
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Rising by Heather Graham and Jon Land

400 p.
Publisher: Tor Books
Published: 1/17/17
Source: From publisher for review
Twenty-four hours. That's all it takes for the lives of two young people to be changed forever. 
Alex Chin has the world on a plate. A football hero and homecoming king with plenty of scholarship offers, his future looks bright. His tutor, Samantha Dixon, is preparing to graduate high school at the top of her class. She plans to turn her NASA internship into a career. When a football accident lands Alex in the hospital, his world is turned upside down. His doctor is murdered. Then, his parents. Death seems to follow him wherever he goes, and now it's after him. 
Alex flees. He tells Samantha not to follow, but she became involved the moment she walked through his door and found Mr. and Mrs. Chin as they lay dying in their home. She cannot abandon the young man she loves. The two race desperately to stay ahead of Alex's attackers long enough to figure out why they are hunting him in the first place. The answer lies with a secret buried deep in his past, a secret his parents died to protect. Alex always knew he was adopted, but he never knew the real reason his birth parents abandoned him. He never knew where he truly came from. Until now.
My thoughts:

While I would classify the book as YA since the protagonist is a teen, I really can see this being read by adults as well. It is more a sci-fi thriller than YA in it's feel.

This was a intense ride. There are a little bit of social issues at hand in this book which I found interesting since it is a turn on its head than what is generally expected, but it really is about Alex, Sam (an intelligent girl) and aliens which all fit into questions about Alex's life he never thought to ask. There is murder and a mysterious plot in which Alex and Sam must figure out and stay ahead of what or who is stalking them. Not sure who to trust, often they fall into the right hands and while this is terribly convenient, it also doesn't feel too implausible.

I'd say that this is an easy sci-fi book if you are looking to get into the genre but not willing to go whole hog science. If you are on the other side of the spectrum of wanting a lot of science in your sci-fi, there is science in the book and it is well placed and it makes sense. Nothing too over the top but just enough to keep the plot holes at a minimum. It really is the thrill and the mystery that takes precedence in the book.

I give this book 3 1/2 stars. I think those looking for an easy but thrilling sci-fi book would enjoy this one. Also, while the ending is a bit of a cliff hanger, it also isn't as well. It can lead to other adventures or really stand on its own while you imagine what could happen next.

Bloggy Note:
It took me quite a while to get to the review because I had one heck of a cold which didn't want to let go (I'm finally getting better). I also have a dog (not the dobie) who is having some bad days. Luckily she is also having some good ones inbetween. So, things may get spotty here at best.



  1. I have several books by Graham on my shelf but I haven't read anything by her yet.

    I'm sorry to hear about your dog Melissa. Hopefully you'll have more good than bad days ahead. {hugs}

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. I also have a few books by her I need to get to as well. :) Good problem to have.

      Thanks! She has bad arthritis so hopefully the weather will calm down and be steady for a bit.

  2. I have not read a book by this author but I've seen her name around. It's always great to read a Sci-Fi that's not bogged down by Sci-Fi stuff. Haha!

    1. AND for those that like it, I think there is enough for them to enjoy as well. :D

  3. Hmm, I don't know about the cliffie but I like how this both is and isn't a ton of sci-fi. A nice balance is exactly what I need sometimes. Thanks for putting this on my radar, Melissa!

    1. I hate cliffies and this one didn't bother me. It might bother others though... hope it doesn't you if you read it. :)

  4. I'm glad you're better! I have this one to read!

  5. Hmmm... this sounds like maybe it could be interesting, but I don't know if I want to read about teens, ya know?! I think I will wait for now on this. But maybe my son might want to read it?

    Sending love to you and your dog. I hope all is okay. xo

    1. I think your son would really enjoy it. It didn't feel overly teen either, but enough that I can see it being labeled YA.

      Thanks! Her arthritis is just bad this year. :(

  6. An easy but thrilling sci-fi book - if I do read sci-fi this is just the sort I tend to go with. Plus I'm intrigued by the dual authorship.

    1. I do think this one is something you would enjoy. It didn't feel like dual authors, but I think that is a good thing. :D

  7. The easy reading and fast paced plot makes me wonder if this would work for my reluctant readers at work. Still not sure about adding it.

    p.s. Sending healing vibes and love to you and your dog.

