyed this one. Great review!!

  9. Ok, now I know I need to read this series. I have seen so many rave reviews. Thanks for sharing. Happy reading.

  10. I've never read any Bishop but heard raves about her stuff. Interesting how it sounds like it parallels current times. And a good narrator is a great thing- if she can pull off wolf and crow vocalizations that's pretty good!

    1. I love her version of the shifters. I think that is why I'll stick with audio. :)

  11. I know what you mean about the parallels to current times...It happens with a whole lot of books and makes me really feel the story. I definitely need to pick up this series!

    1. Yep, especially dystopians. :(

      Oh this is such a good series!

  12. I still need to get around to reading something by her!

  13. oh it's sad it was a bit more difficult to get into this one (but I understand your meaning) but I'm happy you still had a good time in a whole

    1. Yep, it is around the world, unfortunately. It did pull me away so I did enjoy it. :)

  14. I am happy that you stuck with this one and enjoyed it. Great review !

  15. Well I am glad you stuck through it, despite the issue you found. How is the audio book? So far I have only enjoyed 2 audiobooks that I actually liked ;/

    1. It wasn't a hard decision, just hit me at the wrong time. I plan on doing all of these on audio. I really do enjoy Alexandra's work in this series.

  16. I love this series so much. And yes, the parallels between real history and this world is really what drew me in. I hope you enjoy the rest of the series!

  17. I adore this series and have heard so many good things about the audio version! I'll definitely be re-reading these on audio, I'm sure. Glad you're loving Meg's journey so far!

    1. Oh you need to try these on audio. I think you'll love it.

  18. I've now listened to and finished the entire series. I recall when I listened to this one, I really struggled with the violence of the storyline. This was probably my least favorite of the series. From here on out it just gets stronger and stronger.

    1. I was thinking it would get darker, so that is good to know!

  19. So glad to see you enjoyed this one! I loved this series, and I'm so glad the author decided to continue with a sort of spin-off so we could get more of this world.

    Great review. :)

    1. I have a feeling I'll be looking for those spin-offs with everyone else. :)

  20. I've had book one on audio for ages but just haven't made it there. One day hopefully :)

  21. Everyone loves this series in all formats. I need to get to it.

    1. Go for audio. You may be able to get them at the library. That is where I've gotten mine.

  22. I'm slowly making my way through this series and I'm really enjoying it. I'm reading it though since my library doesn't have it in audiobook.

    1. Interlibrary loan! :D I got one audio CD that way. ;) Still, I bet it is good on paper. :)

  23. This is another series I've been wanting to try. I'm glad you enjoyed it, although you were a little conflicted.


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