
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

WTF Netflix????

Yep, still Netflix-ing. 😎 Yep, still keeping it cool... 

dude? LOL

Well, I found out that Buffy, The Vampire Slayer is about to get the axe from it's queue April 1 (wait, could that be a joke?) so I've been watching "Once More With Feeling" because it was one of my fave eps and when I get stressed sometimes I just put it on for a laugh. Well, I knew parts of the show was missing but I figured that they got the shortened versions (I hate when that happens but what are you going to do?) and just showed that. I've noticed it with other shows on there. Well, after the announcement I started that ep up and guess what? The FULL version was playing. So, does that mean that they have been editing shows? I know it was speculated but most people figured as I did and they got the shortened versions. Now I wonder if that was true... so...

WTF Netflix?

Here is the thing... most of us can deal with edited versions, even if we don't like it, if we are told that is what we are getting. Avoiding the confrontation (I'm guessing) will only lead to those of us now not trusting that anything not produced by them may not be the full version of anything.

👆 Well, not the finger I was looking for but then again, I guess it is edited like the rest. 😏

Still, despite this problem I have been trying to catch up with Supernatural.
I've completed S1 and S2 so far. Should be easy now that I know I'm not getting everything. Yea, I know I'm probably the last one to get to the show but for some reason I just didn't catch when it came on. Love the classic rock theme (it really fits) and doesn't Dean and Sam remind you just a bit of Bill and Ted? Perhaps it is more the hair but I keep thinking of that movie. LOL

I have tried Once Upon a Time but just haven't gotten into this one yet. It may take a few more eps.


Bloggy Note:

For those that gave me good wishes last week, I thank you so much! My big boy had a small injury on his paw which I thought was under control, but then he decided to dig into his paw when I was sleeping (sneaky!) and it ballooned up with infection overnight. It still hurts, he just finished a round of antibiotics and his paw is continued to be soaked in salt and epsom salts. It looks so much better but it is still tender.  The vet likes how it is progressing. My other pup has had a few good days but I still hate the bad days. I know she is having a good day when she bosses the boy around. LOL

Again thanks for the well wishes. I also needed the week since if one wasn't wanting attention, the other one was demanding it. Still doing that, but it doesn't feel as critical.



  1. I tried Once upon but...dunno really

  2. I could only get through 4 episodes of the Supernatural series (S1). It was so cheesy! But man, I saw this spliced teasers on Facebook last night and I wanted to try again. Also, I never got to finish Once Upon A Time. I stopped after Queen's mother showed up.

    I'm pretty caught up with Buffy but it sucks to learn it's not going to be around by April 1st. Totally with you: WTF, Netflix?!

    1. I'm loving the Supernatural series! :D I think it is fun. It actually reminds me a bit of Buffy as it doesn't take itself too seriously. *sigh* But I know I may not be getting all the snark they did in the show! WTF, Netflix??? LOL

  3. Oh I remember binge watching Supernatural Netflix like 6 years ago. Changed my life I tell ya, the series was peak from seasons 1 - 4 I feel like.

    And I have never seen Buffy?!

    1. Oh nice. I'm still on S3.

      You never saw Buffy???? You SO need to watch some eps! If you liked Supernatural, I think you'll like Buffy (the series not the movie).

  4. Glad to hear the puppers are having better days.

    In what way are they editing? For time? I have to say that my memory is so bad that I probably wouldn't notice but my husband would.

    Buffy is on a lot of cable channels so I'm always doing mini marathon watches and I have the whole series on DVD.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. My boy totally rocked at the vet. I was a proud mom. :D

      I don't know why they are editing except to annoy us. :p I only have one season on DVD and it doesn't have OMWF. *sigh*

  5. Glad to hear the pup is on the mend. It's always scary when our furbabies get hurt.
    I tried Once Upon a Time and it's a lil too over dramatic for me. I'm not sure if it's the directing or the acting but it just seems unreal. Everyone loves the show though. :\

    1. Perhaps that is it. Overly dramatic. I'm not a fan of that and it really fits. Still might try a few eps... I donno...

  6. So glad your puppy is doing better! I had no idea that Netflix edited the content, what the what? Gah, that is frustrating. Now I'm wondering what I've missed by not having watched stuff on TV when it first came out.
    So glad you are watching Sup though, it is one of my favorites but, here's a secret (okay not really but..) I didn't love the show until the third season. After watching the first season I was seriously wondering still what the appeal of it was and why everyone loved it so much. By the end of the second something clicked and I liked it. By the third, I was in love with Dean and Sam just like everyone else. Crazy huh?

    1. Thanks!

      I'm with you. What have I missed?? I think I liked it from the start b/c I've seen some of the later eps and just couldn't consistently watch it on tv. So, I ended up not trying to watch it but knew I'd probably Netflix it. Maybe that was a bad idea? :p

  7. And see, I had no idea I was getting edited shows. You'd think they'd have to disclose it much like a book seller discloses if a book is abridged or unabridged.

    1. I wish they disclosed it! I think I wouldn't have been so upset otherwise.

  8. I quit Once Upon a Time after season one :( I haven't noticed edited shows, then again I do normally turn Netflix on as background noise and don't really watch it fully lol

    1. That is what I usually do to tv. I just noticed the editing when it was consistent in my fave eps.

  9. I had no idea about Netflix editing. I am glad your pup is on the mend!!

  10. We are watching Once Upon a Time on Netflix since we didn't get caught up in it when it was live. We have been watching Supernatural from the beginning..before DVR's we would record on our VHS player if we weren't going to be home. LOL I knew nothing about this edited show business. That kind of makes me mad! Hope your baby feels better soon!

