
Monday, February 1, 2016

Audiobook Review with Crafts: Disillusioned by J. S. Cooper

Series: Swept Away #2
Narrated: Carly Robins
6 hrs. 35 min.
Publisher: Tantor Media
Published: 3/31/15
Source: Hoopla/Library
Following on the heels of Illusion, indie sensation and New York Times bestselling author J.S. Cooper brings us the second novel in the Swept Away series, a trilogy of dark and sexy romances about a woman marooned on a desert island with a sexy stranger—but is he friend or foe? 
When Bianca and Jakob awake on a sandy shore in the middle of nowhere, their first thoughts are of survival. But as they explore their surroundings and try to discover who stranded them on the island, they can’t deny the electricity surging between them. Soon it’s more than just a campfire keeping them warm… 
But just as Bianca is starting to trust Jakob, she uncovers a clue to their abduction—and he may know more than he’s letting on. Was Jakob just as surprised as she to find himself alone with her…or could the man she’s fallen for be her captor?
My thoughts:

Well, I thought I'd try this one as well since it was only 6 hrs and I thought that was doable. I am sorry to say that I didn't find the romance or relationship any better than I did in the first book. Same problems and the same issues. Pretty much it goes like this: Bianca trusts Jakob, Bianca and Jakob have a hot time, Bianca gets thrown by something and distrusts Jakob, neither seem to have a clue to trust the other but each demands it from the other, add the mystery and repeat... often. A small progress was done on the mystery and I found that putting it on the fast speed really helped this one for me. It was my friend.

Yea, it is a mission now with me to find out what the heck happened since I have the last book and I'm determined to find out who is pulling their strings when they aren't demanding trust from the other. I give this audio 1 1/2 stars. I did enjoy Carly's narration, however and would listen to another audio by her. Also don't let me dissuade you from these books. A lot of people really enjoyed them so I would check out their reviews or check it out at the library and see if it is for you.

The Crafts!

This was a last minute Christmas gift I was determined to get done. I was sewing on Christmas day! :) This is for our veterinarian who does a lot for my pets and has a wonderful family. He noticed my zombie leash and liked it and so the seed of what was to come was born. :D  The embroidery says (in white) "Zombie Outbreak Response Team" and in red "K9 Unit". I hope he and his family liked it. 


  1. I have to listen to audiobooks on at least 1.5x, even the ones I love. My mind wanders if it goes normal speed. Well, hopefully the third will be better since you feel you have to read it. I understand that need though.

    1. I think it helps that I'm doing something so I can do the audio on regular speed. I also haven't had a chance to do it on a faster speed since the app I was using these stopped working. It seems to be fixed now. Thank goodness. :D

  2. I hate when I don't like a book but I NEED to know what happens anyway lol

    that bag and leash are awesome!!!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. LOL! I know. This one was for me. It became revenge or something. *snort*


  3. Sorry this wasn't a better listen, kind of disappointing for sure. But at least you did like some of it right?

  4. Dedicated is a nice word for me. LOL

    He seemed to have liked it. :) Thanks.

  5. TSTL!! Can't stand it and I'm glad I didn't continue on with this one.

    Cool bag, very ingenious with the strap that can be a leash!

    1. Yea, it sort of became a mission or something for me to get to that last book and find the answers. :)


  6. I'm the opposite. I can't speed up the narration because I feel rushed when I do. Lol. This book sounds unremarkable. ;/ Love the crafts tho!

    1. Once I get used to it, the speed doesn't bother me at all.


  7. Love that bag! Ugh, sorry the book sucked.

  8. Cute bag! Why do you like torturing yourself and listening to these books? ;)

    1. Thanks! Eh... it was short so I thought I might as well get to the bottom of the mystery. :)

  9. First, I have to say you are so talented! And creative! I am sure your vet loved it and shame on him for not letting you know!!

    For the book, I would be like you, I'd have to find out what was going on, especially since they are so short. I've never tried the increased speed. Maybe I'll give that a try. The Sin Eater's Daughter is taking forever!
    I DO hope the next one is better, lol!!

    1. Thanks! He did tell me just recently that he liked it and has used it already. :) No reported zombies though. LOL

      Try the speed. You get used to it quickly. Do something while you are trying it.

  10. sorry it wasn't what you expected but it's true that 6 hours was ok. I tried one and it was 10 and it was too much for me

    1. Yea, if it was 10 I would have rethought listening to it.

  11. It sucks to have the same issues with book 2. Cute bag though!

  12. That doesn't sound good at all. Sorry it was a rough time of it, but at least the narrator was good. Not sure that I would even care at this point to read the last one-maybe just read the last couple of chapters.

    1. I thought about that, but putting it on higher speed helped.

  13. A shame that you still couldn't get into this series. I have read the author's work before and found it a bit meh!

    1. Ah that is a shame. I could see potential since I was engaged with the mystery.

  14. That is an awesome giftie. And bummer on the listen. I'm thinking I can definitely skip those.

  15. This sounds like a really frustrating series romance-wise, but I'm glad the mystery element is working better for you!

    And that bag is AWESOME!!!! What a fantastic gift for your vet:)

  16. It's a shame this didn't work out but I'm glad the audio narration itself wasn't to blame. I'll have to check out the narrator's work since I'm always on the lookout for audiobooks. Your bag is incredible, though, Melissa! Fantastic post!

    1. You might like her narration. I think it was what kept me going on these as well as the mystery.


  17. I can't believe you stuck with this. I suppose though, I'd want to know what happens. That bag is awesome, I love it!

  18. The book is not for me, but I so admire your crafts! I looks gorgeous.

  19. Oh boy...kudos to you for sticking with it and planning to get to the end with book 3! lol

  20. Huh. I'm not a fan of relationships that aren't done well, so I'm not sure if this book is for me. But your crafts! They're gorgeous!

  21. You are so talented. I read book one and 1.5 and then let this series go..she annoyed me...LOL

    1. Thanks!

      Yea, she annoyed me but not as much as the guy who did something not trustworthy and then demanded trust. It got old quick.

  22. Sorry this one wasn't better for you. I've been known to speed up the listening speed if I wasn't loving the audio to try to get through it quicker. I did have one recently couldn't finish it. It happens. I love the crafts.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. So far I've only dnf'd one audio, so I am glad I at least finished these. :D


  23. I recently listened to an audiobook that got rave reviews but just didn't do it for me. I wish I'd thought to speed it up! ;)
    The zombie leash/duffle bag is great! Your vet must have loved it. :)

  24. Look at that cute bag! A most excellent craft!


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