
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Taking a Break: Humanity and a Humorous Book Review

No matter what side you take with politics around the world (seems like the US is far from the only one experiencing turmoil) I think you have been overwhelmed as I have lately. I do think we need a break on occasion to charge our batteries. So those about to leave, relax nothing bad here at all. I hope this helps a bit to recharge so you can continue to #resist!

Now that one may make you tear a bit, but they will be good tears, I promise. The kids wrestling match gets me every time (ok, all the kid ones get to me)!

Also, if you know me, you know I enjoy the classic, Jane Eyre. However, I love this version and analysis of it. Do watch the ending for the analysis. He does a great job of it. Good overview for those that haven't read it or seen the movie. LOL A bit NSFW due to language. 😉
Hope that put a smile on your face.


  1. I know I've had to take a step back from FB, just too many negative posts, the same for the news. I watch what I have to and then turn it off, it just isn't worth it right now. ;)

    1. You need to do self-care or you will burn out! Take care of yourself!

  2. We all need something fun to keep our sanity. I tend to share animal pictures and videos.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

  3. I agree. Those kids always get to me when I watch that vid!

  4. That is the funniest review I have ever seen. I am so going to follow this guy. Thanks for that!
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review

  5. A break is always good. Thanks for sharing these :)

  6. So you had me sitting here crying. I do love seeing all the good that's in the world though.

  7. The senior class of 2014 introduced me to Thug Notes. I had not heard of it before. He cracks me up but I gotta say he gets right to the point with his analysis.

  8. What a great way to start my day. The sports clip did my heart good. And the Jane Eyre one... oh my gosh, I'm still laughing at that one. Thanks for sharing these, Melissa! :)


  9. Yes, always good to take a little time to laugh at the fun stuff! Thanks for the share!

  10. Hahaha! That second video. Definitely needed after the fist video. Had to dry all the tears.

  11. I just sobbed through most of that. I think I really needed it! Thank you for sharing.

  12. Haha, a great idea to recharge a bit, thanks! ;)

  13. I totally understand. So much distraction right now.

  14. Thanks for the laughs, Melissa. It was a breath of much needed fresh air. :)

  15. I loved the video- thanx! I may have misted up a little (shh) with that basketball player. Wow. Nice to see this we need to be reminded...

  16. Thanks Melissa...I've started unfollowing on Facebook and tuning out a bit...just can't deal with this on an hourly basis's not healthy... :(

  17. Fun lighter post! We have to look at some positives!


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