
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

My Cape is in the Wash: Strategies for Hope

I'm determined to keep this one positive! LOVED the woman's march on Sat. and I want to keep that good feeling going! We are just at the beginning of this fight! #Resist! 

There is also a website from the women's march which helps to determine what is next. Just go HERE

There was a march about the #NoDAPL
You can also find several free graphics HERE for this movement and others (like the pipeline) as well (one of the posters below which you have probably seen).

There also looks like a march by scientists will be scheduled!! 😀
I am hoping this has been more informative and hopefully more uplifting than in the past. There are a couple of articles that has helped me to figure things out and I hope it does the same for you. In other words, food for thought in how to look at what has happened.

First I want to share an article I read which I found fascinating. He is the first to really explain to me how both conservatives and progressives of today approach things. I've been saying for a long time that we need to learn from the conservative movement and approach what we all feel as important in the way that they approach it. Now I didn't know what the magic formula was, but George Lakoff explained it well in his article: Don't Think of a Rampaging Elephant (👈 link to the Salon article and for some reason it keeps disappearing on me and I'm not sure if it only happens when I edit. If I can't fix it, then just google search it by the title). His stance is that conservatives study marketing but progressives rely on a series of facts that the person is supposed reason it out and come to the correct conclusion. That just doesn't work in politics and I think he is right. It is just a fascinating read and I do think a lot of what happened makes sense. I think he is on the right track. 

I also think this article (short one) on How to Culture Jam a Populist in Four Easy Steps is also valuable in learning how to promote the message across a wider range of people and defeat populism. Yea, this one article that I'll be reading again and thinking about. This one really got to me.

Also, know we have been here before:

There is also a brilliant how to when getting yourself psyched up to call your representative. This is primarily focused on those with social anxiety but it works for anyone even a bit nervous about calling or if, like me, you have brain fog a lot. 
Just go HERE for the information and also realize that if the issue is something well organized, they often give you the script to use. You could just tweak it a bit (which is what I often do) so it fits me better. The article is probably the best I've seen in terms of what to do and how.

Remember that some of the best things have come out of the worst circumstances. But it won't happen without a fight!

You are not alone.


  1. #resist.. great post by the way. Hope all is well there

  2. Great post. I hadn't seen anything about the NoDAPL march. I'm glad to see that they continue to make their voices heard. Glad to hear about the scientist one too. Science is so important. I hate to hear that they've been gagged.

    This is a great piece in Mother Jones about a teacher who's student wrote a pro-Trump paper.

    1. No one is going down without a fight!! :)

      I did see that piece but I disagree with it. First, the kid has very limited experience and although we should pay attention to what he says, I think this was the wrong way to bring attention to it. Small town people were better off during Obama than George W economically. However, I can see anger that it wasn't fixed as promised. I do agree with the author's assumption that the social issues did also play a role in the kid's viewpoint even if not stated. I also have a problem with these pieces when they do not also take into account that minorities have felt this way for a much longer time. That should have at least been stated or taken into account for a much broader viewpoint.

      I do belive that the viewpoint might be better seen with the article, How to Culture Jam a Populist in Four Easy Steps, in mind. It sheds a different light on how to communicate with those that feel the same.

      And yes, I'm fine with disagreement on my view of the article. :)

  3. I weep for America. Devastated and demoralized. After the weekend's hopeful stand against this abomination, he's stripped everything that was good in your country. Tell me what I should do to help.

    1. Don't weep... get angry. If we cannot find a way to shout, then help us shout (can happen since net neutrality may be on the chopping block), keep the information flowing. Keep supporting organizations fighting his regime. Think of me when I am in prison for this post (kidding! ... sort of... LOL). Seriously, keep the information and truth going in any way you can.

  4. Lovely to see so many women gathering like this. Its sad to see the rights of so many people being stripped.

  5. I saw that video on Twitter yesterday. Very inspirational and we need that.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. The second video may help when you are feeling down as well. :)

  6. I needed this Melissa. I made the mistake of checking social media last night before bed and it just ruined me. Last weekend was super inspirational though. <3

    1. Yea, it will probably get worse so that is why I thought we needed something more uplifting. I don't want us all to become demoralized. ((HUGS))

  7. It was huge in my state as well. Even though I was unable to attend I was there in spirit and my pup sported kitty ears for me. LOL Yea, I'll pay for that... :)

  8. Thanks for sharing the links. I like to read the hows and whys so I can understand and take informed action. I've gotten tired of emotional rhetoric.

    1. I understand that and I also understand why there has been so much emotional rhetoric. It is happening faster than, I think, anyone thought it would. Hope the information helped!

  9. Interesting information... I'll check it out.

  10. Love the positivity! It was great to see all the women marches being shared on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

  11. Thanks for sharing all of this important information.

  12. I have good days and bad days. Some days, like today, I just have to turn it off and tune it out to care for myself. But I'm making my calls and #doingmypart as much as I can and still stay healthy. *Hugs*

  13. Great post, Melissa! I keep getting choked up when I see so many people coming together and resisting. And I love Rev. Barber! I was in awe when he spoke at the DNC. No THAT was a speech. We'll definitely need to look to leaders like him. He's been putting up the good fight in NC. I just hope people are really paying attention to what he's doing that isn't getting much media attention.

    1. I so agree. I'm really just starting to listen more to Barber. Love what he has to say. I'm actually a bit more concerned as to what the rest of the leaders of the GOP in the WH (a few are actually working for the people at a local state level!) and his racist advisors are doing and inspiring him to do. :(

  14. Soo uplifting!! Thanks for sharing some positive, Melissa. It is greatly needed...for me anyway. It gives me hope. :)

  15. Very nice Melissa! Thank you for sharing this- I'm so glad that people of all different backgrounds are coming together to resist. It is inspiring amidst the dismay that comes with watching trump operate. I check out that Salon article as well.

    1. I agree. It helps when more people come together to fight demagoguery.

  16. Fantastic post, Melissa! Thanks for sharing the links/video. Definitely great to see people band together! #resist

  17. Those ladies singing were amazing. I think they had only practiced that via online. It's great. :)

    1. Yep. They met and sang on that vid for the first time. So cool!

  18. It's fantastic that so many women banded together like this! Fantastic post!


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