
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

On My Wishlist: Bright Smoke, Cold Fire by Rosamund Hodge

Bright Smoke, Cold Fire
by Rosamund Hodge
448 p.
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Published: 9/27/16
When the mysterious fog of the Ruining crept over the world, the living died and the dead rose. Only the walled city of Viyara was left untouched. 
The heirs of the city’s most powerful—and warring—families, Mahyanai Romeo and Juliet Catresou share a love deeper than duty, honor, even life itself. But the magic laid on Juliet at birth compels her to punish the enemies of her clan—and Romeo has just killed her cousin Tybalt. Which means he must die. 
Paris Catresou has always wanted to serve his family by guarding Juliet. But when his ward tries to escape her fate, magic goes terribly wrong—killing her and leaving Paris bound to Romeo. If he wants to discover the truth of what happened, Paris must delve deep into the city, ally with his worst enemy . . . and perhaps turn against his own clan.
Mahyanai Runajo just wants to protect her city—but she’s the only one who believes it’s in peril. In her desperate hunt for information, she accidentally pulls Juliet from the mouth of death—and finds herself bound to the bitter, angry girl. Runajo quickly discovers Juliet might be the one person who can help her recover the secret to saving Viyara. 
Both pairs will find friendship where they least expect it. Both will find that Viyara holds more secrets and dangers than anyone ever expected. And outside the walls, death is waiting...
Oh looks creepy and interesting... plus I enjoy retellings.

What are you wishing for this week? 


  1. What a curious cover! I'm waiting for the next Chanel Cleeton book. Gah the first was amazing.

  2. Interesting, thanks for sharing!

  3. I'm definitely looking forward to this as well, I just love all the darker takes on classics.

  4. YES MELISSA!!!! I can't wait for this one either:) I feel like this is one where I'm definitely going to need to read the end first though! O.o

    1. We needs it! We needs it now! LOL I also believe this is the first one in this series. :)

  5. Interesting take on R&J story line. I wanted to read a book by this author, but haven't had the chance yet. Maybe I'll start here. It's a beautiful cover too!

    1. Oh I think you will like the author if you like retellings. :)

  6. YES! I love this author and her re-tellings are always fantastic. I'm very excited to pick this one up soon--great pick, Melissa!

  7. I usually don't love re-tellings...but this sounds good!

    1. I think that is what she mostly writes. :) They are different than most though.

  8. Just seen this on someone else's blog. I hope you like this one!

  9. I just downloaded this days ago and I have a very good feeling about it. It's too bad I have to wait to read it, but priorities, you know. :)

  10. I am very curious about this one Melissa!! You just added to my tbr pile!

    1. *evil laugh* We are still not even on adding to the tbr pile. ;) LOL

  11. Really love the cover of this one!

    Happy reading. :)

  12. This sounds like an interesting retelling of Romeo and Juliet! Thanks for sharing!


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