
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Blog Tour with Giveaway: Shadows Strike by Dianne Duvall

This is a series I love and I'm so happy to be part of a great tour for the book. Tomorrow I'll have the review of this book! Now to the blogpost by Dianne Duvall! Welcome Dianne!!

Top 5 Reasons Immortal Guardians make the Best Book Boyfriends

Thank you so much for joining me today! I’m very excited to be here at Books and Things, celebrating the release of SHADOWS STRIKE, the sixth book in my Immortal Guardians series. (If you’re new to the series, don’t worry. The books can be read as stand alones. You’ll just be more familiar with the secondary characters if you read them in order.) Today I thought I would give you a little insight into my powerful Immortal Guardians by naming five reasons they make the best book boyfriends.

1. They love strong women.

“Beautiful, brave and possessed of violent tendencies.  I like her.” 
Marcus, Darkness Dawns

“Are you sure I can't talk you into leaving this old sod and running away with me? I do so love strong women. ”
Étienne, Night Reigns 

“You’re a strong, beautiful woman who knows her way around a blade.  I find that” — he drew in a deep breath as his eyes traveled over her with a heat that scorched her — “incredibly appealing.”
Étienne, Darkness Rises

“You’re beautiful, you’re smart, you think quickly in a crisis, and you kick ass.  Do you have any idea what a desirous combination that is?”
—Ethan, Shadows Strike

2. They like to laugh and tease.

Adira toddled toward Seth, touching each man’s knee on the way.

Seth bent and scooped her into his arms, kissing her cheek, then blowing raspberries in her chubby neck rolls. Giggles filled the air as she squirmed against him, leaning back and clutching him tighter all at the same time.

How he loved this baby girl.

“I don’t know about you,” Chaahk said, “but I’m feeling a little rebuffed.”

“Why,” Seth asked with a laugh, “because I didn’t blow raspberries in your neck?”

Aidan and Imhotep laughed.

Shaking his head, Chaahk motioned to Adira. “Why doesn’t she smile at us like that?”

Seth shrugged. “I’m prettier.”
Shadows Strike

3. They’re fiercely protective of those they love.

“No one will harm you, Heather,” he vowed.  “They would have to go through me first.”
She smiled.
She gave him a titillating once-over.  “You’re hot when you’re all tough and protective.”
He grinned.  “Stop tempting me.  Chris is on his way, so I need to keep my head.”
—Ethan and Heather, Shadows Strike

4. They kick ass.

Lisette gasped as Zach tore through the vampires like a tornado.

Holy sh**, he’s fast! Richart thought and took a step forward, his fascinated gaze glued to the tempest below.

It didn’t take long.

Zach stilled in the center of the pack, knees bent, blades dripping, face marbled with blood.  Seven vampires sank lifelessly to the ground, their bodies spread around him like the petals of a flower, as the virus went to work and they began to shrivel up like mummies.
Night Unbound

5. You just never know what they’re going to say.

"All right.  All right.  Settle down.  We're all glad Sarah stabbed Bastien in the ass."
Seth, Phantom Shadows

“What did you think I would do? Ask her if I could braid her hair after we gave each other facials and painted our toenails?”
Marcus, Night Reigns

“For some reason, admitting that makes me feel like a naughty school boy caught peeking up his teacher’s skirt.”
Bastien, Phantom Shadows

“I thought I felt a disturbance in the force.”
—Aidan, Shadows Strike

“I did not need to see that.  I mean I really did not need to see that.  Jenna, honey, grab one of my daggers and poke out both my eyes.”

—Richart, Night Unbound

Ah can you see why I love this series so much? Love those quotes. :D
Now for the giveaway deets and the info for the newest book:

Giveaway Details:
One winner – $50 Amazon Gift Card*
One winner – $20 Amazon Gift Card*
One winner – Signed book (winner’s choice) from author’s back list.
Just fill out the rafflecopter form below:

About the Book:
Shadows Strike
(Immortal Guardians #6)
by Dianne Duvall
Paperback/eBook, 320 pages
Expected publication: August 25th 2015 by Zebra
ISBN 1420129821

The Immortal Guardians protect the innocent in secret. Sometimes the secret gets out...