    1. It might. I think if they like sci-fi then the combo of the thriller with those elements would pull them through.

      Thanks for the vibes! ((HUGS))

  8. I agree about this one. I liked it but I had some issues. I think I enjoyed it a bit more because I listened to Luke Daniels narrate it. Hope ou are feeling better and your doggie too.

    1. Oh I think I would have enjoyed it as an audio more too.

      I'm doing much better and thanks for the wishes. I'll tell my pup. :)

  9. This author has an amazing number of books to her name and I still have not read one of her books. There are a couple I've had my eye on. I should give this author a try because she's obviously doing something right - she has a mega fan base.
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review
    Follow me on Bloglovin'

    1. I've met her as well and when she gets together with Cherry Adair, it is a riot! :D

  10. Easy sci fi sounds good to me. :)

    Hope you feel better soon. And sorry to hear about your fur baby that's having rough days. It's hard seeing them through these times. She's loved. **hugs**

  11. Glad you and the doggie are feeling better! I like when YA can feel a bit more adult than actual YA.

    1. Thanks! I think it hedges in the adult direction enough but it does still feel young if that makes sense. :D

  12. I haven't read a sci-fi book in so long! They just don't appeal to me at the moment...

    1. You'd like the thriller part but if you aren't into it right now, I'd put it off. :)

  13. Glad you're better, and I hope your pup has more good days!

  14. It's been FOREVER since I read a good sci-fi book. I kind of miss them. I miss the shows as well. This has aliens? I think I am going to look it up.
    Oh I'm sorry to hear about your doggy. I hope everything will be alright. I'm around if you need to talk.
    Oh and also glad to hear you are feeling better!

    1. This one might be for you. Lots of aliens. :D

      Aw, thanks so much! She is still trying to out wit me and still succeeding so that is a good sign... maybe? ;)

  15. Sounds simple but engaging. Color me curious.

  16. I hadn't heard of this one before. I do like the sound of it since I am not a huge scifi person but love thrillers. Glad you are feeling better and sorry about your dog :(

    1. Yea, you might like the thriller part of it and I feel it outshines the other half... but that is me. :)


  17. This sounds pretty good, Melissa, and I've never read Heather Graham before, so... I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. I have been as well - an awful cold. Not sure I've ever felt this poorly from just a cold but I'm better now. Glad you are as well. Good luck with your doggie...fingers crossed for more good days than bad. :)

    1. I have more books by her I need to get to reading. :)

      I think that cold has made more rounds and just about everyone had it at least once. :p Thanks for the crossed fingers! :)

  18. I don't read a ton of thrillers but it sounds like a pretty good one even though it didn't really blow you away! Lovely review, Melissa!
    Ps. Hope you feel better soon!

  19. I've actually never read Heather Graham. I've been wanting to try her. I don't think this is what I will try to start. Great review. Hope you and the puppy feel better soon.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. I need to read more of her work. I do think I'll like them. :)


  20. I have Graham on my list to try. An easy read is nice sometimes. Darn on feeling poorly for both you and the herd pup. Hope yall are both having a better weekend!

    1. I hope you enjoy her writing. I want to try more of it.

      I did good and my pup's was up and down, but it was up more today.

  21. I've never read Heather graham but I think she mostly writes suspense or romantic suspense? anyway this looks good, I've been enjoying thrillers lately and if they have a science fiction twist that's always nice too. :) This one sounds fun.

    1. I think she does do a lot of romantic suspense, but I'm not positive. I think you'll like the sci-fi twist. :)

  22. I always love to try different alien books.

  23. Whilst liking that the book features some social issues and obviously isn't too heavy on the science, I'm not convinced this is one for me.

    Hoping you are feeling well and that better days are ahead for your doggy.

    1. Yea, this one may not be for you, but it wouldn't be a hard book to try.

      I'm doing so much better and thanks!

  24. I love scifi so I my need to check this one out. Hope the pup feel better...

  25. Not an author I have read before, sending hugs to your dog. I have been slow on the blog this month too, our kitty hasn't been great either.


    1. Aw! I hope your kitty heals! Sending lots of good vibes your way.

  26. Didn't know about this one, but it does sound really good! May have to check it out :)


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