
Friday, June 17, 2016

Grim Shadows by Jenn Bennett

Series: Roaring Twenties #2
321 p.
Published: 6/3/14
Publisher: Berkley Sensation
Source: Library
It’s the Roaring Twenties in foggy San Francisco. Prohibition is on, inhibitions are low, and dark magic is rolling into town… 
Archaeologist Lowe Magnusson is packing something everyone wants. The djed amulet, a priceless Egyptian artifact, will fetch Lowe a hefty paycheck from one of San Francisco’s wealthiest. But when the handsome Swede runs into his patron’s uptight daughter, what he once considered easy money becomes maddeningly complicated…

Cursed with deadly spirits as her constant companions, curator Hadley Bacall must keep calm to hold her dangerous specters at bay and prevent them from lashing out at anything—or anyone. Trouble is, Lowe is driving her crazy, but her father needs the artifact he’s transporting. While Hadley can feel the amulet’s power, she can’t fathom the destruction—or the desire—it’s about to stir up.
My thoughts:

Devoured the first book and was happy to get into the second book. This time I read them instead of audio. I loved the audio, but I just decided I had reading time and I took it. :)

This book can be read as a standalone, but I do not recommend it. It builds on the world of the first and some minor things just make more sense. Plus this is only a trilogy so you won't be too lost to take the books in order. This is Lowe's book (each Magnusson sibling gets a book) and his romance. This one also throws in the mystery of a mysterious amulet and a question of if a father is concerned more about his child or with vengeance.

I did love the characters and I also enjoyed the paranormal abilities that Hadley carried. However, this one seemed to be lacking a bit on the details to really pull me into the paranormal part of the book. The mystery and the romance was done very well, however. So while I did enjoy this one, I have to say that I enjoyed the first book a bit more. I'm also not sure if it is because I read it rather than listened to it. I was fully engulfed within the world in the audio version. I suspect it may be a bit of each, but it still is a book I would highly recommend.

I give this book 4 stars. While I did feel that it faltered a bit on the paranormal side of things, I did think the adventure, mystery and romance will capture anyone who reads it. Plus, it's Jenn Bennett and I just adore her writing.


  1. Such a great cover. I still have book one on my review pile. *hangs head* I'll be sure not to jump into any of the others until I've read that. :)

    1. Oh I do think you should read these in order. Sets the world nicely that way. Plus, it is only a trilogy.

  2. Jenn Bennett. So weird that I only know her through her debut YA last year. I wonder if I'll enjoy her paranormal romance as well since her Night Owls was one of my all time favourites.

    1. LOVE her writing. Also try the Arcadia Bell series if you want to try adult PNR.

  3. I love Bennett! but for some reason I only read the first book in this series.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  4. For some reason I'm just not into the 20's as a setting...but I love the archaeology bit.

    1. *does Charleston dance* :) You might try book one to see if you like it.

  5. A shame the paranormal aspect of the book wasn't all it might have been.

    Definitely a series I'd like to read and it being a trilogy I may well do so despite my not wishing to start any more books that form a series.

    1. It still worked enough for me. :) I just wanted more deets is all.

      Yea, the series being so short helps if you don't want a long running one.

  6. I have heard only good things and I want to try them

  7. I am all for good romance so I'm glad that's the stronger side of this book!

  8. I need to pick up something by this author!

  9. I really really liked the first book, but I just never continued for some odd reason. I've had this one since it first came out, I really need to jump into it. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    1. I did the first one on audio and might reread these last two on audio if my library gets them. :)

  10. I really liked the first book, but for some reason I couldn't connect to these characters. I also thought the plot dragged a bit and it reminded me of more Indiana Jones than paranormal. I still need to read the third book.

    1. It was a bit more Indiana Jones. I do think you'd enjoy the 3rd.

  11. YES, I love Bennett's UF and I really hope she returns to this genre. I loved this trilogy in particular, with its historical fiction vibe but also the paranormal and romance elements. Can't wait to see what you think of Book 3, Melissa! :)

  12. Oh this one looks like a sexy, paranormal romance!! You seem to have had tons of fun with it! :D

    1. It was and it is a lot of fun. Her writing always is for me. :)

  13. I love her writing as well and I had a great time with this one again as well!

  14. I've only read her YA book and loved it! I plan to read more of her books, especially this series.

  15. You know, I've seen this series around. I hadn't really paid much attention to it. I'm not a big fan of historical romances. I didn't realize that there were paranormal aspects to it. *hangs head in shame* I do love the covers. Maybe I'll have to give this series a try after all. Great review.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. LOL! Yea, it does revolve around the paranormal and feels to me more in that nature than historical.

  16. I loved this series too Melissa and I am so glad you had fun with this :)

  17. That's a new author for me but I do like the sounds of the book. Thanks for the review.

  18. I thought the first one was just recently out! And here is the second! Oh my. I am terrible with my books these days. This does sound like an amazing series. :)

    1. Oh all of them are out. :) You can devour them all at once. :D

  19. This sounds like an interesting series too... I like that each book features a different couple, but they all tie together.


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