
Friday, December 11, 2015

A Murder in Mohair by Anne Canadeo

Series: A Black Sheep Knitting Mystery #8
304 p.
Publisher: Gallery Books
Published: 12/1/15
Source: From publisher for review
In Anne Canadeo's cozy eighth Black Sheep Knitting Mystery, a cold-hearted murder in Plum Harbor leads the knitters to investigate a new psychic who may be far more dangerous than she seems… 
When Jimmy Hubbard, the manager of the local cinema, is murdered in a robbery gone wrong, the residents of Plum Harbor are mystified. Everyone liked Jimmy, and the struggling theater seems an unlikely target for burglars. 
The Black Sheep Knitters are surprised and saddened by the crime, but are more suspicious of psychic-medium Isabel Waters, who has recently set up shop in town. Isabel has hoodwinked one of their friends into shelling out big money every week to keep the memory of a lost loved one alive. Determined to reveal Isabel as a fraud, the knitters are pulled in the web of Isabel’s world and find themselves in a tangle of secrets and lies. They must solve two murders before the truth about all of Isabel’s clients—past and present—are revealed. 
As in her previous books A Dark and Stormy Knit, The Silence of the Llamas, and Knit, Purl, Die—which Publishers Weekly praised for its “fast-paced plot that will keep even non-knitters turning the pages”—Canadeo brings her trademark style to this entertaining mystery that will psych you out and leave you wanting more.
My thoughts:

I haven't read the other books, but often you can come into a middle of a long running cozy mystery series and not feel too far behind. I felt that way here. While it was obvious that I missed some other shenanigans that happened to the group (or specific individuals) I didn't feel lost and so enjoyed the murder mystery unfolding in front of me.

The first murder happened and I immediately knew that several members of the knitting group involve themselves into what goes on in the town. Not just because it is a cozy mystery and that kind of thing is standard, but because the town's police were both at once annoyed, cautioned, and curious about what these ladies would think. They didn't want them involved but at least listened to a sound theory. I liked that because either the police seem to be totally bumbling and don't know what to do with a donut or so hard that you cannot like them. This was a nice balance in a small town where everyone seems to know everything.

The mystery doesn't twist too much that the end is unbelievable but it doesn't quite flow with the rest of the mystery. It does make sense but it just feels like there wasn't enough connection to those that "did it". Perhaps this is where reading the earlier books in the series would come in handy, but it also seemed that the characters most involved had just come to the town in the book previous to this one. At least that is what I lead to believe. However, despite this, I did enjoy the twist ending.

I give this book 3 1/2 stars. It is a good cozy and even though it is a knitting group, food is a big part of the story so those who love recipes at the end of the book will not be disappointed.


  1. Out of order! *gaps* I thought you were reformed

  2. too bad for the connection but it's nice to see we can read this one apart of the series. It's always nice to have a little cozy mystery like that.

    1. It wasn't bad though, but it just felt a bit out of place. :)

  3. Hmm, I wonder about the ending and mystery. I rarely read cozies, but they always sound so fun.

  4. Another one of those great titles that captured my attention AND I love the cover. However, I'm left slightly disappointed by your mention of the foodie aspect as whilst I found this a novel idea to begin with I've become a bit, well, blasé about the whole concept.

    1. Well, it really was only one character and it revolves more around the knitting. Does that help? :)

    2. A bit, thank you. At least it is something that bit different and will put me in mind of the Knit and Natter group who meet in our local library and recently completed a wonderful knitted nativity scene.

  5. This sounds right up my mother in law's alley Melissa! I'll have her start at the beginning maybe though, then she'll have a whole series to get caught up on:)

    1. I have a feeling she would enjoy it from the beginning. I'm curious about it myself.

  6. I love cozy mysteries because they are just 'easy' to read. Non stressful. It's too bad this wow you, but I'm glad you still enjoyed it.

  7. Glad you were able to come into this without feeling too lost or confused.

    1. Not at all, really. :) But then I'm used to reading certain genres out of order. :)

  8. I know what you mean about picking up a cozy down the road, sometimes it works fine and sometimes it doesn't

  9. Bummer about the mystery but so glad it worked jumping in mid series. I love the title

  10. It does sound like a nice balance. I really need to read more cozies in 2016.

  11. Hmm, not enough for me to buy it, happy it was okay for you though.

  12. A shame that you didn't get into this one as much as you hoped, not reading the other books in the series will do that to you. At least you gave it a go!


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