    1. I don't have a DVR so probably why I missed so many. I hate the editing especially since you pay for the service.


  11. Hmmm I didn't know about the editing thing but that's a little alarming. I don't want my shows edited lol. And Once Upon a Time I haven't really been able to get into yet, but I may try again at some point. It's like I'm so behind now why bother? :)

    1. I feel the same as you do about OUAT. I think I'll skip for now.

      I hate the editing and wish they would have at least said something about it.

  12. I never watched Buffy on tv although I did see the movie. I did watch a few of the Angel series, but only a few. I've seen about 5 of the Supernaturals. Still have it on my list so I might keep going. Glad your dog is doing better! Sucks that they don't understand why they are hurting!

    1. Noooooo! Not the movie. It's NOTHING like the movie!

      Thanks. He hates the hurting. Glad he is doing better. :)

  13. I used to love watching Buffy! I don't watch t.v. nowadays. *gasp* I know. Not even Netflix but I'm glad you're enjoying your Netflix romp even if the episodes are edited. (which sucks by the way!) I'm also glad to hear both your dogs are doing better for the most part. Pets are such important parts of our lives and it's difficult to deal with when one is not well. Give them lots of love! <3

    1. Today was not a good day for one. :( I think Netflix has become my distraction from the world.

  14. I love Once Upon a Time! It's starts off slow but it sucked me in right away. I think the Season 2 is the best. Why would Netflix edited shows? I don't get it. Glad to hear your doggies are doing better/on the mend.

    1. Hm... maybe OUAT is too edited for me? ;) I will try it again sometime. I haven't given up.


  15. Wait... what??? are you serious? I never heard about this... Netflix edits content in shows? I never new this. We just binge watched the first two seasons of the Flash and now are watching Supergirl. What am I missing?!

    Glad the babies are better!

    1. I know! I noticed it on a few eps that I actually paid attention to and was disappointed that they didn't even mention it. Now that I saw a whole one... what gives? *sigh*


  16. I didn't know about that about Netflix... I'm sorry to hear that your dog was hurting again but happy that it's better now

    1. It may not be the same where you are... if you get Netflix.

      He is doing well... and spoiled. :)

  17. I had no idea about that and Netflix. omg Well that's just obnoxious. Oh no on the herd pup. Glad things are improving. Poor babe!

  18. I really enjoyed season one of OUaT, it seemed to go downhill from there. I didn't know that Netflix shortened shows. That really sucks for fans revisiting. Glad to hear that your puppy is improving. I know that I'm crazy if my animals are doing well.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. Hm... maybe it just wasn't the right time for me. I'll try with OUAT later. :)


  19. My previous comment didn't seem to post so I'm trying again - sorry if I accidentally commented twice :)
    Funny that you're talking about OMWF - I just rewatched that episode this week! Seeing all the Buffy 20th anniversary stuff online makes me want to rewatch all seasons :)
    Yay, Supernatural! One of my fave shows, even though I haven't watched the last two seasons yet.
    And I understand about OUaT! It also took me 5-6 episodes to get into it, but after that I did really love it.
    Glad to hear the dogs are doing a bit better though. Hope they'll be back to full health soon!

    1. I know! WHY is Netflix taking it off too? 20th anniversary would bring more people to watch it.

      I'm still enjoying Supernatural. I'm not quite there with OUAT but I was on the 3rd or4th, I think, ep so maybe a few more. I donno....


  20. Sorry to hear your pup wasn't feeling good. Glad to hear the infection is better. Netflix is editing shows to make them shorter? That's so dumb.

  21. Buffy was one of my favourite TV shows. I used to watch Once Upon A Time, but I kind of lost interest.

  22. Oh I'm such A HUGE SUPERNATURAL FAN! Like I was rewatching season 4 like a couple minutes ago :P I love Dean and Sam so much :) Season 4 is like the best! Coz you get some awesome new characters :) I've never watched Buffy or OUAT though :) And glad to hear your pup's feeling better <3

    1. I'm about to start that season! :D You NEED to watch Buffy especially if you liked Supernatural... and preferably not edited. :D

  23. This post confused me so much...So you are saying that the shows on Netflix are abridged versions?? Except for their original programming? But why? and how will I know what I'm missing??

    Once Upon a Time is sort of up and down for me. They are not consistent enough o mae it a fav for me.

    PS. Glad to hear you baby is doing better.

    1. I'm confusing like that. ;)

      Yep. Much of the older shows seemed to have been abridged/edited. I don't know why. I've seen it speculated if that was just what they bought, but after finding a full ep after an edited one, I'm not so sure. I don't know if they are doing it themselves. Seems like a lot of work for nothing really.

      I'm putting OUaT on hold for a bit. I'll come back to it after a while.

      Thanks! He's still wanting that attention. :)

  24. I remember the singing Buffy! LOL!

    Oh no. Do hope little man is doing okay. I know we've been fighting the skin infections here, and the paws are the worst parts of it! Do take care and the girls send the ear scratches.

    1. Aw! Tell the girls that the boy sends lots of puppy well wishes to them!


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