U.S. law enforcement agent Heather Lane can read minds. But not the future. The dream of battle and blood that recurs every night must be a fluke, some obscure terror from her own mind. What its significance might be, she can’t guess: an attack from seven psychotic vampires at once, only separated from nightmare by an eighth very different immortal. A handsome, brave man fighting at her side, a man she misses when she wakes.

Then the dream comes true. Heather is flung into a war between predators and protectors of humanity, the man from her dreams beside her again. Except now that she’s awake, she isn’t sure she can trust Ethan, or the shadow organization he represents. The U.S. military doesn’t trust either of them. But against an onslaught of evil like the one that’s coming, it will take everything they have just to survive...

Order Links: (it's out today!!)
Barnes & Noble -

Previous Books in the Series:
Book 1, Darkness Dawns -
Book 2, Night Reigns -
Book 3, Phantom Shadows -
Book 3.5, In Still Darkness -
Book 4, Darkness Rises -
Book 5, Night Unbound -

About the Author:

Dianne Duvall is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Immortal Guardians paranormal romance series and The Gifted Ones series. Her books have twice been nominated for the RT Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Vampire Romance and are routinely deemed Top Picks by RT Book Reviews, The Romance Reviews, and/or Night Owl Reviews. Reviewers have called Dianne's books "utterly addictive" (RT Book Reviews), "fast-paced and humorous" (Publishers Weekly), "extraordinary" (Long and Short Reviews), and "wonderfully imaginative" (The Romance Reviews).

Dianne loves all things creative. When she isn't writing, Dianne is active in the independent film industry and has even appeared on-screen, crawling out of a moonlit grave and wielding a machete like some of the vampires she has created in her books. 

For the latest news on upcoming releases, contests, and more, please visit You can also find Dianne online . . .

Giveaway and content Sponsored by:
For complete tour dates and more information and chances to win the prize go to the tour page HERE 


  1. Happy Release Day!! Love the top 5 reasons:)

  2. YESSSSSSSSS! I love this series so much Melissa! I'm slightly behind, I need to read Lisette's still. I'm trying to wait patiently for Seth's book. I love him something fierce, but I know he'll be last:)

    1. I hope you'll like Lisette's book, Jenny! And it's looking like Seth's book won't end the series. It will just end this particular story arc. Then the series will go in a new direction. :-)

      (Psst. I've found Seth's heroine, so I don't think his book is too far down the line now.)

  3. I've been seeing this one around a lot lately and it looks so good!

    1. It is good! The review will be up tomorrow.

    2. I hope you'll like it if you give it a read, Kindlemom! And thanks so much, Melissa, for reviewing it! :-)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for joining us, Brandi! I hope we peaked your interest! :-)

  5. I have been reading some great reviews for this series, and I definitely need to take the plunge and check it out for myself.

    1. Do eet! You so need this series in your life!

    2. If you do, I hope you'll have fun with my immortals! :-)

  6. Oh I really need to try a book by this author one day, thanks for sharing§

  7. They sound like men that I would like to meet..and marry :D

  8. Oh my! Where can I find one of these

  9. Love this! Thank you for hosting Dianne today. I hope that your readers enjoy SHADOWS STRIKE - out today! Happy Reading ☺

  10. LOL at stabbing him in the ass. That's too funny. I do need to give these a go some day :)

    1. I admit that's one of my favorite quotes from the whole series. :-)

  11. I love the humor and camaraderie Duvall brings to these characters and series

    1. Thank you! I'm having so much fun writing these characters. :-)

  12. Love the sound of this one Melissa. And the Book Boyfriend list... spot on! Thanks for sharing!

    Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

    1. Thanks for joining us, Naomi! So glad you liked it! :-)

  13. I love this post-all the quotes are great! And I love that the author says Seth's story is coming pretty soon-it's the one I have been waiting for :)

    1. Thanks, Lorna! I did just recently find Seth's heroine, so his story is not too far away now. I hope you'll enjoy it! :-)


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