
Friday, April 1, 2016

Art Book Review: Pop Painting by Camilla d'Errico

Genre: Art/ Art Instruction
248 p.
Published: 1/5/16
Publisher: Watson-Guptill
Source: Blogging for Books
A unique behind-the-scenes guide to the painting process of one of the most popular artists working in the growing, underground art scene of Pop Surrealism. 
Get ready for a behind-the-scenes look at the painting tools, methods, and inspirations of one of the top artists working in the growing field of Pop Surrealism. For the first time, beloved best-selling author and artist Camilla d’Errico pulls back the curtain to give you exclusive insights on topics from the paints and brushes she uses and her ideal studio setup, to the dreams, notions, and pop culture icons that fuel the creation of her hauntingly beautiful Pop Surrealist paintings.

With step-by-step examples covering major subject areas such as humans, animals, melting effects, and twisting reality (essential for Pop Surrealism!), Pop Painting gives you the sensation of sitting by Camilla’s side as she takes her paintings from idea to finished work. This front row seat reveals how a leading artist dreams, paints, and creates a successful body of work. For fans of Camilla and the underground art scene, aspiring artists looking to express their ideals in paint, and experienced artists wanting to incorporate the Pop Surrealist style into their work, Pop Painting is a one-of-a-kind, must-have guide.
My thoughts:

I have been enjoying the manga inspired art more than I have previously. I think it is because it has been done more in an artistic way and not just ink on paper. I have nothing against the early manga, but the new work coming out has caught my attention. The author calls her artistic bent, Pop Surrealism. I would say that is quite accurate.

Not only do you get her wonderful, colorful and mystical paintings but she also answers the most common questions she gets about her technique. She also goes through some of her paintings on how each layer builds upon another to the final piece. I love her light touch and I also enjoy seeing her process in how she changes things while she is creating the painting.

I give this book 5 stars. If you are looking for a beginning book, this may not be for you even though her instructions are easy to follow. If you love art books and want to see how someone goes through the process of the painting, I highly recommend this book.

Since books like this are better explained visually, there is a kindle sample HERE and information direct from Camilla d'Errico's blog


  1. I'm terrible at painting so I'll definitely need a more beginner book than this one but Art books have been all the rage lately so I'll need to check one out. Thanks for introducing me to these types--I knew about the coloring books but this seems beautiful too!

    1. It is doable, but might be intimidating for a beginner. This can be used as inspiration.

  2. I want this just to see her work! Love the style of it based on what I see on the cover:) Definitely going to check out the Kindle sample, thanks Melissa!

    1. Oh yea, this was such a great book and I do think you'll love her work. You'll love the animals in it. :)

  3. I've had a few art books in my shelves. If you want to check out a different method other than drawing, you should check out Chopsticks by Jessica Anthony and Rodrigo Corral. It's a different way of story telling.

    1. That sounds familiar. Will check it out. Her book isn't drawing (although it is a part of it) but a one painting kind of story. I would definitely call this a painting book and not a draftsman book.

  4. I only wish I could paint. I bet though that I would enjoy looking at the pictures in this.

    1. Well, if you apply paint to the brush and then to a surface... you have painted! :D Talent is just effort and time put into something you enjoy. :D

  5. Sounds interesting! I'm so not a painter. My aunt got that gene. It's amazing what people can create!

    1. Well, I only wear my own jeans... ;) This was such a great book to even just look at! :D

  6. The cover is gorgeous so I can just imagine what is inside!

  7. Fantastic review. I love the bold color on the cover. I am not much of painter unless its walls, trim or furniture pieces

  8. I don't think I've seen Pop Surrealism or if I have, I don't know it is. LOL

    This is cool, I have to check it out on Amazon now and look at a preview.

  9. I have no artistic ability at all, but I can read and look at the book and appreciate the artists ability. I will check out the preview. Thanks for sharing.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

  10. thank you for all those lovely books.
    im inviting you too to know more about arabic books and novels at our site

  11. That cover is gorgeous. I want to see your masterpieces.

  12. I don't draw/paint but I still like admiring others artwork

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  13. it's always fascinating to see the evolution of the art

  14. Art and me have a love/hate relationship! lol


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